Sort file:- Strood, August, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 01 August, 2021.


Earliest 1754-

Coach and Horses

Open 2020+

40 London Road


01634 726729

Above engraving 1840. Kindly sent by Arthur & Francis Wallington.

Coach and Horses

Above Photo of circa 1904. Kindly sent by Peter Moynahan. The dray outside the pub is one of Style and Winch's wagons.

Coach and Horses wall 1938

Above photo showing an ancient chalk block wall retaining a bank at the back of the pub circa 1938.

Coach and Horses 1978

Above photo 1978, from by Ben Levick.

Coach and Horses 2010

Above photo 2010 by Chris Whippet Creative Commons Licence.

Coach and Horses sign 1978Coach and Horses sign 1992

Above sign left 1978, sign right, September 1992.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


Kentish Gazette, 30 April, 1774.

To be let immediately.

A good accustomed public house, situate on the Dover Road, about a mile from Rochester, and commonly called the "Coach and Horses," on Strood Hill, together with two Gardens, Stables, Yard, Coach Lodge, &c.

For further Particulars, inquire at the above house, on Strood Hill.


From the Kentish Gazette, 4 May 1774.


A Good accustomed PUBLIC-HOUSE situate on the Dover Road, about a Mile from Rochester, and commonly called the "Coach and Horses," on Strood Hill, together with two Gardens, Stables, Yard, Coach Lodge, &c.

For further Particulars, inquire at the above House, on Strood Hill.


12 July 1791.

Insured:- James, Richard and George Best, Kent Brewers.

Coach and Horses:- ROWE, victualler.


From The Morning Post ( London, England,) Thursday, October 16, 1823. (Copied from The Maidstone Journal).

Monday last the body of a respectable person was found lying in a hop garden near the "Coach and Horses" public house, Strood, which upon inspection presented a shocking spectacle, the throat was cut, one ear mangled, and several wounds inflicted on the body, apparently with a penknife; near the body was found twenty-five sovereigns, a ten pound note, and a gold watch. The only conjecture at present is, that in a state of mental aberration the unfortunate individual must have put a period to his existence. In his pocket was found a physician's prescription addressed to an apothecary in London, which has been forwarded, and, we hope, will lead to the discovery of the cause of this melancholy transaction. The initials G.B. were marked on the hat. The body was taken to the "Coach and Horses."


Kentish Gazette, 2 March 1847.


On Wednesday, at the Guildhall of this city, an investigation, exciting intense interest, was gone into before Capt. Thos, Baker and several other borough justices, regarding a very respectably dressed man, about 36 years of age, who had surrendered himself at the station-house as the individual who set fire to a stack of wheat on Sunday evening last, the property of Mr. Thomas Mace, a farmer residing in Perry-street, Gravesend. The hall was densely crowded, and many influential gentlemen connected with this part of the county, and also county magistrates, occupied sittings near the bench. The prisoner, on being placed before the court, was dressed in mourning, and on being asked his name by Mr. Prall, the magistrates’ clerk, declined to give it, alleging, as a reason, that his friends were respectable, and that he did not wish them to know the dilemma in which he had placed himself.

Clerk:— Have you no other reason to offer?

Prisoner:— With due deference to the bench, I withhold the information of my name and connexions.

Mr. Tuff, the superintendent of the Rochester police, stated that the prisoner came to the station-house and voluntarily gave himself up as the person who fired the stack in question on the night of Sunday last, about ten o’clock, by a lucifer match.

A man named Wilson stated that about seven o’clock on Sunday evening, as he was walking along the path by the turnpike road leading from Gravesend to Rochester, he came up with the prisoner, whom he found standing in the path close to the hedge, and opposite to the stack which was on fire; and he said to the prisoner, "This is a bad job." The prisoner coolly and gentlemanly replied, "It is a great pity that corn should be burnt, as there are so many poor people starving for the want of it." From the gentlemanly appearance of the prisoner, he did not think that he was the incendiary. Witness left him at the fire, and walked home to Rochester.

William Wallis, landlord of the "Coach and Horses" at Strood-hill, identified the prisoner as the gentleman who came into his house on Sunday evening, about five o’clock, and in the bar he sat down and drank two pints of beer, and smoked a pipe, and left about seven o’clock; that he went to the door and bade him good night, and the gentleman walked up the road as if he was going to Gravesend; and shortly after he heard of the fire. The stack was about a quarter of a mile from his house.

Mr. Thos. Mace, the owner of the property, stated that the stack contained from 40 to 50 quarters of wheat.

