Sort file:- Westerham, February, 2025.

Page Updated:- Monday, 17 February, 2025.


Earliest ????

Fox and Hounds

Latest Jan 2012

(Name to)

Westerham Hill (South Street 1861Census)


Fox and Hounds 1919

Above photo, circa 1919.

Fox and Hounds 1919

Above postcard, 1919, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Fox and Hounds

Above photo taken from date unknown.

Hunt scene date unknown

Above postcard taken from

Fox and Hounds

Above photo kindly sent by Peter Moynahan, date unknown.

Fox and Hounds 1953

Above postcard, decked in flags and bunting in preparation for celebrating the Coronation of Elizabeth II on 2nd June 1953. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Shown in the livery of Bushell, Watkins & Smith's Black Eagle Brewery, based in nearby Westerham. By the time this photo was taken though, BW&S was a subsidiary (since 1948) of Taylor, Walker's Limehouse Brewery, London E14. The pub is


From the District Times, 6 September, 1895.


Frances Isabella Jackson, a married woman, of Cudham, whose eyes were blackened, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Cudham on Saturday night. She pleaded not guilty for being drunk, but admitted that she might have used language "a little different to what she ought to have done."

Police constable crow said his attention was attracted by noise outside the "Fox and Hounds," and upon going there he found that the prisoner had been ejected by the landlord. She was very drunk and was using most disgusting language.

Witness used persuasion to get her away, but it would not avail, so he was at length compelled to take her into custody. He got a conveyance and proceeded to take her to Sevenoaks. When near her own house he jumped out of the cart and fell on her head doing the injuries, which she suffered from. The wonder was that she had not killed herself. She used bad language the whole of the way.

Prisoner complains that the Constable struck her and blackened her eyes, but this the officer strongly denies.

Superintendent Holman said he came to the station when the prisoner was in the cell. He heard a great noise in the cell, and upon looking in he saw the prisoner bumping her face on the lid of the W.C.

She made a great disturbance all night, so that they could not get a wink of sleep. She was very drunk.

Prisoner was fined ten shillings, and costs. The costs, including the higher of the trap, amounted to 18s and 7d., and the bench seeing this, reduce the fine to five shillings, allowing time for the payment of part of the penalty.


Gloucester Citizen, Saturday 2 April 1932.

"Pot Shot" cost £5. "No right to fire at another dog."

Taking what he called a "pot shot" at a dog, which, in his view, was trespassing in his garden, Percy Hollis, a motor mechanic, of Fair View, Westerham Hill, Kent, a fine of £3 and £2 2s. cost at Bromley Police Court.

Hollis was convicted of causing the dog, a Welsh terrier, unnecessary suffering. Its owner was Mrs. Mitchell, licensee of the "Fox and Hounds Tavern," Westerham. It died from his wounds. Mrs. Mitchell said that the dog was kind and docile.

The chairman (Alderman James) said that it was a serious offence, but in the circumstances he would not

send Hollis to prison. No matter what the dog's character was, Hollis had no right to use a gun.


The census of 1871 and 1881 gave the address as South Street, Cudham.

As of January 2012 the pub was renamed the "Aperfield Inn."



FAIRHALL Jane 1853+

FAIRALL Abel 1855-61+ (also grocer age 39 in 1861Census)

COMFORT George 1871+ (age 76 in 1871Census)

COMFORT Emma Mrs 1881-82+ (age 49 in 1881Census)

THOMPSON John 1891+

ABRAHAM Edward David 1899+

BODINGTON/BUDDINGTON Edward Fause 1901-03+ (age 62 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

STONE G 1913-18+

MITCHELL Mrs 1932+

HAZEL Ethel A Mrs 1934-36+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
