Sort file:- Gravesend, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 18 July, 2024.


Earliest 1850

(Name from)

Somerset Arms

Open 2023+

10-11 Darnley Road


01474 533837

Somerset Arms 1950s

Above photo, 1950s.

Somerset Arms 2008

Above photo 2008 by David Anstiss Creative Commons Licence.

Somerset Arms 2012

Photos taken on 17 May, 2012 from by emdjt24.

Somerset Arms

Photo date unknown from by John Law.

Somerset Arms 2019

Above photo 2019, kindly sent by Ian Goodrick.

Somerset Arms 2020

Above photo 2020, during the Corona virus lock-down, kindly sent by Ian Goodrick.

Somerset Arms sign 1986Somerset Arms sign 2019

Above sign left, March 1986. With thanks from Brian Curtis Sign right, 2019, kindly taken and sent by Tom Duff.

Somerset Arms beermat

Above beermat, date unknown, kindly sent by Mike L.


Open in 1843 as the "Exmouth Arms" the pub changed name in 1850.


From The Era 9 September 1849.

"Somerset Arms," Somerset-street.

Mr. Sharland applied for Sophia Hitchcock, whose house stood near the railway station, and stated that since the opening of the line a great increase had taken place in the number of visitors to the town, for he had heard from the chairman of the South-Eastern Railway, that during the first four weeks after the opening of the line two hundred thousand had availed themselves of that means of communication. His client's premises contained thirteen rooms, and were in every respect suited for a tavern, and if licensed, would afford much accommodation to passengers and servants of the railway company.

License granted.


Kentish Gazette, 22 June 1852.

Gravesend. Robbery.

On Monday morning a robbery was effected at about a quarter past ten o'clock, at the "Somerset Arms" public-house, Somerset Street. The landlady and her sister had gone to Rochester, leaving the house in charge of another sister; and in the cupboard in the bar was the cash box, containing five £5. Bank of England notes, and about £20 in gold and silver, besides various papers. The lady in charge of the house left the bar for a few minutes, and on her return, she missed the cash-box from the cupboard, which had no lock whatever upon it. No clue at present exists, which may lead to the discovery of the thief.


Southeastern Gazette, 22 February 1853. (Gravesend)

Coroner’s Inquest.

On Tuesday evening an inquest was held at the "Somerset Arms," before E. Hilder, Esq., coroner, on the body of J. Middleton, stone mason, who was found dead in a water butt of an empty house, near the Darnley-road. Deceased had before attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat, but as no evidence was forthcoming as to the way in which he was discovered, the jury returned an open verdict of "Found drowned."


From the By Keith Hunt, 10 August 2016.

Martin McFadden avoids jail after glassing landlord at The Somerset Arms in Gravesend.

A thug who glassed a pub landlord has been fined after a judge said he did not want to impede his “valuable” job by imposing unpaid work or a jail term.

Recorder Charles George QC said a curfew was also “not compatible” with the long hours Martin McFadden worked as a tunneller and steel fixer.

“I stress this is an unusual case for a glassing, but it is part of an agreed plea. It is a lower level of offending where a glass is involved,” he said.

Maidstone Crown Court heard licensee Davinder Bains had previously banned McFadden from his pub, The "Railway Bell" in Anglesea Place, Gravesend.

But McFadden went into the bar in February last year and there was an altercation with Mr Bains.

McFadden, who had been drinking heavily, went to The Somerset Arms in Darnley Road and Mr Bains followed.

There was a further row and McFadden, 27, punched the victim while holding a glass of vodka and cranberry juice.

"Consider yourself extremely lucky you are not actually going inside or getting a suspended sentence" - Recorder Charles George QC

“It may be it was thrown,” said Recorder George. “What is clear is the glass was somewhat on the periphery. There was no intention it should cause injury.”

Mr Bains suffered two “fortunately quite small” cuts to his face and did not need hospital treatment.

“I am told he was pretty shocked afterwards,” said the judge. “It took him some time to get over it.”

McFadden, of The Avenue, Gravesend, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm, and was fined £1,000 and ordered to pay the victim £300 in compensation.

Recorder George told the father-of-one: “It appears drink got the better of you at the time of this incident. I am told you have turned over a new leaf.

“You have confined your drinking to weekends. You appear in court looking fit and healthy.

“When there is use of a glass in a public place normally courts would almost automatically impose a custodial sentence. A case could be made that you should serve less than 26 weeks.

“I have come to the conclusion there are certain things that are exceptional. I am not even going to impose a custodial sentence and then suspend it.

“I haven’t the slightest desire to impede you in your valuable work. Unpaid work would lead to financial loss for you. There is no particular purpose in supervision. I stress this is an unusual course for a glassing.

“Consider yourself extremely lucky you are not actually going inside or getting a suspended sentence. I think this is a just sentence in the circumstances.”

McFadden had already served the equivalent of a two-month sentence while on a qualifying curfew.

He was ordered to pay the compensation within two weeks and given six months to pay the fine and £500 towards prosecution costs.



HITCHCOCK Sophia 1849+

MILSTEAD Misses Eliza & Agnes 1855+

MILSTED Mrs 1858+

FRONTIGON James 1861-62+ (age 28 in 1861Census)

YOUNGS G C 1865+

KNIGHT Henry Richard 1874+

SIMMONS William 1881 (age 41 in 1881Census)

HUMPHREY Kezia Mrs 1882+

CURD George Henry 1891-1913+ (age 51 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

TAYLOR Francis 1922+

JOHNSON William G 1930-38+

MUNDAY Mr & Mrs W P 1953+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-