Page Updated:- Monday, 06 May, 2024.


Earliest 1739-

Flying Horse

Open 2020+

Boughton Lees

Boughton Aluph

01233 620914

Flying Horse 1905

Above postcard, circa 1905, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse 1909

Above postcard, circa 1909, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse

Above postcard, date unknown.

Flying Horse garden 1939

Above postcard circa 1939. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse

Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission of Eric Hartland.

Flying Horse inside 1938

Above postcard, circa 1938, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse 1950

Above postcard, circa 1950, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Flying Horse 1960

Above photo, 1960.

Flying Horse inside

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Mark Jennings.

Flying Horse Inn Pegasus restaurant

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Andy Turner.

Flying Horse

Above postcard, date unknown.

Flying Horse 2011

Photo taken 10 April 2011 from Jelltex.

Flying Horse 2015

Above photo, kindly sent by Eric Hartland, 10 September 2015.

Flying Horse 2020

Above photo 2020.

Flying Horse sign 2015

Above sign 2015.


Derby Mercury, Thursday 6 December 1739.

Canterbury, December 1st. We have been told a most dismal story from Broughton Aluph near Wye, viz. That four poor children were left to that parish by an unkind and run-a-way father; three of which were sorely afflicted with scald heads: (Scald heads is the old name for ringworm). That a certain jockey had been some time at the "Flying Horse" on Boughton Lees, exercising and attending an horse, match'd to run in Eastwell park on Monday last; this jockey undertook for a stipulated consideration to sure the children's heads; and on Saturday last applied I wash of arsenic and Ellebore, by which children died in less than 10 hours in a miserable condition. Two of them were boys, one about six, and the other about nine years of age; the third a girl about eleven.


From the Kentish Gazette, 29 August 1837.

William Creed (who was lately apprehended by our city police with property, supposed to be stolen, in his possession), was taken before the Rev. I. M. Sutton, at Ashford, charged with having stopped Edmund Down, a labourer, living at Boughton Aluph, on the high road between that village and Kennington, and robbed him of several articles. It appeared, from the evidence of Down, that he left the "Flying Horse" public-house, at Boughton Aluph, about ten o'clock at night, for the purpose of returning home, and the prisoner, who was also there, departed at the same time. They walked together a short distance, and, after bidding each other good night, separated. Down, however, had not proceeded far before he was overtaken by the prisoner, who immediately seized him by the collar of his coat, and demanded his watch or his life. Being old and infirm he was unable to make any resistance, but he assured the prisoner he had no watch in his possession, who, on ascertaining this, rifled his pockets of all they contained, which luckily consisted of only one sixpence, and a few trifling articles. He then ran away, and went to a house at Kennington, occupied by a person named Stanford, where he had been lodging a short time, and finding the inmates of the house in bed, carried off a watch and several articles of wearing apparel. On the following morning he pledged the greater part of the property at various pawnbrokers’ shops in this city, and was not, at that time, suspected of having gained possession of it dishonestly. Information of the robberies, and a description of the prisoner were, however, speedily given at the police station, and he was apprehended in Canterbury, with a portion of the goods in his possession. The prisoner, who is a very tall, powerful man, said nothing in his defence, and he was fully committed to take his trial at the ensuing East Kent Sessions.


From the Kentish Chronicle 10, December 1859.


An extraordinary ease of lock-jaw arising through an accident to a valuable mare belonging to Mr. Thomas Hobday, "Flying Horse," Boughton Aluph, has recently occurred. The accident took place at the upper corner of Bank-street, Ashford. The mare fell at the crossing and fearfully lacerated her knees; this caused lock-jaw, which continued for thirty-one days; but through the perseverance of the veterinary surgeon, Mr. W. Cook, of Willesborough, the mare is now fully restored to health.


From the Whitstable Times, 19 May, 1900.


A sitting of this Court was held at the Guildhall on Thursday, before the Registrar (Walter Furley, Esq.)


Debtor attended for his public examinations.

The statement of affairs showed liabilities £597 14s. 1d., and net assets £300 5s. 1d.

The Official Receiver said that they had already realised the estate or rather ore than was estimated by the debtor, who, under examination, stated that he was formerly a carpenter, and in November, 1891, commenced business as a licensed victualler at the "Flying Horse Inn," Boughton Aluph. He had no capital. The valuation amounted to £250, of which £220 was found by the brewers, the balance being provided by a relative. He now held the "Flying Horse" under the yearly tenancy, at a rental of £45 per annum. He had been in difficulties for some time past. His outlet brewers were Mason and Co, it being a free house belonging to Lord Gerard. His credit was stripped by the Ashford Brewery Company about six weeks before he files his petition, and as soon as it was stopped he filed his petition.

The examination was closed.


During the Covid 19 crisis of 2020, this pub was able to offer a take away service in April.


From the By Sam Williams, 27 April 2020.

Coronavirus Kent: Kings Head at Shadoxhurst and The Flying Horse at Boughton Aluph open as pop-up shops for villagers.

Two pubs which were forced to close due to the coronavirus outbreak have transformed into pop-up shop providing essential items for villagers.

Fruit, vegetables, milk, eggs, biscuits, cheese and flour are now available to buy at the "Kings Head" in Shadoxhurst, near Ashford.

And it is a similar situation at The Flying Horse in Boughton Aluph, also near Ashford.

Soon after shutting down, staff set up tables outside the pub selling milk, eggs and bread. But as demand grew, so did the items available.

Landlord Nicky Horton said: "We set up the shop after we got told to lockdown. We had a deep clean and then re-opened on the Monday knowing people around us are fairly elderly and couldn't get out and about.

"We started with a table out front selling milk and eggs, and that sold out.

"Now we sell most things, including wine, flour, soft drinks, meat, vegetables.

"We're getting deliveries every other day.

"Someone had gone to Sainsbury's and couldn't get yeast or flour and staff told them we had it.

"We did it for the community, but we also have bills to pay.

Flying Horse produce 2020

The Flying Horse is selling a long list of products.

"Summer is a very busy time for us usually when we get a lot of trade. So it is a struggle."

Thy Flying Horse's shop is open every day 10am-2pm. It is also doing hot foods, including a take away roast on a Sunday.



HOBDAY William 1851+ (age 72 in 1851Census)

HOBDAY Thomas Henry 1858-71+ (age 38 in 1871Census)

LADD James 1881-91+ (also blacksmith age 35 in 1881Census)

SNOAD George William 1900+

SAYERS/LAYERS Ivias 1901+ (age 40 in 1901Census)

HALES David 1903+ Kelly's 1903

GILES John Thomas 1911-18+ (age 39 in 1911Census)

HORTON Nicky 2020+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-