Sort file:- Woolwich, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 19 June, 2024.


Earliest 1823-

Ship and Half Moon

Latest ????

Rodney Street (Globe Lane 1823Pigot's Directory 1823)(Ship Stairs 1832)(Nelson Street 1866)


1869 map

Above map, 1869. RED "Coach and Horses." MAGENTA "Duke on Horseback." CYAN "George and Dragon." YELLOW "Ship and Half Moon." GREEN "Royal Standard." BLUE "Marquis of Granby. MUSTARD "Three Daws."


I seem to have a variety of different addresses for this pub, and not being local do not know whether they all indeed refer to the same pub. However, the name being rather unique, I am assuming it is the same pub. Local knowledge required here.


The Kentish Mercury of 1908 reported that this held a full license.

As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 22 February 1862.


An inquest was held on Tuesday night at the "Ship and Half Moon," on the body of Charles Durant, aged 40, a painter, employed in the Royal Arsenal, living at 16, Nelson-street, who was taken suddenly ill on returning from his work, and died in an hour. A verdict of "Died from Natural Causes" was returned.


From the Greenwich and Deptford Chronicle and the Woolwich Gazette, Saturday, 17 July, 1869.

Another Disturbing Death At Woolwich.

It is our painful duty this week to record many sad and distressing cases, and not the least amongst them is the untimely death of a young man named William Valencia Saunders, who left his home at 5 o'clock on Monday morning to commence the duties of the week, and shortly afterwards was found a corpse. This young man was but in the spring tide of life, and yet has left a wife still younger to mourn over her early widowhood, and to bring up two small children as yet too young to comprehend the sad, sad loneliness of orphanage.

An inquest was held on Wednesday afternoon at the "Britannia" public house, Henry Street, Woolwich, on the body of William Valencia Saunders, who was accidentally drowned.

John Saunders, draftsman, 10, Oak Street, Woolwich, brother to the deceased, identified the body. He was 24 years of age, married, and a Stoker, living at 38, Henry Street.

Robert Wickham, Waterman, 5, Elizabeth Place, High Street, Woolwich, said he put the deceased on shore on Sunday night, and gave him the keys to enable him to go to work on Monday morning. He saw nothing more of him. On Monday morning he noticed the boat had been unlocked and the sculls loosened, deceased, dinner being on the boat, but he himself was missing.

John Skinner, 57, Church Hill, Woolwich, said he was night watchman on Woolwich Pier. At 5 o'clock in the morning he saw the deceased take his victuals to the boat. He was of opinion that deceased slipped into the river whilst reaching from the raft to the chain to undo the latter. Witness did not hear a splash or cry of alarm. Diseased was perfectly sober when he saw him.

Henry Evans, under waterman, 5, Rodney Street, Woolwich, said he received information of the deceased being drowned. He and his brother dragged the place, and witnessed found him in the 10 feet of water opposite the "Ship and Half Moon Tavern."

The brother was recalled, and said deceased belonged to the Erin Watermans' Steam Packet Company's boat. He left home at 20 minutes to 5 in the morning. He was sober, steady man.

The coroner said that there was no reason to suppose the deceased had committed suicide.

The jury returned an open verdict of "Found Drowned."




BOWEN Evans 1823+ Pigot's Directory 1823

WATERFIELD Thomas 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

PALLETT Fras 1840+

TOWERS Joseph to Jan/1846 Kentish Mercury

WHEATLEY John Benjamin Jan/1846-52+ Kentish Mercury

WATTS Mary Ann to May/1853

HART Charles May/1853-82+

EMERY Walter 1891+ (age 30 in 1891Census)

HART Charles 1896+

HART Henry James 1904-05+

CALEY Ambrose 1908+ Kentish Mercury


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kentish MercuryKentish Mercury


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-