Page Updated:- Sunday, 12 May, 2024.


Earliest 1596-

Bull Inn

Open 2020+

5 Tonbridge Road (South Street 1841Census)


01622 427665

Bull Inn 1908

Above postcard, 1908, sent by Ray Newman.

Bull 1911

Above postcard, circa 1911, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Bull 1953

Above postcard, circa 1953, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Bull 1960

Above photo, circa 1960, kindly sent by Garth Wyver. Showing the Maidstone Corporation Transport trolley bus No. 56 GKP 511 Sunbeam W with Park Royal UH30/26R body. Built 1943/4. At the Bull Inn Terminus.

Bull 1980

Above postcard, 1980, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Bull 2009

Above photo 2009 by Chris Whippet, Creative Commons Licence.

Bull 2014

Above photo 9 April, 2014, taken and supplied by Roy Moore.

Bull Inn sign 1986Bull Inn sgn 1991

Above sign left September 1986, Sign right April 1991.

Bull sign 2013Bull sign 2015

Above sign right, 2013, sign left August 2015.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Bull cardBull card

Above Whitbread card, 1 of 16, date unknown.


Kentish Gazette, 26 February, 1783.

Lately died, Mr. Tanner, master of the "Bull" public house, at Barming.


From the Kentish Gazette, 18 April 1837.


On Friday week, about six o’clock in the morning, as two men were crossing Barming bridge, they observed a round frock and a hat lying on the edge of the river, and on going to the spot, they discovered close to the bank the body of a man standing upright in the water, which did not quite cover his head, and one hand firmly grasping the root of a tree. After getting the body out, which was accomplished with some difficulty, they carried it to the "Bull Inn," where it was recognised as the corpse of a drover named Daniel Weller, who had slept there the night before, on his journey with a flock of sheep, from Lewisham to Tenterden. On the previous evening, after seeing his sheep provided for, he went to bed, and arose the next morning about a quarter past four, remarking to an old man who slept with him that he had a pain in his side. He went out and was not seen again till discovered in the water as stated above. An inquest was held on Saturday, before J. N. Dudlow, Esq.

Verdict, Found Drowned.


Kent Times, 5 July 1862.


The Midsummer Quarter Sessions for the Western Division of the County commenced at Maidstone on Thursday last before the Right Hon. the Earl of Romney (presiding in the absence of Gathorne Hardy, Ksq. M.P., through family affliction). J. Espinasse, Esq.

Robbery at Barming.

Henry Horton, (on bail) was indicted for stealing a jacket, value 8s. the property of John Francis, at Barming, on the 21st. April.

Mr. Worsley appeared for the prosecution.

The prosecutor stated that he left his coat on the table at the "Bull Inn," Barming, on the day in question, and the prisoner was seen by the ostler to take it up and leave the house, but he was admitted to have been intoxicated at the time. Prisoner went from the "Bull" with his horse and cart to the "Prince of Wales" at Maidstone where he usually put up and where the coat was found by the prosecutor in the prisoner’s cart.

The prisoner said that he was very drunk and that if he had taken the coat he did so unconsciously.

The chairman in addressing the Jury leant to the idea that the plea urged by the prisoner was likely to be correct and charged them if they thought so to bring in a verdict of acquital.

The Jury, however, after some deliberation, brought in a verdict of guilty. The chairman in addressing the prisoner said that the habit of drunkenness had led him to be convicted of felony and he trusted the sentence he was about to pass would serve as a warning ever afterwards and lead him to give up the abominable vice of drunkenness.

One week with hard labour.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 26 September 1863.


Thomas James was brought in custody and charged with having stolen two sheets and a blanket, the property of William Collins, of the "Elephant and Castle" beer house, Maidstone. Mr. Collins proved the case from which it appeared that the prisoner was a weekly lodger in the house, having come there about 6 weeks ago, and occupied a separate furnished room. After he left, Mrs. Collins missed two sheets and a blanket, which have been on his bed. Information was afterwards given to the police, and the articles found by police constable Cackow, in a handcart which the prisoner had asked the barmaid at the Barming "Bull" to lock in the stable for him.

Committed for trial.

From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 8 July 1892.

The Bench also transferred the licence of the "Bull Inn," Barming, to Eliza Ann Baker, from the late John Boakes, her adopted father.


I am informed that in 2018 it was operating as part of the Classic Inns pub chain owned by the Stonegate Pub Company.



TANNER Mr to Feb/1783 dec'd

BUCKLAND James 1828-32+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

HARDES Thomas 1841-July/60 dec'd (age 42 in 1841Census) Maidstone Telegraph

FARRINGTON Mrs July/1860+ Maidstone Telegraph

HARDS Percy 1871+

BOAKES John to July1892

BAKER Eliza Ann July/1892-1093+ Kelly's 1903


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-