Page Updated:- Sunday, 12 September, 2021.


Earliest ????

Prince of Wales

Open 2020+

158 Mottingham Road


020 8857 4319

Prince of Wales 1936

Above photo, 1936. Kindly sent by Matt Minch.

Prince of Wales 1955

Above photo, 1955.

Prince of Wales 2016

Above photo, 2016.

Prince of Wales sign 1985

Above sign 1985.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 5 August 1890.


Walter Creamer and Leonard Creamer, residing at Mottingham, were charged with assaulting and beating Albert Smith, at Mottingham, on the 19th July.

The defendant Walter pleaded guilty, and his brother not guilty.

Prosecutors said in company with a friend he went into the "Prince of Wales" public house on the 19th inst. Whilst there he saw the defendant's have a conversation. They went outside, and on returning defendants pulled off their coats and wanted to fight. He refused, when Walter Creamer struck him in the mouth, and he having a pipe in his mouth at the time, one of these teeth was broken. As he was going out of the door the defendant Leonard struck him, causing his forehead to bleed.

Prosecutor called the companion who was with him, who said, however, that he did not see a blow struck by Leonard Creamer

Defendants called witnesses, who said that they did not see Leonard strike prosecutor, but that the blow which he got on the forehead was caused by his hitting himself whilst trying to get out of the door to get away.

The defendant Walter, who had pleaded guilty, said the reason why he struck the prosecutor was in consequence of a "row" they had had on the previous Wednesday.

The defendant Walter was fined 40s. and 8s costs, and the defendant Leonard was fined £1 and 12s costs.


Swindon Advertiser and North Wilts Chronicle 20 July 1895.


At Bromley (Kent) Alfred Edward Whittle, 28, described as a clerk, of 29, Algernon road, Lewisham, and Henry George Barker, horse-dealer, Cambridge Street, Wolverton, Bucks, were charged with stealing a bulldog, value £20, the property of Frank Craig. Both prisoners pleaded not guilty. Mr. W. H. Barnett, landlord of the "Prince of Wales," Mottingham, called as witness, said Mr. Craig lodged at his house, and at present was away in the country on an engagement. It appears the prisoners were two of a party of four who called at his house, and shortly afterwards it was reported to him that Mr. Craig's bulldog, which had been presented to him by Mr. Hulse, of Nottingham, and was a pedigree dog, having captured several first prizes, was taken away by Barker. Mounting his bicycle he overtook the men, who were in a governess car, at the "Queen's Hotel," Chislehurst, and there he saw the dog tied by an handkerchief in the car. Barker said it had followed him. A servant at the "Prince of Wales" saw from a bedroom window Barker whistling to the dog, and then he lifted the dog and went off with it. Mr. Gregory submitted in defence that the dog was taken for a lark, the prisoner being out for the spree. The magistrates fined Barker £5 and costs. Whittle was fined £2 and costs, the amounts being paid.


Bexley Heath and Bexley Observer, Friday 6 September 1895.

The "Coffee Cooler," and the "Prince of Wales."

Inspector Lee, of the Lee subdivision, reported that in consequence of a complaint which had been made on Sunday 31st May, he visited the "Prince of Wales" public house, Mottingham, and found in a shed adjoining the premises, 11 men and 4 women, the latter seated in chairs. Frank Craig, more popularly known as the "Coffee Cooler," and another man of colour, were stripped to the waist and were fighting with boxing gloves. The landlord was not there at the time, but subsequently came in, and then informed him that Craig was training for a boxing contest, and allowed people to watch him trying train. Some others present were neighbours, but all of them lived within the three-mile limit. No beer was being served. The facts were reported to the commissioners, who directed that the matter should be laid before the Justices. The house of been well conducted since, and he believe the "Coffee Cooler" had left.

The Bench expressed the hope that this would not occur again, and granted the licence.


Bromley & District Times 30 August 1895.

On Monday next, Frank Craig (Coffee Cooler) returns to his old training quarters (the "Prince of Wales," Mottingham), to get fit for his engagement with Dan Creedon (Middle Weight Champion of Australia.)


Sporting Life 10 November 1896.


