91 Windmill Street
Above photo, date unknown. Kindly supplied by John Hopperton. |
Above photo 2023, kindly taken and sent by Ian Goodrick. |
Above sign 2023, enhanced slightly, from Ian Goodrick. |
The building is now operating as flats.
From Berrow's Worcester Journal, October 26, 1837.
BANKRUPTS, from Tuesday's Gazette, Oct. 24.
William Killbe & Charles Ludyatt, "Trivoli Tavern," Windmill Hill,
Gravesend, Licensed Victuallers.
From Berkshire Chronicle, December 1, 1849; pg. 4; Issue 1325.
On Saturday afternoon, an inquest was taken before Mr. W. Baker, the
coroner, at the "Jane Shore" public-house, High-street, Shoreditch, on
view of the body of Mr. Chas. Ludyatte, aged 53 year's, a licensed
victualler, and proprietor of the "Tivoli Gardens and Hotel," Windmill
hill, Gravesend, who committed self-destruction. The deceased had been
very low and desponding during the last six months, in consequence of
the business at his gardens being exceedingly bad last summer, and a
sale of his effects was expected to take place to satisfy his land-lord.
His wife was also dangerously ill with dropsy, at Leicester, and the
deceased was in daily expectation of hearing of her death.
The jury
returned a verdict, "That the deceased committed suicide by cutting his
throat with a penknife, while in a state of unsound mind."
Kentish Gazette, 4 December 1849.
Suicide or the Proprietor of Tivoli Gardens and Hotel.
On Saturday afternoon an inquest was taken before Mr. W. Baker, the
coroner, at the "Jane Shore" public-house, High-Street, Shoreditch, on
view of the body of Mr. Charles Ludyatte, aged 53 years, a licensed
victualler, and proprietor of the "Tivoli Gardens and Hotel," Windmill-hill,
Gravesend, who committed self-destruction. The deceased had been very
low and desponding during the last six months, in consequence of the
business at his gardens being exceedingly bad last summer, and a sale of
his effects was expected to take place to satisfy his landlord. His wife
was also dangerously ill with dropsy, at Leicester, and deceased was in
daily expectation of hearing of her death. The jury returned a verdict —
That the deceased committed suicide by cutting his throat with a
pen-knife while in a state of unsound mind.
Morning Herald.
Kentish Gazette, 28 December 1852.
Re Capper. The Tivoli Tavern, Gravesend.
This was the first meeting for the proof of debts and choice of
assignees under the bankruptcy of Henry Capper, of the "Tivoli
Tavern," Windmill-street, Gravesend, licensed victualler.
Mr. Stevens appeared on behalf of the petitioning creditor, Mr.
James Bird, of Milton, upholsterer, whose, debt is £61 17s.
Among the local creditors, who proved on this occasion, were:— Mr.
Charles Field, of Milton, grocer £15 4s. 7d,; Mr. Thomas
Pink, of Northfleet, builder, £40 18s. 6d.; Mr. John James Nickell,
of Gravesend, gentleman, £27; and Mr. Matthew Bevan, of
Gravesend, ironmonger, £35 0s. 1d.; &c., &c.
Mr. James Bird was nominated to act as the trade assignee, and
having accepted the trust, the further proceedings were,
adjourned until the last, examination meeting, on the 22nd of
January next.
The bankrupts protection was renewed until the next sitting, which
is also for the further proof of debts.
Southeastern Gazette, 15 February 1853.
GRAVESEND, KENT. Mr. CHAS. JOHNSON HAS received instructions from
the Assignee of Mr. H. Capper, to SELL by AUCTION, on the premises,
known as the "Tivoli Inn Hotel," Windmill-street, Gravesend, on
Wednesday and Thursday, the 23rd and 24th of February, 1853, at Ten
for Eleven o’clock, each day.
