Sort file:- Charlton, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 21 July, 2024.


Earliest 1792-


Closed 18 Mar 2018

428 Woolwich Road (Greenwich Road 1851Census)

New Charlton


Above photo, date unknown.

Antigallican Arms 2011

Above photo, 2011.

Antigallican Arms 2019

Above photo, 2019.


Kentish Gazette, 7 February, 1792.

About 10 o'clock at night on Sunday the 29th ult. a most daring robbery was committed at a small public house, on the Woolwich Road, known by the sign of the "Antigallican," adjoining Hanging Wood, by 10 desperate villains, who, entering the door, bound the master and mistress, and all the servants, with two men who were drinking in the house.

They then began to ransack the house of linen and cash to the amount of £60 - afterwards sat down and drank, and smoke their pipes till 3 o'clock in the morning, and then took their leave.

It is to be observed that two brewers servants on duty, were passing by at 11 o'clock, saw a light in the house, and knocked at the door, whom the desperadoes let in, seized and confined them also.

They were seen going afterwards to the waterside, where a boat was ready to receive them, in which they affected their escape.


Morning Advertiser, Wednesday 10 June 1829.


To be let on lease about eleven acres of March Land, cultivated as a garden, and now in full crop, with immediate possession, the present proprietor desirous of retiring through ill health. Particulars to be had on application, if by letter, post-paid, to Mr. E. Collins, at the "Antigallican Arms," Lower Road, Woolwich, Kent.


Morning Advertiser, Monday 5 January 1863.

The Charge of Inciting a Servant to Rob an Employer.

Julian Arthur Webster, bootmaker of 14, Prospect Place, William Street, Walworth, appeared in discharge of his bail to answer a charge of having incited Frederick Skindley to rob his employer, Mr. Boys, landlord of the "Antigallican Arms," Woolwich Road.

The particulars have already appeared, the case having been remanded to enable the prisoner's character to be inquired into. Several persons having been called for this purpose.

Mr. Traill said the conduct of the prisoner was very unpretentious, and had there been any previous similar charge preferred against him he should have sent the case to the sessions. He should now order the prisoner to find bail, himself in 40/- and two sureties of 20/- each, for his good behaviour during the next six months.

The required bail was at once tendered and accepted.


The Evening Freeman, Tuesday 20 December 1864.


The collision in the Blackheath tunnel, on the North Kent Railway, on Friday, was a most disastrous occurrence. A ballast train had entered the tunnel, and shortly afterwards it was followed by a passenger train from Maidstone, but before it had passed through, the ballast train was overtaken by the latter, and five of the platelayers who were seated in the last of the ballast trucks were killed. The effect of the collision on the passenger train was to throw the engine off the line and upon its side, and inflict injuries upon the passengers in the two leading carriages of the train. The engine and tender were thrown over on their sides, literally filling up the whole of the "way," and the break-van immediately following the engine, together with the first two carriages, were capsized and nearly shivered to atoms. The smoke, steam, and cinders blown about by the current of air through the tunnel, the shrieks of the injured and frightened, and the cracking up of the timbers of the carriages, combined to make up what one of the passengers described as a scene "awful in the extreme."

Immediately on hearing the shrieks from the Charlton end of the tunnel, the telegraph was put into requisition, and the traffic was stopped from Blackheath Station on the one side and Charlton on the other.

As soon as possible a number of workmen and officials of the company entered the tunnel at either end, and upon Mr. Chapman, the Blackheath station-master, arriving about a mile down the tunnel he came upon a most horrible scene. The ballast trucks and their contents had been thrown into violent confusion, and amongst the debris were found the mangled remains of the unfortunate men who had been engaged upon the trucks. Five of them were dead, and their mangled corpses were placed on pieces of broken trucks and conveyed through the dreary tunnel to an outbuilding at Blackheath Station. The engine, as before stated, lay across the tunnel, and the carriages forming the front part of the train were all pell mell on each other, the front being broken to pieces.

