Page Updated Aylesford:- Wednesday, 06 September, 2023.


Earliest 1790-


Pre 1910

40 High Street


Former Anchor Inn

Above postcard, circa 1910 showing the building as a grocers.

Former Anchor 1960s

Above photo 1960s.

Former Anchor 2018

Above Google image, September 2018.

Anchor address signAnchor knocker

Above photographs kindly sent by Paul Narramore, showing the address plate and door knocker, taken in 2020.

Anchor block 2019

Above Google image, May 2019, showing the entire block, the end house with the red door is known as Anchor Cottage.


I am informed that Aylesford used to have a brewery in the High Street called the Anchor Brewery that ran from between 1840 and 1956. I am assuming that this house was tied to that brewery at some time.

Now owner Heather Worrall tells me the following:- "To my knowledge all 4 houses in the row comprised the Anchor Inn. They were built 1750 and I am under the impression that they were built as the pub originally. Our house has the original cellar and there are tunnels running underneath the yard at the back- who knows where!

"The pub was a coaching inn and the central alleyway was originally twice as wide to allow them through. There is a yard at the back where they could turn.

I believe that the Anchor Brewery itself was in the square, owned by the Danes family that lived next door but one to what is now the village shop."


As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation.


Taken from John Byng's The Torrington Diaries, "A Tour into Kent" 1790.

We entered Aylesford by a steep old Stone Bridge; and so to The Anchor Ale House, as bad a stop as could be, with most miserable stabling. The Day was so gay that any misery was to be Endured—so we attempted to be happy over our bad mutton chops and a Pudding with Brandy and Water. We saw, whilst at Dinner, a Gang of well-mounted smugglers pass by: How often have I wish'd to be able to purchase a Horse from their excellent Stables.

No Dinner could be worse than ours; nor could a stupider Inn Keeper be found! But we were highly gratified by our walk after Dinner; first to the church yard, then to the beautiful walk towards the Friars where The Dowager Lady Aylesford Resides. (Ailesford is 4 miles by Lande from Rochester and there is a faire Bridg of Ston over the Streme. LEYLAND) The View, from below The Elms, of the River, the Town, and Preston Hills of a well-wooded rich Country, screen'd from the North by the Hollingburn Hills is composed of the loveliest scenery. The Bridge must be one of the oldest extant. Our landlord was a surly ignorant Brute; nor would answer to any of our Questions about Harvest, Hop Picking, &c. &c.


Southeastern Gazette, 13 September 1853.


Petty Sessions, Monday. (Before Sir II. Fitzherbert, Bart., J. W. Stratford, A. Akers, J. Savage, J. Woodbridge, R. Tassell, W. Lee, M.P., and M. H. Dalison, Esqrs., Sir F. Stapleton, and Capt. Randolph).

Licenses were granted to all the public-houses in the division, except the "Anchor," at Aylesford, which was suspended to the 26th, Superintendent Hilton having complained of the conduct of the landlady who sent for the constable because there was a row at the house, and when he came said she had not sent for him.


Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 11 September 1869.

Licensed Houses.

Several licences were postponed to 27th February, in consequence of non fulfilment of the conditions of their notices, amongst others the "Anchor," Aylesford.



POSS Jane 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

BAKER Henry 1840+

MARCHANTS Alfred P 1858+


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
