Sort file:- Sidcup, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 25 June, 2024.


Earliest 1868

Railway Tavern

Latest 1970

(Name to)

10 Alma Road


Railway Tavern 1900

Above photo 1900.

Railway Tavern 1902

Above photo showing the pub decorated in celebration for the Coronation of King Edward VII on 9 August 1902.

Railway Tavern 1955

Above photo, 1955.


The pub was built in the year 1868 and remained with this name till 1970 when it changed to the "Alma."

The second licensee Mr. Preston was responsible for building the billiard room on the side of the pub some time after 1897.


As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation.


Thanet Advertiser, Saturday 8 October 1898.

Dartford. Publican loses his licence through drunkenness.

A sensation was created by the decision of the licensing justice's at Dartford, last week, in an application for a renewal of his licence by Francis John Ford, landlord of the "Railway Hotel," Sidcup, one of the largest and most commodious hotels on the South Eastern line.

The Justices since the regular annual licensing day had a notice of objection served on the applicant, on the grounds that he had been convicted of drunkenness at the Greenwich Police Court last February.

Mr. Ford, in addition to being landlord of the hotel, was also a traveller for the Deptford Distillery, and the hotel in Sidcup was carried on by his wife and daughters. It was admitted by the police that the house was conducted in a a most respectable manner.

Mr Lawless, barrister, stated that Mr. Ford had been to a birthday party on the occasion which formed the subject of the objection, and had unfortunately, taken more drink then was good for him. He urged that the offence under the circumstances should not entail the very serious penalty of fortitude of his licence. Mr. Ford expressed his very great regret for what had taken place, and there were present several of the most respectable inhabitants of Sidcup, who would, if necessary, speak to the excellent character of the house.

The Chairman of the Bench (Mr. Thomas Bevan) said the court felt that a man who had a licence should be above reproach as a sober man, and they would not be doing their duty if they renewed the licence. Mr. Ford has been in the house about a year and a half, and has the lease for 10 years.

The effect of the decision, it is considered, and entails a loss upon him of something like £10,000.

Mr. Ford has since lodged an appeal against the magistrates' decision. In the district much sympathy is expressed for Mr. Ford, who is very popular.




PRESTON Henry 1868-74+


FORD Francis John 1898+

GILL Thomas H 1903+ Kelly's 1903

FAIRCLOTH William Henry 1911-18+ (age 56 in 1911Census)

FAIRCLOTH Leonard H 1922+

WORDSWORTH Charles E 1930-38+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-