From the wreck eight male and six female passengers were removed very much injured. A large number of passengers who were only shaken and contused were rescued from all descriptions of perilous positions. Two ambulances, with a detachment of the Military Train corps, were forwarded from Woolwich Garrison, and a body of police were soon on the spot. The sufferers were conveyed down the line to the Charlton station, and from thence on beds and stretchers to the "Antigallican Arms Tavern." Seven of the most injured, four of whom are females, were placed under the care of Dr. Fagan and three other medical gentlemen.

John Hunt, an engine driver, was fearfully scalded, but is likely to recover. Five others were conveyed to the military hospital at Woolwich, and are under the care of the Army Medical Staff, and a number of the wounded were removed to Blackheath.

Dr. Browne, who was much hurt, was, by his own desire, conveyed to the "Golden Cross Hotel," Charing Cross. He is progressing satisfactorily, although at present too unwell to be removed.

Of the passengers and persons injured who were conveyed to Guy's Hospital, the most serious cases are Francis Gillingham, her left leg having been fractured, but she is not, in the opinion of Mr. Kay, very much injured, and will, it is to be hoped, speedily recover; and a platelayer, named Richard Pledge, who was in the brake at the tail of the ballast train, he has sustained severe injuries to his back and suffers much from internal shaking. Several other persons were brought to the hospital; George Tunley, who had his elbow dislocated, his lips cut, and was much shaken; William Cook, a severe cut on his upper lips; and William Bray, with a cut forehead.

The names of the platelayers who were killed are William James Wade, W. Jones, W. Morris, Henry Smith, and W. Seeley. Mrs. Grenbling, of 32, Hereford Street, Landport, Portma, was considerably shaken; Mrs. Ely, of Walthamstow, a compound fracture of the leg and head; Mrs. Caroline Browning, of 7, London Wall, concussion of the brain; Miss Louisa Price, Effra Road, Brixton, fractured scapula and ribs, and severe internal injuries; Miss Jane Price, 25, Union Square, Trinity Square, fractured leg; Joseph Hunt, the driver, of Charles Street, Old Kent Road,. very seriously scalded about the hands and face; and Mr. and Mrs. Erie Windus, 23, Terrace, Greenhithe, the former contusion of the left arm and left leg, and the latter fracture of the right leg, severe injury to the knee of the left leg, and severe bruises about the head and body. These cases are all at the "Antigallican Hotel," Charlton.

Besides these there are three in the Marine Hospital and Woolwich, with injuries as follows:- Thomas Randall, 23, Brook's Place, Old Kent Road, three toes amputated; John Cullen, of 11, Charles Street, Park Road, Peckham, both legs broken (it was expected that amputation of both would be necessary); and Edward Allum, the fireman of the passenger train engine, who was very badly injured by scalds.

The fireman of the express train died yesterday from injuries received in the Blackheath Tunnel Collision.

(Click for Coroners report)


From a book titled Quaint Signs of Olde Inns, by G. J. Monson-Fitzjohn, B.Sc. 1926.

ANTIGALLICUM. New Charlton, Kent.

This name is derived from Anti (Latin) against, Gaul (Latin) France. The house was called after a society formed to perpetuate an everlasting hatred between England and France during the Anglo-French wars. Feeling ran so high at one time that a Frenchman could not pass through the streets of London with impunity and was ridiculed on the stage and in every public place. This feeling, thanks to King Edward VII, is now happily a thing of the past.



Between 1985 and 1995 this was known as "McDonnells."

The pub closed on 18 March 2018 and the property was sold to a developer in 2019 for a reported £2m. In May 2019 planning permission was granted for a 3-storey side extension to facilitate creation of a 60-bed hotel, retaining the ground floor public house. Application for new premises licence has been made to Royal Borough of Greenwich in March 2023 giving hope of a re-opening.



BOYD John 1832-41+ (age 55 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1832-34

BOND Mary to Jan/1849

BOYD Jonathan Jan-1849-51+(age 40 in 1851Census)

BOYD David 1858-82+

BOYD Eliza 1891+ (widow age 32 in 1891Census)

BANNISTER Henry 1896+

CLIFFORD Arthur James 1901+ (age 29 in 1891Census)

WATTS Percival Charles 1905-08+

WEST Ernest 1919+

COUSINS William Harold 1934+


Copes Taverns Ltd 1944+


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-