Sort file:- Sevenoaks, March, 2024.

Page Updated:- Friday, 29 March, 2024.


Earliest 1718+

Anchor Inn

Open 2020+

32 London Road


01732 454898


Above photo, date unknown.

Anchor 1961

Anchor 1961. Creative Commons Licence.

Anchor ledger

Anchor ledger. Creative Commons Licence.

Anchor 2014

Above photo 2011.

Anchor 2015

Anchor 2015.

Anchor Inn sign 1993Anchor sign 2008

Above sign left, September 1993, sign right 2008.

With thanks from Brian Curtis and Roger Pester


The pub opened some time between 1718 and 1722.

It was classed as a common lodging house in the 1901 census.


Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 13 August 1870.

Charles Goldsmiths, of the "Anchor" beer house, Sevenoaks, was charged with selling beer during the prohibited hours on Sunday, 10th July.

Mr. G. F. Carnell appeared for the defendant.

Dobson, 65 K.C.C., stated that on the morning in question, by direction of Superintendent Coleman he watched a house in the High Street, occupied by a person of the name Donaldson. After that after being there an hour and a half he saw the wife go to the defendant's beer house. He saw her put a bottle through the window in Bank Street, and in 3 or 4 minutes it was handed back to her. He went up and asked her what she had, and she said beer. He took her back to the house, where they saw the defendant, who said that he knew nothing about it, and then Mrs. Goldsmiths said that she gave her the beer as she had been there charring, and that she preferred taking her beer home to drinking it there.

In reply to Mr. Carnell, the constable said that he did not see the beer sold, as it was put through the window. The beer was in a bottle which contained about a pint.

Mr. Carnell contended that there was no proof of sale, which was necessary, and Major German said that, according to that argument, they might go on handing beer through the window all the Sunday.

Mr. Carnell contended that the information was for selling, and there should be proof of the sale.

The Nobel Chairman, after consultation with the other magistrates, said that they thought the legal objection was well-founded, and therefore dismissed the complaint.


From Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 22 October 1909.


Messrs. Fox & Sons, Farnborough, who have supplied this house for many years, having disposed of their business and closed their Brewery.

Mrs. F. Wells, begs to inform her many valued Patrons that she will in future supply Hoare & Co's. (celebrated ) London Ales and Stout.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 14 March 1941.


At the Parish Church, Blindley Heath, the funeral took place on Saturday, the Rev. Baldwin Penny officiating, of Mr. John William Knell, who for the past five years had been licensee of the "Anchor Inn," London-road, Sevenoaks.

Mr. Knell, who passed away on Monday last week at the age of 63, had only been ill a few days. Prior to coming to Sevenoaks, he was for 40 years "mine host" of the "Blue Anchor," Blindley Heath (Surrey) in which parish he had many friends.

He was a member of the Sevenoaks and District Licensed Victuallers Association, and was particularly fond of shooting and cricket. He was himself a good cricketer in his younger days, and played for the Reigate Club, while he always followed with keen interest the fortunes of the Kent County side. During the last war Mr. Knell served in France for 3 1/2 years with the Royal Field Artillery. He leaves a widow, three sons and a daughter.


From the 8 November, 2012

Landlord pours his millionth pint...

Barry Dennis 2012

Barry Dennis, The Anchor landlord, Sevenoaks.

A POPULAR Sevenoaks pub landlord has celebrated pouring a million pints after more than 30 years behind the bar.

The Anchor boss Barry Dennis has been handed an award to mark his great achievement.

The 63-year-old, who took over the Admiral Taverns-owned pub, in London Road, in 1979 has poured the record number of Carling pints – enough to fill five-and-a-half swimming pools.

He said: "I still work behind the bar every day and remember pouring my first pint of Carling when I took over in 1979.

"Of course, it was known as Carling Black Label back then and little did I know I'd still be pouring it all these years later, but the locals love it; although I'm now serving the kids of my original customers.

"Here's to the next million."

Mr Dennis, who lives nearby with wife Lesley, has been handed the first ever Carling Barperson Award to mark his milestone. Carling brand director Jeremy Gibson said The Anchor was a "brilliantly British" pub and branded Mr Dennis as a "great example of how the landlord is still the focal point of many 'locals' across the country".

Carling has now launched a nationwide search for landlords and bar staff who deserve to win an award for their work behind the bar.




SEABROOK William 1851+ (age 30 in 1851Census)

GOLDSMITH Charles 1870+

WELLS Frederick 1874-81+ (age 56 in 1881Census)

WELLS Frederick 1891 (age 32 in 1891Census)

WELLS Nellie Grace Mrs 1891-1922+ (age 47 in 1911Census)

PINGET Napoleon 1930+

KNELL John William 1935-Mar/41 (age 60 in 1939)

BIGGS H J 1949-59

STAMALT Mrs 1959-60

LAWRY G P 1960-Aug/66

DOWSING F E Aug/1966+




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
