Page Updated:- Sunday, 10 November, 2024.


Earliest 1785

Greyhound Hotel

Latest 1986

(Name to)


Langton Green


Above photo, date unknown.

Greyhound Hotel 1901

Above postcard, circa 1901, kindly sent by Shaun Gardener.

Greyhound 1903

Above postcard 1903.


Above postcard, date unknown.


Above photo, date unknown.

Greyhound Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Greyhound Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent my Mark Jennings.

Greyhound 1962

Above photo, 1962.


Above photo, circa between 1955-70 as Courage house.


The original building dates from 1733 and became a pub in 1785, the building was demolished in 1900 when a fire partially destroyed the living accommodation and revealed the old house to be in an advanced state of dilapidation. The current building was completed in 1901 and for several years served as a hotel.

The owners of the premises, can be traced from Isaac Goodwin in 1733. Next the premises was owned by Bridge Brewery in Tonbridge, the Dartford Brewery Co. Ltd., Style and Winch Medway Brewery, Barclay Perkins & Co. of London, Courage and Barclay Ltd and, lastly, Greene King. Brunning and Price took the lease and renamed the pub the "Hare" in 1986.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier 13 June, 1873. Price 1d.


The thirty-fourth anniversary of this well-known Friendly Society was celebrated at the "Greyhound Inn," Langton, on Wednesday last, with great éclat. In the morning, at ten o'clock, the members assembled in a spacious booth, erected in the rear of the "Greyhound Inn," when the customary routine business was gone through. At eleven o'clock, preceded by the well-known Austrian Band, under the leadership of Herr Serfi, they marched to church, where full morning service was gone through, and an eloquent and appropriate sermon preached by the Rev. W. H. Perkins, the incumbent. At the close of the service, the procession returned to the "Greyhound Inn," where a capital dinner was provided by the host, Mr. James Bartlett. Mr. J. M. Richardson was the appointed Chairman, and we must not omit to mention that J. Parsons, Esq., of Ashurst Lodge, very kindly drove into Tunbridge Wells with his drag, and four prancing high-bred beautiful horses, to fetch the Chairman, who was accompanied by Mr. Dainton. It is needless to say that the arrival of the four-in-hand on the festive scene created no little excitement, and the members of the club appeared thoroughly to appreciate the great honour done to the occasion. The chair was occupied by Mr. J. M. Richardson, who was supported by J. Parsons, Esq., — Masterman, Esq., Messrs. H. Dainton, R. Merry, W. Brown, G. Willicombc, Holmes, Goodwin, W. Ovenden, &c., &c.

The Chairman proposed the usual loyal toasts, which were drank amidst much enthusiasm, the band playing "God Save the Queen" and "God Bless the Prince of Wales."

Mr. Parsons proposed "The Protestant Church of England," coupling with the toast the name of the Rev. W. H. Perkins. Mr. Parsons said it was the first time he had had the pleasure of attending at the anniversary of the Langton Club, but he hoped it would not be the last by a great many. He had attended many club festivals, but he did not think that he was ever at one which had a better dinner or more successful anniversary gathering than the Langton Club that day had. He concluded by making a few suitable observations as to the encouragement given by the clergy to benefit societies, and to every other good object.

The Chairman said he much regretted to say that he had just received a message from the Rev. W. H. Perkins, informing him that the rev. gentleman, owing to indisposition occasioned by his being severely stung in the face on the preceding day by a bee, was unable to attend; but as all present well knew, the best wishes of the rev. gentleman were with them. He felt, under the circumstances, called upon to respond to the toast, and he then gave an account of how, in his early days, he earnestly wished to be a clergyman of the Church, but how by circumstances his plans were altered, and he went to Southern Africa, in which tropical climate he spent several years.

Mr. Masterman proposed the next toast, ‘The Army, Navy, Militia, Yeomanry, and Volunteers,' observing that in case of an attack being made upon our shores by an enemy, he would meet with a warm reception at the hands of the several branches of the service he had mentioned.

The toast was drunk amidst much cheering, and the Chairman, as an honorary member and hon. sec. of the 17th Kent, responded, and invited all present to show their patriotism by joining and supporting the 17th Kent Rifle Volunteer Corps. Unfortunately, the corps he represented stood in need of two officers to share the duties with their gallant friend, the commandant, Captain Lutwidge, and he sincerely wished that some spirited gentleman like their esteemed friend, Mr. Parsons, would come forward; but at all events, if they could not become officers, they might all assist the corps by subscribing to its funds.

Mr. Parsons said he would at once take up the challenge, and had much pleasure in subscribing a guinea to the funds of the 17th Kent, an announcement which was received with loud cheering.

