Page Updated:- Sunday, 09 February, 2025.


Earliest 1768

George and Dragon

Open 2019+

High Street


01732 884298

George and Dragon 1906

Above photo circa 1906, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Believed to have been an outlying tied house of Kidd's Steam Brewery, Dartford, which was taken over by Courage's Horsleydown Brewery, London SE1, in 1937.

George and Dragon circa 1910

Above postcard between 1900-1920, showing "George and Dragon" on right.

George and Dragon 1938

Above postcard, 1938.

George and Dragon 1957

Above photo, by K J Portwine/Fox photos/Getty Images. 1957, also showing the "Rose and Crown" on the left.

George and Dragon 2013

Above pub 2013.

George and Dragon

Above photo from

George and Dragon sign 1980s

Above sign, 1980s.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


From the Kentish Gazette, 8 December 1857.

George Pope, 23, was charged with stealing a piece of beef, some herrings and chestnuts, and other property belonging to Daniel Driscoll, at Wrotham, on the 28th November.

Mr. Russell appeared for the prosecution. The prisoner was undefended.

John Barling, K.C., said that on the night of the 28th of November he was set to watch Mrs. Twort’s premises, the "George and Dragon," Wrotham. He placed himself in a chaise-house, and about three o’clock in the morning heard somebody coming down the yard. In a few minutes he heard the window clutter; and then the intruder came across to a coach-house next to the chaise-house and got the lock off. By this time the policeman had come out of the chaise-house, and the prowler on seeing him ran away. Witness pursued and secured him, and found it was the prisoner. On his person was found a few chestnuts and a key that opened Driscoll’s box. On examining the premises, it was found that the prisoner had broken a paper pane, put his hand inside and opened the window.

Some further evidence having been given, the prisoner was found guilty.

Eighteen months' hard labour.


South Eastern Gazette, 7 February, 1860.

MONGEHAM.- Horse Stealing and Quick Recovery of the Animals.

At the St. Augustine’s Petty Sessions, on Friday, James Watson, alias Jones, was charged with having stolen two horses, the property of Miss M. Bray, of Great Mongeham.

Francis Hooper, groom to the prosecutrix, deposed that on Tuesday night he left the stable at half-past 7 o’clock; the door was then locked. At that time there was a grey gelding horse in the stable, of the value of £40. On the following morning, at 5 o’clock, he found the stable door broken open, and the horse gone. Another horse was also missing. He had since seen the gelding in the possession of the police.

Robert Hewett, waggoner’s mate, proved turning a black horse belonging to the prosecutrix into, the straw yard, at 10 o’clock on Tuesday night, and which was also missed the next morning. It was worth £40.

Sub-sergeant Aspinall, K.C.C., stationed at Wrotham, found the two stolen horses at the "George Inn" at that place, at 10 o’clock on Wednesday morning. There was a third horse in the stable with them. He found the prisoner in bed and charged him with stealing the two horses. He said "The time will tell when it is proved."

Superintendent Hulse, of the Malling division, said the prisoner told him that he came from Gravesend, and had bought the grey and black horses at Charing. The other he exchanged for one he had.

Another charge against the prisoner was then taken, of stealing a horse, the property of Edward Bass, at Great Mongeham, of the value of £35. The evidence in this case was exactly similar to the last.

Stephen Barwick, waggoner to Mr. Bass, providing that on Tuesday night his master’s stable was broken open, and a black horse, of the value of £35, stolen, which proved to be the third horse found by Aspinall in the stable at Wrotham.

The prisoners were remanded till Saturday, the 11th inst.


South Eastern Gazette, 14 February, 1860.

MONGEHAM. The Case of Hobbb Stealing and Quick Recovery of the Stolen Animals.

At the St. Augustine’s petty sessions, on Saturday last, James Watson, alias Jones, was brought up on remand, charged with having stolen three horses, two the property of Miss M. Bray, of Great Mongeham, and the third the property of Mr. Bass. The case had been adjourned for the attendance of additional witnesses.

Henry Hards stated that he was ostler at the "George Inn," Wrotham. On the night of Wednesday, the 1st inst., he saw the prisoner, with three horses, in the inn yard. The animals appeared to have been travelling, and the prisoner remarked that they were tired. The horses taken from the stables by the police were those brought there by the prisoner.

Peter Thomas Gilman, landlord of the "White Horse" public-house at Sandway, Lenham, deposed that the prisoner called at his house with three horses, at about half-past ten on the night of the 1st of February. In answer to witness, prisoner said he had come from Ashford market, where he had sold five horses. He wanted 20 guineas for the grey.