Wm. McGeorge, policeman No. 6, stated that he was on duty on the night of Sunday last, and about 20 minutes to ten o’clock, as he was in the High-street of Rochester, he saw the prisoner walking on the pavement, and turn into the yard of the "Bull Inn, and on coming out be looked op at the house, and said to witness, "I believe this is not the station-house." Witness told him it was not, but that he would take him to it if he wished; that they then went to the station-house, and on being admitted Mr. Vine, the station keeper, inquired of the prisoner his business, and he replied by asking the station-keeper if he had heard of the fire; and being answered in the affirmative, the prisoner said, "I am the person who set the stack on fire." The Superintendent was then sent for, and to that officer the prisoner made a confession, which Mr. Tuff took down in writing, and read to the court. Mr. Tuff said that on searching tie prisoner he found on him one half-penny, a cotton pocket handkerchief, and part of a number of Punch. The Superintendent asked the prisoner his name, which he refused to give, and said that he was aware of the consequences of what he had done, and that he had a motive for it, and bought the lucifer box on the road of a pedlar woman; and after lighting the stack he threw the box with the lucifers into the hedge, about 100 yards from the stack.

On examining the prisoner's person, there are marks on his left arm M.C., and another letter A., and also an anchor and a dart. The prisoner states that those marks were done when he was at school. The lucifer-box was found about seven o’clock the following morning in the hedge, by Stephen Clark, as described by the prisoner.

The prisoner, on being informed by the bench that he stood committed for trial at the next assizes, and thut if he had anything to say it would he taken down and used at his trial, said he was as innocent of the charge as any gentleman in the room. When he left the "Coach and Horses" it was his intention to have gone to Gravesend; a thought came, across him that he would not be there till late, and not having any money, he determined upon returning back, and thought he must do something to get a bed for the night and a breakfast in the morning for nothing. The lucifer-box he pulled out of his pocket and threw into the hedge. He went to the station-house without thinking that any serious consequence would follow, and refused to sign his statement.

The prisoner was removed the same day to Maidstone gaol.


From a review by Steve C, June 2011:- "As I approached the "Coach and Horses" late on Saturday afternoon I thought that it was closed due to the scaffolding erected outside, but thankfully the door was open and the pub was trading as usual. To the left of the entrance is the small public bar that houses a fruit machine, projector screen and old fashioned cigarette machine that wouldn't look out of place in a museum. Directly ahead of the entrance is the large saloon bar that has a huge projector screen, pool table and dartboard at the far rear. The bar is located to the left where standard draught products are available alongside Bombardier and Courage best on hand pump. There is a bit of a western theme behind the bar as there is an old till of the sort that John Wayne would have thrown a few dollars into and above the bar are some wooden boxes labelled with things like ‘colt 45, small arms'. I didn't spot any signs for Sky Sports, but I would be very surprised if this pub didn't show the football etc. A jam night was advertised for the Sunday, but I'm not sure if this was a one off or a regular occurrence.

I found the staff and the locals to be very friendly in here and I would have no problem returning in the future.


From an email received 30 November 2015.

 G'day Paul

My Great, Great, Great grandfather had the "Coach & Horses," Strood in 1871.

His granddaughter Mary Ann Jeffries (actually Mary Ann Jeffrey) died at the "Railway Tavern" Sittingbourne age 99.

The "Coach & Horses" were rebuilt, and I understand the original was demolished.

Arthur Wallingtion.


Closed for a short time after 2011, the pub reopened again by 2015.


From an email received 22 January 2020.

When I lived in the Coach and Horses I used to see shapes and shadows along the top landing. I always knew it was haunted.



From an email received, 15 March 2021.

I have just read the details you have for this public house, I was researching it because I had found a will for a James Cross. In it he says he is the owner of it but it does not appear he was running it then as he names another person.

His will is proved April 1754, he left everything to his wife Mary, to be left to his nephew James.

Carole Brett.

I have now found the will for James Cross’s father, Richard Cross, he died in 1735 and also left a will in which he says his residence is the Sun in the Wood on Spittle Hill, Strood, his inventory states he was a “Wittler”, which I assume is a Victualler. Could this be the former name of the Coach & Horses?



CROSS James to Apr/1754 dec'd (owner)

ROWE ???? 1792+

COATES William 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

COSTEN William 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

WALLACE William 1841-47+ (age 40 in 1841Census)

BURTENSHAW James 1851-62+ (age 55 in 1861Census)

MUNN Thomas 1871+ (age 68 in 1871Census)

FRYER Richard 1881 (age 48 in 1881Census)

ALLEN Thomas & MUNN Mary Mrs 1882+

HOLDER Alfred 1891+

CARTER William 1901-03+ (also foreman of road making age 54 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

HOLLAND Ernest James 1911-22+ (age 32 in 1911Census)

JENKINS John 1930+

HILBURN George Henry Next pub licensee had 1934-37+

WILDER Frederick George 1938-47 dec'd

WILDER Emily J (widow) 1947-60 dec'd


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