The whole of the excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, linen, china, glass,
pewters, plated goods, tin and copper kitchen utensils, large
marquee, an American bowling alley, arbours, forms, and numerous
miscellaneous effects, the whole of which will be particularized in
catalogues, which may be obtained, five days prior to the sale, on
the premises, and of Charles Johnson, Auctioneer, Valuer, &c., 188,
Parrock-street, Gravesend.
The goods may be viewed on Tuesday from ten till dark.
Southeastern Gazette, 10 May 1853.
Friday. Before J. Saddingion, Esq., Mayor, R, Oakes, C. Spencer, and
E. Tickner, Esqrs.)
The following transfer of licenses took place:-
The "Tivoli" from
Mr. Bird, trade assignee to Mr. Capper's estate, to Mr. Humphries
from London.
Southeastern Gazette, 9 August 1853.
Friday. (Before J. Saddington, Esq., Mayor, R. Oakes, C. Spencer,
and E. Tickner, Esqrs.)
Mr. Humphries, of the "Tivoli Gardens," was summoned for an assault.
James Nightingale, said that on Monday evening he went to the
"Tivoli," and paid sixpence admission. He and his companions went
away, and on his return Mr. Humphries said he would give him his
money back, but would not let him go to the ball-room; but he went
in and stood beside Mr. Humphries in the garden, and saw the
fireworks, and he afterwards went in, and was seen by defendant to
go into the ball-room, where he stopped an hour and upwards.
Defendant after that seized him by the collar, sticking his knuckles
into his throat, and tried to expel him by force, which he resisted,
and said he would not go out without his money was returned.
To Mr. Humphries:— You did not tell me at first that I could not go
into the ball-room; you said nothing for a time, but you afterwards
collared me; did not say all my companions were strong enough to
prevent your putting me out.
Elizabeth Barnes said she was present and saw Mr. Humphries collar
the complainant very roughly without saying anything first, and the
latter refused to go out without having the money returned.
Complainant used no improper language or manner.
To Mr. Humphries:— Saw him trying to resist you but did not see him
bite or kick you.
Mr. Humphries said he saw complainant in the grounds, and told him
he could not allow him to go into the ballroom, and he offered to
return him his money, when he said he would not take it back, that
he only wanted to see the fireworks, and did not want to go into the
ball-room. On finding him in the ball-room he ordered him to leave,
when complainant struck him in the eye (the effects of which were
visible); he then collared him, and was afterwards bit by him, and
the police came into his assistance.
Annie Jordan, defendant’s barmaid, said she took this young man's
money on Monday night; he afterwards went out and returned, when her
master told her to give him back his money, as he could not allow
him to go into the ball-room; whilst turning round to get the money
complainant went into the gardens.
To complainant:— Did not hear you say that you would go and tell
your companions first.
To Mr. Humphries:— The language used by complainant was very coarse.
Mr. Humphries called his waiter, who said he saw complainant at the
ball-room door and afterwards in the ballroom, when defendant told
him two or three times to go out, and he refused without the money
was returned to him. Afterwards Mr. Humphries collared him, and
complainant struck him in the eye, struggled very hard with Mr.
Humphries, and was not removed without very great difficulty.
To complainant:— Did not see defendant strike you in the mouth
before you struck him in the eye.
Another waiter gave somewhat similar evidence.
Police-constable Wickham said he was called in and saw defendant and
complainant struggling; the latter refused to go unless his money
was returned.
To complainant:— I did not hear you make use of any bad expressions.
The Bench intimated that as no condition was made at the time to
prevent his going into the ball-room, the defendant was wrong in
trying to eject him without refunding the money, and ordered him to
pay a fine of 2s. 6d. and costs.
Southeastern Gazette, 13 September 1853.
The renewal of several licenses was adjourned in consequence of the
absence of the landlords.
