Sort file:- Greenwich, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 28 August, 2024.


Earliest 1823-

Spanish Galleon

Open 2020+

48 Church Street (16 in 1851Census)


020 8858 3664

Spanish Galleon 2012

Above photo 2012.

Spanish Galleon 2019

Above photo 2019.

Spanish Galleon bar 2019

Above photo 2019.

Spanish Galleon sign 2012

Above sign 2012.


The Spanish Galleon was designed and built by Joseph Kay in 1834, in the reign of William IV. However, there must have been another building here with the same name as I have reference to it as far back as 1823, less the above information is incorrect.

The historic building survived the Blitz with minor damage, and was refurbished in 2012 to offer modern facilities while retaining many of its original architectural features.

Popular with tourists visiting the Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site, it’s still a traditional pub which supports the local community too - through sponsorship of the Greenwich Tritons triathletes club.

Edward Walford in his "Old and New London" published about 1881 has in volume 6 page 194. "In Church Street is an inn bearing the very singular title of the "Spanish Galleon." The sign owes its existence in all probability to the fact of its standing so near to the pictures of our naval victories in the Royal Hospital, in which captured Spanish galleons figure somewhat frequently."

Today the pub is situated near to the Cutty Sark.


From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 7 November, 1857.

Francis Gough and W. Clark, two young men moulders, were charged with assaulting J. Evans, potman to Mr. John Stevens, "Spanish Galleon," Church street, and also with having used abusive language and threats to Mr. Stevens himself.

The potman stated that upon attempting to turn the prisoners out consequent upon their abuse to Mr. Stevens they became very troublesome, they were ultimately given into custody.

Mr. John Stevens deposed, that the prisoner, upon entering his premises asserted that the witness had ruined the character of a servant of his, who had recently left for Canada. Mr. Stevens was visibly affected by the charge the prisoners brought against him, which he entirely disproved.

The magistrate fined the prisoner 10s. each for their assault and further bound them down for in £20 each to be of good behaviour for six months.

Mr. Stevens in leaving the court handed half a sovereign to the poor box.




FINLYSON F 1823+ Pigot's Directory 1823

LOCKE J 1826+

LAKE John 1829-40+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

STEVENS John 1851-61+ (age 43 in 1851Census)

ANDREWS George? 1861+ (bricklayer age 23 in 1861Census)

STEVENS John jun 1862-67+

WILSON Edward S 1871-74+ (age 43 in 1871Census)

WILSON Elizabeth J 1881-82+ (widow age 45 in 1881Census)

FLETCHER William 1891

CUTTING Walter 1891+ (age 40 in 1891Census)


DUNGEY Charles 1901-05+ (age 27 in 1901Census)

TURNER Albert Charles 1908-21+

DALZIEL Helen Louise Mrs 1938+

RADWELL Arthur W 1944+


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-