Page Updated Aylesford:- Friday, 10 May, 2024.


Earliest 1714

(Name from)

George Hotel

Latest 1977

40 (15) High Street


George Hotel 1904

Above photo, 1904, by kind permission of Eric Hartland.

George Hotel 1910

Above postcard, circa 1910. Kind permission from Eric Hartland.


Above photo, date unknown.

George postcard 1950

Above postcard, circa 1950, showing the pub as the white building on the right. Kindly supplied by Rory Kehoe.

George Hotel

Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission of Eric Hartland.

Half a sixpence film 1967

Above from the 1967 film "Half a Sixpence" showing the "George" (right) and "Chequers" (left).

George Hotel 1970s

Above photo 1970s by Adrian Cabel Creative Commons Licence.

Former George Hotel 1979

Above photo, 1979, kindly sent by Jeffrey East.

George 2012

Above photo 2012.

George Hotel 2014

Above photo kindly sent by Eric Hart 2014.

George Hotel 2015

Above photo 17 January 2015, kindly sent by Tricia Francis.


The site was originally known as the "Windmill and George" and can be traced back to 1674, according to James H Sephton in his book "Images of England Around Aylesford," and was used as a coaching inn.

After being restored in 1714 the "Windmill" part of the name was dropped. Ralph Fremlin of Fremlin's Brewery bought the place in 1873 and they in turn amalgamated with Whitbread Co. Ltd. in 1967 to become Whitbread Fremlins.

 I believe it closed for business in 1977 and the premises is now a residential house.


There is a little bit of confusion over the licensees of this and the "George Inn." Hopefully this will be sorted one day.


Kentish Gazette, 7 May 1850.


On Wednesday last the rent audit of the Earl of Aylesford was held at the "George Inn," when his lordship with his accustomed liberality, returned ten per cent., although the whole of his farms are let on moderate rents, his lordship made the same allowance at the last audit.


Kent Times, 12 April 1862.

WEST MALLING. Petty Sessions.

Assemb/y Rooms, Monday. Before J. W. Stratford, Esq., in the chair, the Hon. and Rev. Sir F. J. Stapleton, Admiral Randolph, Col Fletcher. Capt. Cheere, J, Savage, S. L. Lucas, and M. H. Dalison, Esqrs.

Several alehouse licenses were transferred, viz., the "George", Aylesford, from Henry French to Charles How.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Monday 21 August 1871.

Fatal Railway Accident.

On Saturday morning last, the gatekeeper at the Aylesford crossing, George Bassett, aged 77 years, was run over by the 8.55 express train from Maidstone, and his body cut to pieces.

At the inquest held at the "George Inn," in the afternoon of the same day, before J. N. Dudley, Esq., it appeared that the first down train was behind its time. This train was probably signalled by Bassett, and he then prepared to cross over the down line with his white flag to signal the up train which was then expected, but at this moment a soldier, who had been speaking to Bassett, saw one of the railway gates swinging across the up line of rails. Bassett also seemed to have noticed this, and he attempted to cross over to fasten the gate, when the train was upon him, cutting him literally to pieces; portions of his body was picked up 50 yards from the spot. The accident, no doubt, occurred in consequence of the deceased not having put the clasp over the head of the gate, which would have prevented it being blown open by the wind. The driver and guard were examined, and stated that they both saw deceased, and attempted to wave him back, but it was too late, the speed of the express at the crossing between 30 and 40 miles per hour. Mr. Raggett the stationmaster at Maidstone, next explained to the jury that the their line was worked on the block system, which does not allow one train to leave a station before an answer has been obtained from the station ahead that all is clear. The deceased had received the signal from Maidstone and had answered back, his distant signal also was set denoting line clear. It is usual for the driver of the express to shut off steam immediately after passing the distance signal (about 600 yards from the crossing), which he did on this occasion, but the speed and weight of train was sufficient to carry the train to Aylesford station without again putting on the steam.

The coroner briefly summed up, and the verdict was returned, "Accidentally killed by a railway engine."


Maidstone and Kentish Journal, 20 April, 1889.

Serious Charge of Forgery.

Charles Stoneham, Miller, of Larkfield, was placed in the dock charged with forgery.

Mr. Turner (from the office of Messrs. Scudamore and Brennan, solicitors, Week Street) appeared to prosecute on behalf of Messr's Wigan Mercer, and Co, bankers.