On Friday last in the columns of the Sporting Life a full account of the training of both men was given. Willie Smith, who had placed himself under the wing of a well-known North-country sportsman, at the wish of the latter gentleman located himself at Morecambe Bay. His work was generally superintended by Charley Mawson and the famous pedestrian, William Cummings, and a sound commonsense method of living resulted in the Shoreditch lad getting himself into the best possible condition. During the last three weeks he has put in a lot of hard work, and was reported as fit as the proverbial fiddle by those in charge. He has been favoured with good weather, and the bracing air of the Lancashire coast has suited him immensely. Solly, as we have mentioned before, made Mr. Barnett's comfortable hostelry, the "Prince of Wales," Mottingham, Kent, his head-quarters, and although the weather has not been too favourable for training operations, and has limited his open-air pursuits, he has had the advantage of a splendid gymnasium, with all the requisites at hand. E. C. Dealing has proved a most faithful attendant, and his efforts were rewarded by seeing his charge strip in the pink of condition when they attended the venue of the match for the purpose of weighing in which was fixed for two o'clock yesterday afternoon, in the presence of a select muster, .....


Sporting Life 09 January 1897.


For the same evening as the Palmer and Stanton match Mr. Fleming has arranged a fifteen rounds contact between the above. On any other occasion such an event as this would be watched with more than an ordinary amount of interest, but clashing with so important a struggle as that previously mentioned will tend to deprive it of that degree of attention which it richly deserves. The coloured man has selected Mr. Barnett's, the "Prince of Wales," Mottingham, near Eltham, Kent, for his training quarters, while Daley is located at Brighton, and both are at this early stage in excellent fettle.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 22 November 1912.


FIXTURES. Thursday, November 28th ---

Smoking Concert, "Prince of Wales," Mottingham.

Speaker: Mr. F. L. Davies, 7.45 p.m.


Athletic News 15 October 1928.



NOVICE RACES, OCTOBER 20. (No Entry Fees.)


5 Mile Unattached Novices' Road Walk.

Entries to A. H. PATEMAN, 38, Sheriff-road,

Hampstead, N.4.

4 Mile Unattached Novice Cross country Race.

Entries to A. J. HUNT.

36, Hitnefield-road, Streatham, S.W.16.


From the Anchor, (house magazine for Barclay, Perkins Anchor Brewery) Volume X, No.1 January 1930.


The ANCHOR MAGAZINE has probably established a record in its progressive circulation.

Starting with the comparatively small figure of 2,000 copies per issue, the actual number of copies distributed as from this issue is - 4,530.

As one of our readers, Mrs E A Gilbert, of the "Prince of Wales," Mottingham, London SE writes:- "I quite enjoy reading your Magazine."


From the Anchor, (house magazine for Barclay, Perkins Anchor Brewery) Volume XVIII, No10, October 1938.


We regret to record the death of Mrs. Eleanor Gilbert of the Dartford Brewery's "Prince of Wales," Mottingham, Kent. Mrs. Gilbert has been in the house since 1905.


From 18 May 2012 by Nikki Jarvis.

Pub regulars go from pork scratchings to Piggy film fame.


Regulars and bar staff in a Mottingham pub probably thought they’d become film stars when pigs sprout wings and learn to fly.

And in a sense, they’d have been right.

Thanks to the incredible talent of one filmmaker and his crew, low budget movie Piggy – filmed partly in The Prince of Wales – has soared to success, putting this boozer and its customers on the map.

After enjoying a greatly successful cinema premiere earlier this month, the brutal and gritty yet “dreamy” revenge film was released on DVD on Monday.

Filmed around North Kent, Mottingham and London, Piggy is the brainchild of Kieron Hawkes, 34, and was produced by former tiler Danny Potts, 39.

Vibe caught up with the up-and-coming duo this week.

“I didn’t expect it to be in the cinema at all – it’s my first film and we made it for nothing, but I don’t think the movie looks like that.” Kieron said.

“The film is about a young guy called Joe who’s a bit of a recluse, scared of the world, of modern-day London.

“His brother’s been away, comes back and he’s his only place of solace – the only person he really speaks to.

“His brother gets murdered in a really pointless pub argument that escalates as they do.”

Piggy, an old friend of Joe’s brother, visits Joe a few days later and the two strike up a friendship leading to “chaos and disaster.”

He manipulates Joe into believing revenge is the only way forward.

“They start stalking the people who did it.” Kieron added.

“It’s not a simple figment of imagination, there’s no Fight Club reveal – but it definitely plays with the idea of what’s real and what’s not.”

Kieron was able to attract an impressive list of British actors to join the cast of Piggy including Martin Compston and Paul Anderson.

The Prince of Wales features during the argument scenes which lead to Joe’s brother’s murder.

Kieron added: ““It was really good fun - the pub was great.

“A lot of the regulars were in the background.

