Sort file:- Greenwich, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 05 December, 2024.


Earliest 1832-

Ship and Billet

Latest 2004-

(Name to)

1 Woolwich Road


Ship and Billet 1850s

Above engraving 1850s. The above picture was from an advertisement kindly sent by David Ramzan.

Ship and Billet garden 1850s

Above is obviously their garden area.

Ship and Billet 1908

Above postcard, circa 1908.

Ship and Billet 1950

Above photo, 1950.

Ship and Billet

Above photo, date unknown.

Above photo 4 June 2009, by Ewan Munro.

Ship and Billet 2011

Above photo January 2011 by Stephen Harris.


From the Kentish Gazette, 21 February 1843.


An inquest was held on Wednesday last, at the "Ship and Billet," on the body of Mrs. Hannah Beale, the wife of Mr. Joshua Beale, of East Greenwich, engineer. Mr. Joseph Appleton, of the Trafalgar-road, surgeon, deposed that he was sent for on Monday afternoon, in a hurry, to attend on the deceased; that he found her in the bed-room, partially undressed, sitting on a chair, supported by her family, and quite dead; he made the usual inquiries as to how she was first seized, &c; Mr. Beale and his daughter suggested the probability of the deceased having taken some essence of bitter almonds, which was in the house, and thereby caused her death, and search was directly made for the bottle; after some time, it was found in a drawer in the bed-room, in the pocket of the dress of the deceased; he instantly made the necessary examination, to endeavour to find if such was the case, but could not discover the slightest smell, which, if it had been used, must have been easily detected; he could not account for the precise death of the deceased without a post-mortem examination; at the same time, he saw nothing to lead him to suppose that she had died otherwise than from natural causes. The servant, having examined the bottle, was of opinion that a small quantity was missing from it; she stated that the essence was used to flavour pies and puddings, but that her mistress had often cautioned her to be very careful in the use of it, as one drop taken pure would kill. Several of the jury having stated that many rumours were abroad that the deceased had poisoned herself, it was, after considerable discussion, decided upon having a post mortem examination, by Mr. Appleton and Mr. Keeble, and the inquest was adjourned.

On Friday evening it was resumed, and the following written statement of the result of the examination, and opinion as to the cause of death, was handed in:- We have made a careful examination of the body, and find the liver diseased, and an effusion upon the brain, which appearances, joined with what we have learnt of her previous complaints, we fully believe sufficient to account for death. We submitted the contents of the stomach to a careful analysis, and the result gave us no indications to prove the presence of oil of kernels.— Signed, Joseph Appleton, Henry Keeble, Robert Hicks."

The professional gentlemen underwent a close examination by the coroner, and the jury ultimately returned a verdict of "Died from serous apoplexy." West Kent Guardian.


West Kent Guardian 16 January 1847.

BREWER v. PATTEN. Assault.

In this case the parties are neighbours, residing near the "Ship and Billet," Woolwich road, and on the day named in the summons it appeared the wife of the defendant and the complainant had a "few" words respecting their honesty and station in society, which led to the assault.

The complainant, in detailing his grievance stated that he was quietly sitting in his mother’s shop dressing her front, when the defendant walked in and struck him in the face.

In answer to questions put by the magistrates, he stated the cause of quarrel between himself and Mrs. Pattern to be a doubt existing as to who stood best in the rent role of the landlord.

Mrs. Frances Martin, a neighbour, was called to corroborate this statement, and in answer to a question put by the magistrate, she admitted hearing the compliant tell Mrs Patten to close her "tater trap."

Mr. Traill— I suppose you mean her mouth?

Witness:- Yes, sir.

Mr. Traill:— Did you see the defendant strike the complainant?

Witness:— Yes, sir.

The defendant being called on for his defence, admitted going to the shop of the complainant, but denied the blow.

Mr. Traill:— Two witnesses have sworn you did, but as I think the conduct of the complainant was not strictly right I shall not fine. You must pay 2s., the costs of the summons, and enter into your recognizance to keep the peace for the next three months.


From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 29 December, 1855.

From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 12 January, 1856.



"The Old House at Home."

Every Article of the best quality.


From a local publication 1859 November.

Sir John Falstaff, Lower Water-gate, Deptford. Messrs. Austin and bird will Sell Auction, on the above Premises, on Thursday next, Dec. 1, at 13 for I. In consequence of the house being about to be palled down, all the excellent FIXTURES and EFFECTS, consisting of bedsteads, bedding, chests of drawers, carpeting, and the usual bed-room furniture, modern bar fittings, metal-top counter, 6-motlon beer-engine, spirit piping, tips, casks, and a large assortment of trade utensils; dob-room, parlour, and tap-room furniture, comprising mahogany tables, chairs, sofa, chimney glasses, &c., in good condition; kitchen and cellar requisites, nearly new; summer-house, fitted to roof of premises; painted drinking-boxes and tables, gas fittings, blinds, bells, stoves, &c. throughout house, together with all the usual appointments of a public-house. On view; and Catalogues five days before the sale, on the premises; at the principal Inns in Deptford; and at the Auctioneers' Office, 131, Southwark - bridge-road, S.E. Nov 1859.


The building today has either been rebuilt or was extensively renovated just after 1859.

I am informed that the pub changed name to the "Duchess of Greenwich" but that closed in 2017 and is now called the "Thai Tiger" and is more a restaurant than a pub. I also have reference to this pub being called the "Frog and Radiator" in 2004



WOODCOCK William 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

TURNER John 1840+

TYLER Henry to Sept/1852

LOVEGROVE Henry Churchill Sept/1852-58+

BEAGLE James to Jan/1860

TASSELL Thomas Jan/1860-62+

SCOTCHMAN William James Mar/1863

PUGH Lewis Mar/1863-Feb/64

KEARNER James Feb/1864-May/65

AUSTIN Josiah May/1865-66+


WALLIS Alfred Brude 1871 (age 39 in 1871Census)

PARFREY Philip to Nov/1871

MEEKINS Algernon Nov/1871+

NEATE William 1874-82+ (age 58 in 1881Census)

STRINGER Richard T 1891+

STRINGER B G 1896-1901+

DURDEN Charles 1904-11+

BARKER Ernest 1919+

WEBSTER Edward James 1921+

YATES Henry Thomas 1938+



Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-