In stating the case he said he should have to ask for a remand, as he was not in a position to produce all the evidence that day. He would be able to prove in evidence that the prisoner had on several occasions since December up until as recently as the present month forged the name of Mr. Harry Ellis Epps, of "George Hotel," Aylesford. He had signed Mr. Epps' name to cheques upon Messr's. Wigan, Mercer, and Co's. bank, and obtaining money to the amount of £40. The charge was a serious one, and was taken under the 23rd section of the Forgery Act, which if there worships liked he would read.

The Mayor intimated that there was no necessity for that.

Mr. Turner, proceeding, said that Mr. Epps was a licensed victualler living at Aylesford, and he banked with Messrs. Wigan, Mercer, and Co. For some reason he had not looked at his bank book lately, and therefore he had no means of knowing what had been debited to him at the bank. Last week he received an intimation from the bank that is account was overdrawn. Mr. Epps was surprised at this, for he was perfectly aware that he had not drawn on his account to make it in that position. On the receipt of that intimation Mr. Epps examined his bank book and found that six cheques had been cashed at the bank and charged to his account which were not his. The checks were made payable on order to Mr. Stoneham, and every one was endorsed by him and was signed by the name of H. E. Epps. Mr. Turner said he should give them evidence to show that Mr. Stoneham signed those cheques so he should not that day be able to prove the utterance, as the Prisoner was only apprehended yesterday (Monday), but the police were making enquiries. The prisoner have been in pecuniary difficulties and before he became bankrupt he had a small account at Messrs. Wigan, Mercer, and Co's. bank, but he had not got an account now. Mr. Turner then mentioned the new system that the bank had adopted in checking the number of each cheque, and mentioned as another fact that he should call Mr. Hoppe who gave the prisoner, by his request, two blank cheques with two consecutive numbers and the numbers be held corresponded with those cheques. A Mr. Patterson also handed him (the prisoner) a blank cheque by his request. In conclusion Mr. Turner said that he should show that Mr. Epps did keep an account at the bank, and that the latter had been defrauded. Mr. Epps would say that he never did draw those cheques, but they were signed by the prisoner and endorsed by him.
Mr. R. Tadman, clerk at the Kentish Bank, proved that Mr. Epps banked there. Messrs. Wigan, Mercer, and Co., had paid the cheques produced, and charged them to Mr. Epps.

Mr. Epps said he was landlord of the "George Hotel," Aylesford. he banked at Messrs. Wigan, Mercer and Co., but the cheques produced were not his.

The Mayor:- How do you prove that?

They are not in my handwriting.

Further question by the Mayor, witness said that he had been in the habit of giving the prisoner cheques. He knew the prisoners handwriting.

Mr Turner:- And to the best of your belief the cheques are signed by the prisoner.

Witness. Yes.

Mr. Tadman, recalled, said, in reply to questions put by the Mayor, that the payee's name was in the prisoners own writing.

Mr George Patterson proved that the cheque produced he handed to a young man named Pearce for the prisoner.

At this stage of the proceedings, the prisoner was remanded till Thursday Tuesday.

The prisoner applied for bail, but Mr. Turner opposed the application, and it was refused.

The accused also applied that the pocketbook found upon him when apprehended, might be handed over to his wife. This application was also refuse, the Mayor remarking that they could not go from this ordinary rule. Everything found in the possession of a prisoner was kept by the police until the case was finished. Every opportunity would be allowed for the prisoner to prove his innocence, if he was innocent.

Stoneham was then removed to the cells.


From the Probate Records, 1951.

PEAK Emily Elizabeth of "George Hotel," Aylesford, Kent, widow, died 10 July 1951, probate London, 3 November to Dorothy Emily Upton, married woman. Effects £2,160 18s.



JUPP William 1832-40 Pigot's Directory 1832-34

JUPP Elizabeth 1851 Next pub licensee had (widow age 48 in 1851Census)

FIELD Frances Mrs 1851+ (age 43 in 1851Census)

FULLER Mr Mar/1854+ Maidstone and Kentish Journal

FRENCH Henry 1858-Apr/62+ Melville's 1858

HOW Charles Apr/1862+

FIELD William 2/June/1873-84 (age 26 in 1861Census)

EPPS Harry Ellis 1884-99 Next pub licensee had (age 31 in 1891Census) Maidstone and Kentish Journal

ALLEN Frederick 1899-1903+ Kelly's 1903

TAYLOR Edwin 14/June/1910+

BUGGS William 1910-22

LONGHURST Albert 1922-30+

PEAK William 1932+

PEAK Emily Elizabeth 1939-10/July/1951 (dec'd age 76)


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Maidstone and Kentish JournalMaidstone and Kentish Journal

Melville's 1858From Melville's Directory 1858

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