On Mr. Humphreys, the landlord of the "Tivoli," applying for a
renewal or his license, he, in reply to questions from the bench,
said that a masquerade was to take place at his house that evening ;
the bench expressed their determination to set their faces against
permitting any such scenes of immorality in the town, and refused to
renew the license at any rate on the present occasion.
Southeastern Gazette, 20 September 1853.
This was the adjourned Special Sessions for renewing those licenses,
which, from non-attendance of the landlords of the houses, were
adjourned from Wednesday last.
The license of the "Pope’s Head," West-street, was renewed after a
promise from Mr. Dixon that the disorderly processions of the 5th
and 9th of November should not in any way be connected with his
The license of the "Tivoli Hotel" was also renewed. Mr. Humphreys
undertaking that no more masquerades should be held at his-house.
South Eastern Gazette 18 April 1854.
William Humphreys (sued and committed as W. Humphreyes), formerly of No.
7, Lower Grosvenor-place, Pimlico, Middlesex, out of business or employ; then of No. 66, Castle-Street, Leicester-square, Middlesex, keeping
dining and supper-rooms, and licensed to sell beer and tobacco; then
residing at the "King's Head," Bear-street. Leicester-square aforesaid,
commission agent; then of No 7, Judd-street, Brunswick-square, St.
Pancras, Middlesex, managing a wine and spirit stores at No. 37,
Hunter-street, Brunswick-square aforesaid; and then and late of the
"Tivoli Tavern," Windmill-street, Milton next Gravesend, Kent, licensed
victualler and dealer in tobacco.
Charles Morgan, Maidstone,
Insolvents' Attorney.
South Eastern Gazette, 15 November 1853.
James Humphreys, the landlord of the "Tivoli Hotel," appeared at the
police court on Friday, to answer a summons for having unlawfully
assaulted Mrs. Julia Elizabeth Ruddell, soon after she had left the
court on the previous Wednesday, where she had appeared against the
defendant for abusing her, and for which he had been fined.
Defendant was again fined 1s. and costs 8s. 6d.
Kentish Gazette, 18 April 1854.
Maidstone. COUNTY COURT.
The usual monthly county court was held on Monday and Tuesday, before J.
'Espinassr, Esq. There were 241 original summonses; and 28 after
judgments. They were mostly of the ordinary character, devoid of points
worthy of public notice.
Wm. Humpherys, late of "Tivoli Gardens," Windmill-street, Gravesend,
victualler, appeared to justify bail.
Mr. Arnold, solicitor, Gravesend, opposed on the part of the detaining
creditor, on the ground of the insufficiency of one of the bail, Mr.
Webb, eating-house keeper, 2, Harmer-street. After examination bail was
From the Gravesend Reporter, 9 February, 1856.
Mr Humphrey of the "Tivoli Hotel," then presented himself to the
commissioners and stated that he thought they ought to re-assess his
premises; he was quite willing to pay for his share of rate towards the
lighting and paving of the town, but when he looked at the fact that his
premises were at least two thirds of them, without the boundary, it was
very unjust that he should be called upon to pay £9 a year, and the
greatest benefit he received was, that there was a gas light just 100
yards from the front of his premises. He had not had the least objection
to paying 10s a year towards the expense of having a light, he would do
so willingly, besides paying the usual fee.
In answer to the chairman, as to the expense of a gas light for the
year, the surveyor stated that the contract price was £3 2s a light, and
in addition to this there would be the expense of fixing, etc.
After some discussion, the matter was referred to the general Purpose
Mr. Callerne said, I have rise to give notice of a motion that I shall
make at the next meeting of the Commissioners, viz.
"That it is inexpellent to go to Parliament with the proposed new bill."
KILLBE William & LUDYATT Charles to Oct/1837
EDMEDE James 1840+
LUDYATT Charles 1841-Dec/49 dec'd (age 40 in 1841 )
CAPPER Henry (Owner) 1852-May/1853

BIRD Mr to May/1853

HUMPHREYS William May/1853-56+
South Eastern Gazette