Sort file:- Tonbridge, March, 2022.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 06 March, 2022.


Earliest ????

Forester's Arms

Open 2020+

51-52 Quarry Hill Road (Waterloo Place 1861Census)


01732 361927

Foresters Arms Postcard

Above postcard, date unknown.

By kind permission

Forester's Arms 2010

Above photo 2010 by Oast House Archives Creative Commons Licence.

Forester's Arms sign 2010

Above sign 2010.

Forester's sign 2020

Above sign, 2020, kindly taken and sent by Roger Pester.


One time a Mason's tied house, but the brewery was bought out by Shepherd Neame in 1956 and the brewery was subsequently closed and demolished.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 4 May 1861.

George Wisdom, landlord of the "Forester's Arms," Tunbridge, (Sic) was charged with knowingly permitting card playing in his house on the night of the 3rd inst. but as it appeared the parties had not been playing for money or beer the case was dismissed.


Maidstone Telegraph - Saturday 11 October 1862.

Tonbridge. Brutal Assault.

On Saturday at the clerk's office, before Major Scoones and A Pott, Esq., James Webb and Mary Slender, gypsies, were charged with unlawfully beating and wounding the Eliza Gatehouse, on the previous Thursday evening. The complainant, who appeared greatly disfigured by the cruel treatment she had been subjected to, was an elderly woman, and although, as it was stated, she had seven children, and her husband was away in penal servitude, she had been cohabiting with the male prisoners brother, a young man of only 1 and 20, for some two or three years past. On the Thursday morning Jasper Webb, the young fellow in question, was desirous of getting rid of his elderly paramour, having just taken up with the female prisoners sister. The parties will drinking together during the day at several houses from Tunbridge Wells to Tonbridge, and when the complainant was informed of Jasper's intention, she said she wanted to see him, and then he could go with whom he pleased. The two prisoners tried to prevent her following them to Jasper, and near the "Foresters Arms," the male prisoner beat and kicked her in a most cruel manner, and dashed her to the ground while the blood flowed from her ears and nose; she had a baby in her arms at the time, and the female prisoner held her while the other beat her. Mr. George Wisdom, publican, saw the assaults committed by the man, and the police apprehended the prisoner hurrying away on the London Road. The woman was discharged and the man was committed for 2 months imprisonment.

On the application by the witnesses for costs, they having attended 2-days, it appeared that not being a police case, there was no funds from which to allow them. Superintendent Dance said that the magistrates could have made an order for the payment if the police had taken the case up; and Mr. Bell, assistant clerk to the magistrates, alluded to the unsatisfactory state of the law with reference to costs.

A relative of one of the prisoners having made use of threatening language towards the complainant, she was brought in, but promising not to molest her, and the father saying that the wish of the magistrate should be complied with, she was discharged.


From Maidstone and Kentish Journal 23rd January 1896.


On Wednesday night a horse and trap, belong to Mesers. Lyle and Son were outside the "Foresters Arms" Inn, when the animal, which was unattended, suddenly took fright at something and went away rapidly to towards the town down Quarry Hill. It wended it's rapid career up the High street but, fortunately, did not cause any damage, and was ultimately stopped by Ferox Hall by, we understand an employee in the service of Messrs. Smith and Son.


From the By Secret Drinker, 29 May 2020.

Secret Drinker's best Shepherd Neame inland Kent pubs.

The fantastic response to my top five seaside pubs, added to the fact many locals are already planning for the glorious day they can reopen, has persuaded me I must also bring you my top Shepherd Neame inland pubs.

Just imagine the joy of sitting in a beautiful pub garden, a freshly pulled pint in your hand, while the sun blazes down and the birds twitter sweetly in the background.

I took some flak for daring to dream of the time we can revisit a lovely seaside boozer and gaze upon the waves again, but why shouldn’t we have something to look forward to?

If seven out of 10 people reckon the thing they’ve missed most during lockdown is the pub then just imagine getting back to these five fantastic pubs.

The only rule I set to be an inland pub is that if you look out of the window you can’t see the sea.

Even I am surprised by the pub featuring at No.2 in my top 5. From the outside you could be forgiven for passing the Foresters Arms in Tobridge and missing it.

Forester's Arms inside 2019

The Foresters Arms is a kaleidoscope of colour.

The pub is just a short walk from both the bus and train station at Tonbridge.

However, that would be a great shame – I might have only called in by chance, but I ended up having a fantastic evening at this eclectic, full-on boozer. Simply walking through the door challenges your senses and I even ended up loving the grungy, retro feel.

It’s pizza or nothing, but again, it could do no wrong for me and I’m happy to recommend the food too. Though the barmaid did make me play an impromptu game of hunt the Hurlimann?



WISDOM George 1861-Sept/65 (age 29 in 1861Census) Sussex AdvertiserMaidstone Telegraph

MARSH John Sept/1865-71+ (age 51 in 1871Census) Sussex Advertiser

MARSH Mary Ann Mrs 1874-91+ (also butcher, widow age 56 in 1881Census)

COOPER Rowland Hill 1901-03+ (age 26 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

MERCER Thomas 1913-38+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


Sussex AdvertiserSussex Advertiser

Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