Able Squire, a private in the 23rd Regt., stationed at Walmer, proved travelling with the prisoner by train, from London to Deal, on the 1st February. On reaching Deal, they both went to the "Nelson" public-house, where witness left the prisoner about eight o’clock. While at the public-house the prisoner asked him what trade he was. He replied, a blacksmith. The prisoner then asked him if he could not get him some picklock keys, as he (prisoner) could get many a truss of hay and corn out of stables for his horses. Witness told him that he could not.

In answer to the charge, the prisoner said he bought two of the horses on the 1st of February. He gave £45 for the grey, and a little pony and £10 in exchange for the other. He was fully committed for trial at the intermediate session at Maidstone.


From the Kentish Chronicle, 18 February, 1860.


(Before William Delmar and William Plummer, Esqrs.)

The Horse Stealing Case.

James Watson was brought up in custody, for stealing three horses at Great Mongeham, and the following additional evidence was taken:—

Henry Hards, ostler at the "George Inn," Wrotham:— I do not know the prisoner; I never saw him till the 1st instant, but the horses he was charged with stealing were in the "George Inn" stables at half-past nine o'clock on the night of Wednesday, the 1st instant. They were brought by the prisoner. They appeared to have travelled a long way, and the prisoner said they were tired and wanted something to eat. After the horses were "done up" the prisoner went into the inn. The horses were afterwards taken away, by Sub-Police Sergeant Aspinall.

Peter Thomas Gilbert, landlord of the "White Horse" public-house, Sandway, near Lenham, on being sworn said:— I saw the prisoner at my house on the morning of Wednesday, the 1st instant. He had three horses with him. I knew two of the horses. All the horses appeared to have been travelling, and I asked what was the matter with the grey. He said he had given it some water, and perhaps it took effect on it. I asked him if he had come from Ashford market, which had been held on the day before, and he said "Yes." I asked him how he found business there, and he said "Pretty well, I had eight horses there, and I sold five of them." When he went away I asked him the price of the grey, and he said "Twenty Guineas."

Abraham Squire, a private soldier in the 23rd Welsh Fusiliers stationed at Walmer. I was returning from furlough on the 31st January. I travelled by train from London to Deal. The prisoner was in the same train the whole way, and I parted with him about eight o’clock at the "Nelson" public-house at Deal. We arrived in Deal about twelve o’clock in the day, and I staid drinking with the prisoner till eight o'clock at night. He had a bag with him, but I do not know what it contained. During the conversation I had with him the prisoner asked me what my trade was. I told him I was a locksmith, and he asked me if I would get him half a dozen or a dozen keys with the works filed out-picklock keys—as he wanted them to open stable doors. If he had the keys he said he could get many a truss of hay for his horses. I told him I could not get him the keys.

The prisoner said he had no questions to put to this witness, as he had never seen him before.

In reply to the usual caution from the bench, the prisoner said: I bought two of the horses—the grey and the little black one—at Charing on the 1st day of the month, and I gave £10 and another horse in exchange for the third.

The prisoner was fully committed for trial and the witnesses were respectively bound over to appear against him at the quarter sessions at Maidstone on the 1st March.


South Eastern Gazette, 12 March, 1860.

SECOND COURT. (Before (Gathorne Hardy, Esq., Chairman).

Horse Stealing At Mongeham.

James Watson, for having stolen two geldings, value £40, the property of Margaret Bray, of Great Mongeham, an the 1st February. He was further charged with stealing a mare, value £30, the property of Mr. Edward Bus, of the same place, and on the same day. Mr. F. J. Smith was for the prosecution, and Mr. Francis for the defence.

Francis Hopper, groom in the employ of Miss Bray, said he locked one of the horses (a gray) in the stable on the night of the 31st January, and next morning he missed it.

By Mr. Francis:— The lock of the stable had been broken.

Robert Hewitt corroborated this witness’s evidence.

Abel Squire, a private in the 23rd Welch Fusiliers, stationed at Walmer barracks, travelled from London to Deal with the prisoner on the 31st January. Prisoner asked him if he could supply him with half a dozen keys with the work filed out, as he could get some hay and corn for his horses. Witness told him he could not.

Wm. Wybourne, in the employ of Miss Bray, gave evidence as to a black mare being missing from the yard on the morning in question.

Peter Thomas Gilbert, innkeeper, living at Sandway, Lenham, said the prisoner was at his house on the 1st February, between nine and ten o’clock. He had three horses with him, one grey, a black mare, and an old pony 20 years old. They appeared as though they had travelled a great distance. Prisoner told him that he had been to Ashford market, where he had sold five horses.

