Penended Heath Road / Sittingbourne Road
01622 752335
Above photo, 1912, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Back of card says
"Guild Outing, 26th March 1912." |
Above postcard 1912, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Jeffrey East. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above photo 1970s, by John Graham. |
Above photo 1988. |
Above photo 2013. |
Above photo 2013 by Malc McDonald
Creative Commons Licence. |
Above sign 1996.
With thanks from Roger Pester |

Above signleft, October 2000, sign right 2011.
With thanks from Brian Curtis |
Painting, date unknown by Eddie Tucker. |
Kentish Gazette, 13 May 1851.
Fatal Accident.—Three Lives Lost.
On Tuesday evening last, a serious accident occurred in a sand pit in
Boxley parish, by which three persons lost their lives,
and several others narrowly escaped severe injury. On the evening in
question two of the deceased persons (a man and
woman named Culley), and the third, a man named Hughes, were in the pit,
engaged in their usual occupation, when a large
portion of the sand-bank gave way, burying the three persons named,
underneath. It is estimated that about two hundred
tons of the bank fell, and above fifty persons were anxiously and
laboriously engaged for a considerable time in extricating the
bodies of the deceased. A medical gentleman, Mr. Joy, of Maidstone, who
was sent for, pronounced all quite dead. An
inquest was held on the bodies on Thursday evening, at the "Chiltern
Hundreds Inn," Penenden Heath, before J. N. Dudlow,
Esq., the Coroner for West Kent. A most respectable jury was summoned,
and Mr. James Betts, farmer, was nominated
foreman. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Kentish Gazette, 5 September 1854.
Maidstone. Sudden Death.
On Tuesday night the sister-in-law of Mr. Munn, of the "Chiltern
Hundreds," Penenden Heath, went into her bedroom to retire to rest,
and in a few minutes she was found dead on the floor. She had been
in good health previously.
Maidstone Telegraph 16 April 1859.
On Thursday afternoon, as a little girl named Pound, about a year and a
half old, whose parents reside in a cottage opposite the "Chiltern
Hundreds" public-house, Debtling-road, was at play near a rain water
tank, it pitched in head foremost. The mother of the child, who was in
the garden near where the accident occurred, immediately ran to the
spot, when she saw the child struggling in the water, which fortunately
was not of sufficient depth to drown the child. She, however,
immediately raised an alarm, and Mr. Hayward, the landlord of the
above-named house, having procured a ladder, with the assistance of the
neighbours, succeeded in rescuing the child from its perilous position.
Maidstone Telegraph 2 July 1859.
On Sunday last, a little girl named Hayward, aged 16 months, whose
parents are the proprietors of the "Chiltern Hundreds" public-house,
Debtling-road, accidentally fell from an upper window, on to the porch
of a door, the height of about 9ft. The window from whence the child
fell, was on the landing of the second stair case, and the mother on
passing, had noticed it being open, but not sufficient to cause her any
alarm for the child's safety, however, in a few minutes afterwards the
child ran to the window, and succeeded in further opening it. The mother
on hearing the window open, immediately ran to look for her child, when
she perceived it had fallen out of the window. A person who was in the
garden at the time, saw the accident, and stated that the child pitched
out head foremost, turning a somersault before alighting, thus saving
its head. The porch of the door being covered with lead, (which being of
a soft nature) no doubt was of great assistance to the young lady on her
arriving on "terra firma." We are happy to state the child escaped
uninjured. If was not long since we had to record an accident to a
neighbour's child who had fallen into a water tank, but was fortunate in
escaping with only a severe drenching. No blame was attributable to the
parents in either case.
South Eastern Gazette, 25 December, 1860.
ALL persons who are indebted to the estate of Mr. PRENTICE FARR
LINKS, late of the "Chiltern Hundreds Inn," in the parish of Boxley,
in the county of Kent, licensed victualler, deceased, who died on
the 15th day of August, 1858, are hereby requested to pay the
amounts due from them respectively to me the undersigned executor of
the will of the said deceased on or before the 12th day of January,
1861; and all persons to whom the said deceased was indebted at the
time of his death are hereby required to deliver to me the full
particulars of their several demands, on or before the said 12th day
of January
Dated this 22nd day of December, 1860.
H. WICKHAM, Strood.
Maidstone Telegraph 1 February 1868.
On the 23rd ult, at the "Chiltern Hundred Inn," Boxley. Mary, infant
daughter of John and Susannah Hayward, aged 9 months.
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 22 February 1908.
Originally from the London Gazette, Friday, February 14.
Maidstone:- Horace Dann, "Chiltern Hundreds Inn," Boxley, Kent. |
The census's mentioning the various John Hayward's seem to suggest some
erroneous ages, so it's difficult knowing how many there actually are.
The 1861 census suggests 28 years old.
The 1871 census suggests born in 1803 and 68 years old
The 1881 census suggests born in 1839 and 42 years old
The 1901 census suggests born in 1833 and 68 years old, this tallies with
the 1861 census.
MUNN Mr 1854+
LINKS Prentice Farr to 15/Aug/1858 dec'd
OTTAWAY Thomas 1858+
HAYWARD John 1859-61+ (age 28 in 1861 )
HAYWARD John 1871+ (age 68 in 1871 )
HAYWARD John 1881-1901+ (age 42 in 1881 )
RUSSELL William 1903-Dec/1904
BLOWER Charles Alfred Dec/1904+

DANN Horace 1908-13+ (age 45 in 1911 )
SABINE W J 1918+
SUTTON Edward Robert 1922+
WALTERS Hargrave 1930-38+
McDONALD Piers after 1982
and Sussex Courier
From the Kelly's Directory 1903