35 Slade
Plumstead Common
Above postcard, circa 1910. |
Above photo, circa 1910. |

Above card, circa 1910. |
Above postcard, circa 1920, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo showing the last Brigade Parade passing the "Peoples' Hall"
and the "Woodman" on the right in 1985. |
Above photo by Bert Hooper, 18 August, 2003, taken from
http://www.plumstead-stories.com |
Above photo, 21 March 2010. |
Above photo date unknown, by kind permission Chris Mansfield.
http://www.chrismansfieldphotos.com/ |
Above photo, 2017, by Ian Wood. |
This is one of the pubs in the area that is known as the "Five Idlers."
The poem that goes with the story is as follows:-
The Star which doesn't shine in the
The Woodman who doesn't cut down trees,
The Ship that cannot sail the seas,
The Mill which doesn't grind
And Who'd a Thought it!
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 21 November, 1857.
(Present — Sir T. M. Wilson, Bart. (Chairman), T. Lewin, J. Sutton,
and E. Eagleton, Esqrs.)
"Woodman," John Amon to Thomas M’Elmer.
Orr's Kentish Journal, 17 May 1862.
Licences Transferred.
"Woodman," the Common, from John Knight to Thos. Day.
From the Anchor, (house magazine for Barclay, Perkins Anchor
Brewery) Volume X, No.1, January 1930.
Mr. Arthur Edwin Hill, Style & Winch's tenant of the "Woodman,"
Plumstead Common, SE16
holds some wonderful records in the world of swimming.
Mr. Hill is now 42 years of age, is Vice President of Plaistow United
SC and played for
the team last season, which were English Water Polo champions
Mr. Hill has (amongst many others) the following long list of
successes to his credit:
Member of the British Olympic team, Stockholm, 1912
Staffordshire County Player 1908 to 1913
Canadian Expeditionary Forces swimming champion during the war
Sussex County player 1923 to 1927
Kent County player 1928
World Water Polo Championship Medal (New York Athletic Club) 1922.
Pics. Arthur Hill c.1928 and Plaistow United SC (Arthur Hill,
standing, second from the right) |
HOOD William 1851+ (age 53 in 1851 )
AMON John Sept/1854-14/Nov/57

ELMAR Thomas M 14/Nov/1857+
HOPPERTON Thomas to Nov/1860

KNIGHT John Thomas Nov/1860-May/62
DAY Thomas May/1862+
MOORE Alexander 1866-Nov/70
TRIMMER John Nov/1870+
FIELDING Emma Louisa Mrs 1874+
FLETCHER Edgar 1881+ (also Brick Labourer age 41 in 1881 )
FLETCHER Charlotte Mrs 1882-91+ (widow age 43 in 1891 )
COOMBES Thosas M 1908-19+
HILL Arthur 1929-30+
HILL Marjorie Mrs (wife of above) 1938+
WADE James Sidney 1944+
West Kent Guardian