Henry Hards, innkeeper at Wrotham, said the prisoner came to his house on the 1st February, with three horses, which he put into witness's stable.

P.C. Aspinall, K.C.C., on the 1st February, went to the "George Inn," Wrotham, where he found the prisoner, with three horses, answering the description he had received of some which had been stolen. On charging the prisoner with stealing the horses, he said "Time will prove it." Witness took the horses to Canterbury, where they were shown to Hopper and Wybourne, who identified them.

Superintendent Hulse, K.C.C., of the Malling division, saw the prisoner at the West Malling lock-up, and on asking him where he came from he replied "Gravesend." He said he had bought the grey horse at Charing, and the others he had had in exchange.

Mr. Mourilyan said that the distance the horses had travelled, from Deal to Wrotham, was about forty miles.

The jury found the prisoner guilty of this charge, and the other being exactly similar it was not gone into.

Eighteen months’ hard labour.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 1 June 1861.

Wrotham. Accident.

On Monday as a wagon belonging to Mr. H. Simmonds of this parish was passing through Wrotham loaded with mangold wurzel, the horse was frightened by a band which was in attendance at the anniversary of the Lodge of Ancient Druids held at the "George and Dragon" here, and ran off at full speed for about 100 yards when the rod pin fell out. The horse kept on its course with the rods but the wagon ran into a bank. A little girl named Hazenden, about 7 years of age was on the top of the wagon and was thrown off, and unfortunately fell under the wheels, but luckily they did not go over her. She however in falling broke her leg and sustained some other injuries. She was promptly attended to by J. C. Kent, Esq., surgeon, and is now going on favourably.


South Eastern Gazette, 23 July 1861.

Attempted suicide.

On Thursday last and man attempted to commit self destruction. It appears that on Wednesday he was seen wandering about the town, and on Thursday afternoon, at about 4 o'clock, he went to the shop of Mr. Douse, hairdresser, of this town, where he asked Mrs. Douse for a razor to shave himself with. He instantly went to a glass and drew the razor across his throat, inflicting of wound about 2 inches in length. Medical aid was at once procured, and he was taken to the "George" public house, where every attention was paid to him, and on Friday he was conveyed to Malling Union house. He states that poverty and the stress induced him to make the attempt on his life. He refuses to give his name; he is about 50 years of age, dressed in dark clothes, with oilskin cap, of light complexion, with blue eyes. He says that he left home a fortnight last Wednesday. He has a wife, and was in London on the night of the late terrible fire.


Kent Times, 12 July 1862.

Petty Sessions, July 7. Present, J. W. Stratford, Esq., in the chair; the Hon, and Rev. Sir F. Stapleton, Col. Fletcher, Admiral Randolph, Capt. Prentis, Capt. Cheere, and R. Tassell, R. Rodger, J. Savage, and J. B. Wildman, Esqrs.

The sessions were special for highways and for the transfer of alehouse licenses.

The license of the "George and Dragon," Wrotham, was transferred from Joseph Harrison Chapman to Henry Grist.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, 12 November 1867.

Refusing to admit the "Blue." - A caution.

Henry Grist, landlord of the "George and Dragon," Wrotham, was charged with refusing to admit the police when called upon.

Mr. W. South Norton appeared for the defendant.

Police constable Waghorne deposed that at about 10 minutes after the 11 on the night of the 25th September, he went to the defendants house. He saw a light in one of the windows, and he then tried the door, which was fastened. Defendant called out, "We've got no room here." He went to the window and called out "Police" several times, and said he wanted to come in, as he believed there was a man inside he wanted.

Defendant said, "You go to where you came from; go to _____."

He replied, "No, it's not quite so bad as that comes to, but I want to come in;" and defendant again replied. "You go where he came from; go to ____."

Defendant then took up a light and went away up stairs.

He (witness) also left and procured the assistance of a brother constable, and they returned to the house together and knocked up the defendant, who looked out of the window. They again said they were constables and required admission, but the defendant said his house was closed, and would not be opened till 6 o'clock next morning, when they might come in if they please.

They remained by the house that night, and when it was open next morning they went in and searched, and in a loft on defendant's premises they found the man whom he (witness), was in search of, and whom he apprehended.

That man had since been committed for trial for uttering counterfeit coin, and in the loft and on the premises he (witness) afterwards found upwards of £4 in counterfeit coin.

