Page Updated:- Tuesday, 05 November, 2024.


Earliest 1954


Latest 2009



Sportsmen locals 1968

Above photo 1968 showing locals (names unknown) in the pub before an outing to Southend.

Sportsman 1978

Above photo date 1978, from by Ben Levick.

Sportsman sign 1978Sportsman sign 1996

Above sign left, 1978, sign right, 1996.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Sportsman location, 2011

Above photo showing the "Sportsman" location as of 2011.


I have reference to a "Sportsman" in Gillingham which may be the same one as this. Local knowledge required please.


This house was built in post-war years to replace a pub with decided naval connections near the Dockyard Main Gate in Chatham (The "Swan" in Wood Street) and was originally named the "Eastcourt Arms." The pub moved in March 1954, but it was renamed in September 1956, in commemoration of the first post-war Olympics held in London in 1948. It's sign shows both it's naval connections and the Olympic symbol.

It is now not only closed, but completely demolished, replaced by a modern looking housing development/flats called 'Saxon Shore House'. I'm still not sure when it closed, or when the new development went up.


Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered. 4 March 2003

Drinkers watch as lorry driver rams their pub.

STAFF and regulars watched in horror as a lorry was deliberately driven into a pub.

Hundreds of pounds of damage was caused to the Sportsman pub in Twydall, Gillingham, in the incident.

Landlord Simon Bell, who only took over the pub eight weeks ago, said: "It was a terrifying experience and we are lucky no one was killed."

Mr Bell said his 18-month-old son was asleep in a room above the pub at the time of the crash.

"My first instinct was to rush to him and my wife Claire to make sure they were alright," he added.

The incident happened at around 10.50pm Sunday. Mr Bell said there had been a disagreement in the bar after which a man said he would be back with a lorry which he would crash into the pub.

He said the man had first tried to drive his lorry into the snug bar but could not negotiate the grass bank in front of the building.

Instead he took the 7.5-ton vehicle into the car park and reversed it twice into the pub wall, demolishing both the wall and a lamppost. Damage to the wall is estimated to be £500.

"The back of the lorry came right up into the bar we are renovating as a sports bar," Mr Bell said. "He did a proper job and took down a lamp post as well.

"We were starting to turn The Sportsman into a nice pub. It had a bit of a bad history, but we got rid of all the drug dealers and were beginning to turn it around.

"The pub has been refurbished in the last eight weeks and now this has happened."

Mr Bell was hoping to be given the full tenancy of The Sportsman on March 12 by The Unique Pub Company, which owns the premises. Now he is not sure if this will happen.

Medway Police were called to the pub but as yet no one has been arrested.

A spokesman for the police said they are continuing with their enquiries and would urge anyone with any information to contact them on 01634 884252.




???? Kath 2002+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
