Page Updated:- Monday, 27 February, 2023.


Earliest ????


Closed Mar 2020

Mill Hill / Ratcliffe Highway

Hoo St Werburgh

01634 250254


Above photo date unknown.

Windmill 2018

Above photo 2018.

Windmill sign 2014

Above sign 2014.


Mentioned in an inventory of Budden & Biggs' Steam Brewery, shortly after the 1897 merger of James Budden's wine and spirit business, based in Chatham, with Biggs Brothers' Steam Brewery, Strood. The Windmill Beer House, with 8 acres of meadow land adjoining. Windmill Hill, Hoo, near Rochester.

Ind Coope & Co Ltd purchased the pub and 8 acres of meadow land adjoining from Budden & Biggs Brewery Ltd by conveyance and assignment dated 23 March 1931. The pub held a beer only license.


Gravesend Reporter 30 October 1943.



Two men were standing at the door of a public house during the raid on a South-East district early on Friday morning, when a small bomb fell only a few feet from where they were standing, scattering splinters in all directions. Both men were struck.

One of them was Mr. Thomas Alan Crawford, the Kent cricketer, who formerly played regularly for Kent’s 2nd XI. He sustained a shattered arm. The other was Mr. Frederick George Cullum, aged 53, the licensee of the Inn, who received a splinter in the body. Both men were removed to hospital where Mr. Cullum died from his injuries on Sunday morning. Mr. Crawford is detained in hospital, and whilst his injuries are described as serious, they are not believed to be dangerous.

Mr. Crawford, who is 33 years of age and a farmer. Is a Major in the Home Guard, and Mr. Cullum was a Sergeant serving in the same unit.

The windows of the public house were shattered and the door close to which the two men were standing was blown away from its hinges, whilst the window's of other houses in the immediate neighbourhood were also badly damaged by blast.


CULLEN Frederick George of The Windmill Public House Hoo near Rochoslor died 24 October 1943 at St. Bartholomews Hospital Rochester.

Administration Llandudno 10 December to Dorothy Emily Cullen widow.

Effects £724 11s. 2d.


I am informed that of August 2018 the pub was under sale for an asking price of £119,950.


From the By Amy Nickalls, 25 November 2018.

Four fire engines and 30 firefighters called to roof blaze at The Windmill Pub in Hoo.

Four fire engines, a height vehicle and around 30 fire-fighters attended the a blaze in a pub.

Crews were called at 5.06pm to find the pub in Hoo had already been safely evacuated and no one has been reported injured.

Hose reel jets and Fogspike has been used to tackle the flames.

Red Cross volunteers and Kent Fire and Rescue Services' volunteer response team helped those evacuated with emotional and welfare support.

It is not currently clear how the fire started. Crews stood down at 8.48pm.

Brittany McKenzie was having a family meal at the pub this evening. She said: "The lights went out in our half of the room.

"We thought it was a trip or something and we all had a giggle about it. They came back on and it happened again, three times altogether. Eventually they went out completely.

"There was about 20 of us there and the staff thought it was a long term thing so we left.

"Everyone was calm. The kids were playing with torches and making shadow puppets. People were trying to entertain them to keep them calm and we were having a giggle.

"When we got outside we heard a fizz and then there was a bang and a spark. Everyone jumped back and I must have ran about 10 metres.

"You can't fault the staff. When the lights went out they were so apologetic and offered to make us a plate to take with us."



I believe this pub closed in March 2020 and never reopened again throughout the covid pandemic lockdown.

Planning permission submitted in 2021 has been approved for change of use into an osteopaths.



SIMMONS Tapley 1858-61+ (age 39 in 1961Census)

ALLEN William 1867-74+

ALLEN Mrs Mary Ann 1878+

USHER Thomas H 1881+ (beer retailer age 39 in 1881Census)

USHER Thomas Edward 1882-91+

USHER Thomas Henry 1899-1903+ (age 58 in 1901Census)

HUDSON Edward 1911-13+ (age 60 in 1911Census)

MOSS William 1918-30+

CULLEN Frederick George 1938-Oct/43 dec'd




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