Mr. Norton said he could not deny that the plane facts of the case were as stated by the constables, nor could he account for the singular conduct of defendants, accepting by assuring the bench that he did not at the time believe they were police constables, as was shown by his telling the first witness to go back to where he came from. Defendant had been out all day, returning very late, and finding from 50 to 60 lodgers in his house, upon whom he had to attend, and consequently he went to bed very tired. He called Superintendent House and two constables - Waghorne and another, who gave him a good character, and he was fined in the mitigating penalty of 4s and costs, some of the magistrates thinking it's so glaring a case as to call for the infliction of the full penalty of £5.


History below taken from 2014.

The inn known by the name and sign of the "George and Dragon" was built in the 21st year of Charles II, in 1681, though this original structure, now mainly confined to the rear of the building, was altered and enlarged in the reign of George III, in 1795, with the construction of a new facade and an additional upper storey.

When first built the property was two separate dwelling houses, belonging with other properties and lands in Wrotham estate of one Giles Hylton esq. of the town of Maidstone in this County of Kent, who held the mortgages on properties and lands in that town, in this parish and the parishes of Ightam and Otford. He possessed of these properties with tenants in occupation until his death in 1711 whereafter they passed with the remainder of his estate to his son Peter of Ightam, who possessed them until the year 1718, when in that year he disposed of certain lands and properties from his fathers estate, in the parishes of Wrotham and Otford, including these two dwellings. At this date the freehold was purchased by one Robert Terry esq. of Sevenoaks.

In occupation here, in one dwelling, at this date, called No. 5, was one Thomas Capstone, land steward to the estate of Terry and residing in what then was No. 6 the street, was Richard Wells, auctioneer, his wife Martha and seven children. By 1723, Thomas Capstone, still resided here, but is now described as a bailiff, and in No. 6 was one Esau Martyne, furniture maker and upholsterer his wife Margaret and four children. By 1735, neither of these families are recorded in the parish of Wrotham.

At this date the property was in the hands of the executors of the Terry estate. He having died in 1728 of no male heirs the property had passed to his nephew Thomas Terry of Newington near Sittingbourne, who in 1739 appears to have transferred the deeds of these two dwellings and others with Lands to one Michael Koaden, M. D. of London. By the 1760's he still possessed of them, with tenants occupying both dwellings. In 1768, there dwelled in No. 5 the street, one Thomas Thorpe, tallow maker and brewer. In that same year he applied for and was granted a licence.....ayment for certain ales and ciders, the quality of which...that he should at all times be determined by a qualified.....the dignity and lawfulness of that..... other than that of a registered seller or tapster.

Thomas Thorpe, left the house in 1793, at which date one Tobias Fuller, was granted a full licence and upon doing so, registered the house under the title of the "George and Dragon". By 1810, the street had become the High Street and the numbers of the inn and the adjoining dwelling Nos. 4 & 5. The inn at this date was owned by Thomas Kit, brewer of Dartford, later to become the Kit Steam Brewery.

Toby Fuller died in 1843, whereupon his son Reuben accepted the tenancy. He remained at the inn until 1865, when in that year one Henry Grist took over the licence. Grist was a carrier to the parish of Wrotham, which meant he undertook the task of delivering on certain given hours such items, as books newspapers, parcels even furniture, to other inns on a selected route, in order that the receivers of these parcels or items could meet him and collect them. He remained at the "George and Dragon" until his retirement in 1880, whereupon he was succeeded by one William Harryman. He stayed until 1890, when one William Ovenden took over.

In 1898, he left and was replaced by John Thomas Faircloth, he in 1903 by James Budgeon, he in 1909 by George Elphick, he in 1917 by William Ashdown, he in 1922 by James Henry Jackson, he in 1930 by Robert J. Roddis, and he in 1936 by Albert G. Jones, who held the tenancy for the duration of the war years, following which the adjoining dwelling was altered to form part of the inn.


Project 2014 has been started to try and identify all the pubs that are and have ever been open in Kent. I have just added this pub to that list but your help is definitely needed regarding it's history.

As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation.



CROSBY James Peter 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29(George)

BISHOP Mary 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

ALLCHIN Richard 1840+ Pigot's Directory 1840

TWORT Mrs 1857+

CHAPMAN Joseph Harrison to July/1862

GRIST Henry JULY/1862-74+

HARRYMAN William 1881-82+ (age 43 in 1881Census)

BUGDEN James 1901-03+ (age 54 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

ASHDOWN William 1911-18 (also Brewers Agent age 50 in 1911Census)

JACKSON James Henry 1922+

RODDIS Robert J 1930+

JONES Albert G 1938+

???? Martin & Pauline 2014+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
