Sort file:- Malling, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 30 April, 2024.


Earliest 1779-

Bear Hotel

Latest ????

(Name to)

49 High Street

West Malling

Bear Hotel 1918

Above photo, August 1918. Hotel on left.

Bear Hotel

Above photo, date unknown.

Bear Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.


Above photo, date unknown. Kind permission from Eric Hartland.

Bear 1974

Above photo, 1974, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe showing an old Fremlin's dray being pressed back into service, in order to deliver beer during the Whitbread draymen's strike.

Sandra Hartman 1988

Sandra Hartman serving beer to her husband at the Dicken's festival, July 1988.

Bear sign 1977Bear sign 1991

Above sign left, 1977, sign right 1991.

Bear sign 1992Bear sign 1995

Above sign left, June 1992, sign right 1995.

With thanks from Brian Curtis and Roger Pester


I believe that renumbering has taken place in the street as the premises was renamed the "Farmhouse," date unknown.


As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation.


Kentish Gazette, 11 September, 1779.

To be Let, and entered upon at Michaelmas next.

The "Bear Inn," in Town Malling.

Enquire of John Godfrey on the premises.


Kentish Gazette, 19 November, 1783.

Lately died at Malling, John Brome, Esq; Mrs Whitfield, a widow lady, relict of ____ Whitfield, Esq., of Chart Sutton - and Mr. William Lamb, Master of the "Bear Inn" of that town.


Kentish Gazette, 13 December, 1783.

To be sold by auction. On Saturday, the 27th day of this instant December.

At the sign of the "Bear" in Town Malling in this Country, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. (Unless disposed of in the meantime or a private contract, all of which public notice will be given in this paper.)

The lease of the said Inn, of which 17 years were unexpired at Michaelmas last. The said Inn was lately occupied by W. Lamb, and consists of an exceeding good dwelling house; Brewhouse lately enlarged, and well adapted for carrying on the Brewing Business; Stables for 40 horses, entirely new; a large and commodious Yard, and an exceeding good Garden. The Purch for the said Lease to take the household goods, stock in trade, Brewing utensils, &c, upon a fair Appraisement and immediate possession of the premises will be given.

An exceeding good opening for Common Brewer.

All persons indebted to the Estate and Effects of the said W. Lane, are desired forthwith to pay the same to Mr. John Lovegrove, of Town Malling aforesaid, who is lawfully empowered, for the Administrative of the said W. Lamb to receive the same. And all persons to whom the said W Lamb stood indebted at the time of his death, are desired to send an account thereof to the said John Lovegrove, or to Mr. Baker, Attorney, at Town Malling, of whom further Particulars might be known.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Friday 4 June 1802.

Kent. Masonic Grand Anniversary.

On Monday, June 7th, 1802, the Ancient and Honourable Order of Free and Accepted Masons of the County of Kent, will hold their Annual Festival at the "Bear Inn," West Malling, when a Sermon will be preached on the occasion by the Rev. Jethro Inwood, Provincial Grand Chaplain, before William Perfect, Esq., Provincial Grand Master, the Grand Officers, and Master's Officers, and Brethren of the different Lodges of this county. Procession to church at ten o'clock, and dinner on table precisely at three.

By order of the Provincial Grand Master,

John Gurr, Secretary.


Kent Gazette Reports 22 March 1805.

Friday last was married, at Maidstone, Mr. Wm. Barr, of the "Bear Inn," Town Malling, to Miss Jane Mathews, of Seale.




GODFREY John 1779

LAMB William to Nov/1783 dec'd

BARR William 1805+

CAPON Jesse 1828-38+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

CAPON Harriet 1841+ (age 40 in 1841Census)

BEAN Edward 1851-58 (also Veterinary Surgeon age 35 in 1851Census)

BEAN Elizabeth Mrs 1861-62+ (widow age 47 in 1861Census)

BECK William 1871+ (age 54 in 1871Census)

CHAPMAN Henry 1874+ (also bricklayer)

JARVIS Edward 1882+

SELDEN Henry 1891+ (age 62 in 1891Census)

FLEMING Walter B 1901-03+ (age 29 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

PEGDEN George 1913+

HADAWAY Thomas 1918+

SHAVE Albert Edward 1922+

DAY Hurbert E to Dec/1923 Kent and Sussex Courier

FISHER Albert Dec/1923+ Kent and Sussex Courier

MULCASTER John A 1930+


HARTMAN Sandra 1988+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-