Sort file:- Woolwich, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 27 April, 2024.


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Latest ????

40 Warwick Street



Project 2014 has been started to try and identify all the pubs that are and have ever been open in Kent. I have just started to map out the pubs that exist or existed in Woolwich, but need local knowledge and photographs, old and current if you have any.

As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation. Every email is answered and all information referenced to the supplier.

This page will be updated as soon as further information is found.


From the Kentish Gazette, 8 February 1848.


The apprehension of a gang of burglars, well known to the police of the various divisions, took place on Thursday at Woolwich under very singular circumstances. Some three weeks since Mr. Colvill, of the "Albion Tavern," Woolwich, was robbed of nearly £170., by three man, who, under the pretence of writing a private letter in one of the rooms up-stairs, contrived to break open the drawers, and escape with the money, the whole of which, with the exception of about £30., was in sovereigns. The police used every exertion to detect the offenders, but up to yesterday not the slightest clue was obtained that could lead to their detection. Yesterday, however, it was communicated to the police that the gang intended to rob the house of Mr. Nould, of the "Powerful," Warwick-street. Four policemen were accordingly stationed in the house, and on the arrival of the parties, who were recognized by their suspicious practices, the whole party were taken into custody, together with a man named Brunton, residing in Woolwich, who was charged with inciting the rest to commit the robbery. They gave the names of John Flowers, William Johnson, and William Mayhew, of Brighton. They were remanded for further inquiries.


Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper, Sunday 27 February 1848.

Extraordinary Capture and Committal of a Notorious Gang of Burgers.

At the Woolwich Police-court on Saturday last, William Mayhew, described as a gentleman, living at Brighton, W. Johnson, alias Montroe, alias Jim the Greek, a well-known cracksman, and J. Flower, the keeper of the beer shop in Barnsley Street, Mile End, were placed at the bar before Mr. Trail, the sitting magistrate, for final examination, charged with having committed a burglary at the "Powerful Inn," Warwick Street, Woolwich; and J. Burnton, a greengrocer, in Albion Street, Woolwich, was charged with aiding them in the commission of the felony.

The case excited the greatest interest, in consequence of its being suspected that the prisoners are the parties who have been concerned in the very numerous robberies that have of late been committed in the district.

The evidence, which was very volumus, went to prove that on the 22nd of last month Burnton went to a beer shop, kept by a man named Duffill, and after drinking a pint of beer asked the landlord to step out with him, as he wanted to speak with him. Duffill did so, and when they got as far as Warwick Street, Burnton said, "Would a thick one or two be convenient this cold weather?"

Duffill said, "I do not understand" when Burnton rejoined, "Can you tumble?" Meaning, understand.

Duffill said no, and Burnton and said, "Do you know anyone that has any dust?

Duffill said, "I know not what you mean."

Burnton then went on to state that he had been concerned in stealing £170 from an innkeeper in the town, named Covill, and offered to let Duffill go regulars in any job he could put the gang up to, and pointed out the grocer, named Oliver, whose house they have fixed upon for a crack. They then party, but on several subsequent occasion; at each of which Burnton bound Duffill to secrecy.

On the Sunday following, Duffill called upon Mr. Covill, who had been robbed, and also the grocer whom it was proposed to rob, and they all went to the police, who advised that Duffill should seem to give his consent, and fix upon the "Powerful Inn," as the scene of their depredations.

On the next day, Burnton again called on Duffill, who told him what he had been instructed, adding, that it must be done before Friday. Burnton then asked him about several others in the town, and if they were worth robbing.

They ultimately came to London, and went to Flower's beer shop, where he was introduced to Flower and Montroe, who fixed upon the next day to do the job, and they said they should allow Duffill and Burnton £10 a Piece if £100 was got, and arranged to meet the next day at the "Trafalgar," Woolwich, which they did. The police were previously stationed at the "Powerful," in such a position as to have a view of the bedroom; some also at the "Trafalgar," to identify the parties when they came.

At the hour appointed Duffill went and met Flower, Montroe, and the prisoner Mayhew, who was to be one of the party.

They then arranged that Duffill should go and get Mr. Mould, the landlord of the "Powerful", out for a walk, and bring him past there, which was the signal for them to go and commit the robbery.

This was done; but Duffill and Mould went back to the "Powerful", and having entered by the back way, and found that Montroe was upstairs, a preconcerted signal was given, and the police downstairs rushed from their hiding place and captured Mayhew and Flower, whilst the officers upstairs took Montroe just as he was entering the bedroom with a skeleton key.

Upon the officers entering the coffee room, where they took Flower, they found he had thrown a handkerchief containing a number of skeleton keys into the fire.

After some resistance, the whole party will locked up, and upon Flower's house in London being searched, skeleton keys and various burglarious instruments, most ingeniously concealed, found.
The evidence being of a most conclusive nature, the depositions were taken and the prisoners fully committed to take their trial at the next sessions of the Central Criminal Court.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 21 June 1862.

Transfer of Licences.

The "Powerful," Warwick-street, from Henry Holmes to William H. Beauchamp.





NOULD Mr 1846+

SATER Edward 1852-Aug/53

PLANT Charles Aug/53-58+

HOLMES Henry to June/1862

BEAUCHAMP W H June/1862+

DUCKER David 1866-74+

TUCKER William 1882+

Last pub licensee had ADAMS Albert J 1891-04+ (widower age 47 in 1901Census)

COLBY Robert 1911+

GOMM George 1919+




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-