“Some of the bar staff in the film were actual bar staff from the pub – with low budget filmmaking you need everyone’s help as much as possible.

“I think it’s fantastic for the community, filmmaking is exciting to be around.

“People on the estate were coming out to look when we were shooting – it’s a little bit of magic.”

Piggy is the first film Kieron has written and directed, although this isn’t for want of trying.

He added: “It’s not a film I would have written had I got other scripts produced.

“I tend to write more art house stuff but I couldn’t get anything funded, I tried for many years.

“So I stood back, looked at films being made and realised they were violent ones.

“Like Dead Man’s Shoes (Shane Meadows) it’s a revenge movie but Piggy is much more stylistic.

“British films tend to be more kitchen-sinky and grounded in reality which is fantastic but people like Shane Meadows already doing it amazingly.

“Piggy is more stylised, less grounded.

“It’s still gritty but it’s almost like a dream.”

Danny, from Mottingham, instantly fell in love with the script and teamed up with Leo Pearlman from Fulwell 73 productions to produce the movie.

“It means absolutely everything to me.” Kieron continued.

“I’ve wanted to do this since I was a child as far as I can remember.

“They had the faith in me and gave me carte blanche.

“It was an absolute dream come true – incredible.”

Piggy is available on DVD at HMV, Sainsbury’s, Asda and Morrisons.

Follow the film on Twitter @PiggyTheFilm

Piggy fiilm poster

Interview with producer Danny Potts.

Tell me about your role as a producer, what does it entail?

My role as producer was, firstly, to raise enough money so we could make Piggy, then basically beg, borrow and negotiate my way around.

Finding free or cheap locations was tough as our budget was fairly low.

It was a challenge but we managed to pull it off.

What drew you to the film Piggy?

I worked with Kieron on my last film Turnout which he edited. I saw how much he wanted to write and direct his own film.

He sent me Piggy which instantly I loved and agreed to make it for him.

How come you went from being a tiler to a film producer?

I had no intentions of ever producing films, it all happened by chance.

A good friend of ours Neil Maskell had written a short film which I said I would fund it for him.

While filming I meet George Russo who was playing the lead.

He gave me a script he had co-wrote called Turnout which we made on a shoestring in south east and east London.

It was there I met Leo Pearlman from Fulwell 73 productions who I teamed up with to make Piggy. We’re now looking at making another one, on a larger scale this year, called Drawing Dead - a poker based film with a great twist.

What do you like about the job?

For me it's about the planning and organising behind the scenes.

You would never know how much hard work and time goes into it.

Also it's something I never dreamed of doing and certainly beats putting tiles on the walls of building sites.

Tell me about the ups and downs of producing Piggy – were there any memorable/funny moments?

I loved producing Piggy but obviously problems do arise which we have to sort out on a daily basis like a sudden turn of bad weather, have we enough time on the days schedule, having locations cancel on the day of filming etc.

It's these kind of problems which are out of our control and the exciting part of doing this job is working out, under intense pressure, how we resolve them.

And of course seeing the finished film for the first time is definitely a day to remember.

Tell me about the local places you filmed, which scenes did you film in Mottingham? What was going on in the scenes? Were people crowding around to watch or were people from the community involved in the scenes?

We filmed in the Prince of Wales on Mottingham Road and on the estate to the back of the pub, the funny thing is that the pub in the day is normally dead and that’s one of the reasons we decided to use it as a location but once people knew about us filming there it was busy.

In one way this helped us as we needed loads of extras but in another way it didn’t help as the pub remained open to the regulars and after 12 hours filming for the day you can imagine one or two people may have had too much to drink for the film to be their priority.

What are your hopes for the future?

We are currently working on our next film, Drawing Dead, a poker based thriller written by Kieron and Gabe Turner.

I am busy raising funds for that which is due to shoot in September. After that who knows?

That’s another reason I love this job, you don’t know what’s coming next. As long as I’m making films I’m happy.

Do you think this project could put the area on the map? If so, what do you think it would mean to the area?

More than anything I hope the film draws attention to the creative talent that exists in this area.

The centre of London is so close but seems a long way away to a lot of young people with ability but few opportunities who live in the suburbs.

I want to try and make people who work at the hub of the business see what they have to offer.



BUSSEY Robert Joshua Aug/1866+

BARNETT W H Mr 1895-97+

WESTLAKE Benjamin 1903+ Kelly's 1903

GILBERT Eleanor A Mrs 1905-38 dec'd


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
