Page Updated:- Saturday, 16 December, 2023.


Earliest 1860-

Cricketer's Arms

Latest 1861+

Matfield Green



I have just added this pub to that list but your help is definitely needed regarding it's history.

As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation.


South Eastern Gazette, 14 August, 1860.

Thomas Hanbury, of the "Cricketers" beer-house, Matfleld-green, Brenchley, was also charged with a like offence (with having his house open for the sale of beer) on the 22nd July. Mr. Simpson appeared for the defendant. Supt. Dance related an account of his visit to the house shortly before 12 o’clock on the Sunday morning, when he found four persons in the back premises, and on the kitchen mantel-piece a pint pot partly full of beer, which the defendant said he had drawn for a man who had been there to shave him.

The Bench dismissed the case.

The defendant in the last case appealed against a poor-rate made by the overseers of Brenchley, on the 23rd April last.

Mr. Simpson supported the appellant; Mr. Gorham for the respondent.

The premises in question, which are let at an annual rental of £17 16s., had been reduced, in a recent re-valuation of the parish, to £9. The present appeal was for the purpose of having the rate increased.

Mr. Charlton, valuer, of Tunbridge, fixed the amount of rating at £12, and Mr. Montier, of Tunbridge Wells, at £11, and the Bench increased it to £12 10s.


Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 18th August 1860.

Thomas Hanbury, of the "Cricketers" Beer House, Matfield Green, Brenchley, was also charged with a like offence (with having his house open or for the sale of beer on Sunday morning) on the 23rd July. Mr. Simpson appeared for the defendant.

Superintendent Dance related an account of his visit to the house shortly before 12 o'clock on Sunday morning, when he found four persons in the back premises, and on the kitchen mantelpiece a pint pot partly filled with beer, which the defendant said he had drawn for man who had been there to shave him.

The Bench dismiss the case.

The defendant in the last case appealed against a poor rate made by the overseers of Brenchley, on the 23rd April last.

Mr. Simpson supported the appellant; Mr. Gorham for the correspondent.

The premises in question, which are let at an annual rental of £17 16s., had been reduced, in a recent revaluation of the parish, to £9. The present appeal was for the purpose of having the rate increased.

Mr. Cheriton, valuer, of Tunbridge, fixed the amount of rating at £12, and Mr. Montier, of Tunbridge Wells, at £11, and the Bench increased it to £12 10s.


Robert Marshall says the following:- "I think this may have been a reference to the "Wheelwrights," or possibly the "Star" as these have been the haunt of the local cricket team for many many years. Certainly, there has never been another pub around the green. I'm sure this is a reference to the "Wheelwrights."

I say it can't be the "Star" as the Wenham family were licensees there in the 1860s. I will probably be deleting this page once I have Thomas Hanbury's location identified, less of course the pub changed name.



HANBURY Thomas 1860-61+ (also carrier age 40 in 1861Census)




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
