Knatts Valley (Shoreham Hill)
Romney Street
Above photo, 1955. |
Photos taken on 7 December, 2011 from
by John Law. |
Photo taken 6 June 2011 from
by Glen. |
Above photo showing the bar area in 2013. |
Above photo, 2014. |
The pub was originally four woodcutters cottages dating from the early
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 2 June 1860.
George Allen, of the "Fox and Hounds" beer-house, Shoreham-hill, was
brought up at the Petty Sessions, charged with having his house open for
the sale of beer at prohibited hours on the 6th inst. It being the first
offence he was fined 20s. and 9s. 6d. costs.
From the Kent & Sussex Courier, 3 May 1878.
SHOREHAM. Charge of Permitting Drunkenness.
At the Sevevoaks Petty Sessions, on Friday last, Thomas Richardson was
charged with permitting drunkenness on his premises, the "Fox and Hounds"
beer house, on the 6th of April. Mr G. F. Carnell appeared for the
I. C. Foad said that on Saturday night, the 6th inst. he was watching
the defendants house, in Romney-street, in plain clothes, when John
Bones came out of the house with a man named Miles, who was drunk. A
conversation took place between them, and a short time afterwards he
went in the house and had a pint of beer, during which time Bones came
staggering up to the table and wanted a pint of beer, and the defendant
served him. He then told the defendant that he was surprised to see him
serving Bones with beer in the state that he was in, and he said, "Oh!
that is his usual way." He then went through the tap room and opened the
tap room door, and he saw Daniel Buckwell, and George Booker there
drunk. After the house was shut up he called upon the defendant and
asked him how he accounted for the men in his house, and told him that
Bones, Booker, and Buckwell were in there drunk. He said that he did not
think that Bones and Booker were drunk, but as for Buckwell, it was his
pensions day, and the defendant's wife, who was present at the time,
said ha was so when be came in.
P.C. Kilney corroborated the statement of the last witness.
Mr G. F. Carnell, on behalf of the defendant, argued that the men were
not drunk, and that it was a difficult thing to define drunkenness.
Henry Vine proved being in the tap room on the evening of the day in
question, where he saw Miles, Bones, and Buckwell. They ware not drunk,
but sober.
Alfred Miles said he was in the tap room of the "Fox and Hounds"
beer-house on the evening of the day in question. There was no one in
there the worse for liquor, and they conducted themselves properly.
The Bench fined the defendant £1 and 12s. costs, or in default 14 days'
John Bones, Thomas Booker, and Daniel Buckwell were each fined 2s. 6d.
and 8s. 8d. costs, or in default seven days' imprisonment for being
found drunk on the above premises.
Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 25 November 1887.
John Saker, a labourer, land Henry Thomas Cheeseman, a lad, both of whom
reside at Shoreham, were charged with stealing one jubilee four shilling
piece, and one two shilling piece, the monies of Emma Larking, at
Shoreham, on the 18th of November.
Emma Larking said - I live with my mother at Shoreham. On Friday the
18th, the two prisoners came into my mother's house, "The Fox and
Hounds," Romney Street. They sat in the tap-room drying their clothes,
and after some time they blacked their faces with soot. Between 5 and 6
o'clock while my mother was at tea they went outside, and Cheeseman came
in again. I heard the stair door open, and thought it was one of the
lodgers. When I went into the kitchen Cheeseman was sitting there alone.
I said to him—Have they gone and left you here? and he said, No, they
are outside. I went back into the living room, and hearing the door a
second time, I went out again. Another man came in at the tap room door.
Saker was sitting in the chair with his back to the fire. I said to him
You have been upstairs. He said I have not. I told him he had got his
boots off, and he said he knew he had, and he had them off to warm his
feet. Our lodger was there sitting by the taproom fire. I turned round
and saw the stairs door a little way open, and before me and my mother
could get a light to go up stairs the two prisoners were gone. I went up
stairs, and on going to the drawer I found missing from my purse a
jubilee four shilling piece and a two shilling piece. The four shilling
piece was similar to the one produced.
Allred Buckwell, a labourer, said—I live at the "Pig and Whistle,"
Shoreham. On the 18th I went to the "Fox and Hounds," Romney Street. About
twenty minutes to one o'clock the prisoners came in, when we went into
the taproom, and were skylarking and blacking each other's faces. I
afterwards went to wash my face, and when I came back I saw Miss Larking
talking to the prisoners. They were dressed the same. Baker had got his
shoes off, and Cheeseman had got them under his coat. We stopped about
ten minutes, and then we all went off. We met my mother on our way back,
and I went back to the stile with her and the prisoners.
Supt. Waghorn said-About 11 o'clock on Saturday morning. I was going
through the door leading out of the Court into the passage. I heard a
rap at one of the cell doors. I went and opened it, and found it was the
one Saker was locked up in. I said to him, Do you want anything? and he
said he wanted to see me. He then said the boy was afraid to stop in the
other cell alone, and he might as well tell me where the money was. The
other prisoner was there at the time. Saker then said he took the money
and hid it in a garden at Shoreham, and if would take him over there he
would show we where it was. The younger prisoner said he did not take
the money. Baker pulled off his boots and he put them under his coat,
while he went up stairs and got the money. I drove the prisoner Saker to
Shoreham, on Sunday morning, and he took me down into some allotment
gardens and pointed me to a place, and said I should find the 4s. piece
there, but he knew nothing about the 2s. piece. After searching some
distance down, I found the 4s. piece produced.
Both prisoners pleaded guilty to the charge. Supt. Waghorn said the
prisoner Saker bore a very bad character, although he had never been
convicted. He had had a lot of complaints about him, and if he remained
where he was be would train others in the same way he was going. He
thought the younger prisoner had been led away by the elder one. The
bench in sentencing Saker to one month's imprisonment with hard labour,
told him he was liable to three months. Cheeseman was sentenced to a
fortnight with hard labour, the Chairman remarking that they were
disposed to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 16 December 1887.
"Fox and Hounds," Romney Street, Shoreham, cause of leaving through
death. - Apply J. Larkin, on the premises.
Sussex Agricultural Express 01 January 1889.
Alfred Farley was granted a temporary authority to carry on the "Fox and
Hounds," Romney-Street.
Sussex Agricultural Express 02 August 1890.
Albert Farleigh, landlord of the "Fox and Hounds," Romney-Street, was
summoned for having his house open for business during prohibited hours.
- Mr. Ridley defended. - The Bench, having heard the evidence,
considered that there was doubt in the case, and it was therefore
Booker and Miles, charged with being found on the premises at illegal
times, were also dismissed.
I am informed that the pub closed suddenly on 16 November 2014 after the owner said
it was losing money, and I believe he still owns the pub and as of 2016 is
still living there.
RICHARDSON William 1841+ (age 40 in 1841)
ALLEN George 1860+
RICHARDSON Thomas 1871-78+ (age 43 in 1871)
SMITH James 1871+ (age 59 in 1871)
LARKIN Jane to Jan/1889
FARLEY Alfred Jan/1889-91+ (age 57 in 1891)
ROOKS/ROOTS Jesse 1901+ (age 55 in 1901)
HOLLANDS Horace 1913-20+
COPESTAKE Jerry before 1973+
???? Jeff & Fran 2011+
Whitstable Times
and Herne Bay Herald