The Chairman then proposed, in glowing terms, the health of the Unpaid Magistracy, specially mentioning two of the local magistrates who were particularly deserving of their esteem and regard—Arthur Pott, Esq., and Colonel Ramsden.

The toast was drunk amidst much cheering.

The toast of the day, 'Success to the Langton Friendly Society,' was then proposed by the Chairman, who favoured the members with some very good and practical advice respecting the system of "sharing out" adopted in that and many other similar societies. The principle, he said, no doubt operated very well while the members were young, or even while they were middle-aged; but there were cases in which it had been found not to act so well when the members became old. Whatever might be his opinion respecting "sharing out," he must say that he felt great pride and pleasure in the Langton Friendly Society, and he congratulated the members on the prosperous condition they were in, and the very successful anniversary that they had that day taken part in. Societies like that were productive of a vast amount of good, and, supposing they did not exist, there would be a terrible amount of suffering and distress in the different parishes of England. He coupled with the toast the name of Mr. W. Ovenden, treasurer to the society.

Mr. Ovenden returned thanks on behalf of himself and brother officers, and stated that the club was in a very good position. From the balance-sheet, it appears that the receipts during the year amounted to £208 10s., and after meeting the expenditure and carrying forward the sum of £17 to the superannuation fund, £131 18s. 3d. was divided amongst the 174 members. The superannuation fund represents a total of £132 10s. 2d., and there is a reserve fund of £43 5s. in the Tunbridge Wells Savings Bank. During the year, one member and three members' wives died, and the sick pay amounted to £65 6s. The accounts were audited by Messrs. Thos. Hall, Henry Chapman, and Wm. Butcher, the auditors appointed, and by Mr. Wm. Hartridge, the secretary.

The health of the Chairman was proposed by Mr. Dainton, and drunk amidst much cheering, and the Chairman returned thanks in a suitable manner.

A number of other toasts were proposed and responded to, amongst which were ‘Prosperity to the Trade of the District,' proposed by the Chairman, and responded to by Mr. Dainton; 'Success to Agriculture,' proposed by the Chairman, and responded to by Mr. R. Merry. The proceedings were of a most successful character throughout, and the general enjoyment was much enhanced by the excellent music discoursed by the Austrian Band.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier 18 July, 1873. Price 1d.

Tonbridge Wells petty Sessions.


Obadiah Bennett, aged 55, of New Town, Langton, was charged with being on the closed premises of G. Field, Esq, of Ashurst Park, on the previous night, for the purpose of committing a felony. Prisoner said he not intend to commit a commit a felony. He was attracted to the spot by a noise which he heard. This being taken as a plea of not guilty, P.C. Martin was sworn. He said he was on duty at Langton on the preceding night, and saw the prisoner come out of the “Greyhound” public-house. Noticing that the prisoner went in the opposite direction to his dwelling witness watched him. When he got near the church he turned into the footpath, leaving the first gate open, and shutting the second very cautiously. He went round into Ashurst Park through the stack-yard to some enclosed buildings, and clambered over a gate five or six feet high. Prisoner was in the yard about ten minutes, and when he came out witness asked him what he was doing there at that time of night, and prisoner said he was allowed to go where he liked. He searched him and found nothing upon him. He then told him that if he had got no commission from Mr. Field or from the bailiff he should lock him up for being there at such a late hour. Prisoner said “If you lock me up you wont live long after it.”

Prisoner:- That was only nonsense (laughter). He then called the bailiff, who said the prisoner had no business there. Prisoner would not go to the lock-up quietly, and they got a cart in which the prisoner was conveyed thence.

By the Court:- There was no noise at all on the premises. There was some corn and other things in the yard.

William Cable, bailiff to the prosecutor, said the prisoner was at one time in the employ of Mr. Field, but he had no business on the premises on Friday night.

In defence prisoner said he had worked for different gentlemen about Langton for a good many years, and as he did not mean to steal anything he did not think he was doing any harm.

The constable said he had received many complaints about the prisoner doing the same thing on other property, in fact it was not long ago that the prisoner was found by Mr. Merry's premises at 3 o'clock in the morning.

Prisoner was sentenced to three weeks imprisonment with hard labour in Maidstone gaol.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier. 5 September 1873. Price 1d.


On Mr. James Bartlett's name being called over, and the applicant presenting himself, the Chairman said that at the last annual licensing day a complaint was made that his house was not as well conducted as it ought to be. Persons had been seen leaving the house in a drunken state, and on one occasion there was a disturbance. It was quite true that he (Mr. Bartlett) was not about at that time, and therefore not able to be present, but he ought to have left some one in charge to see that the house was properly conducted. Mr. Bartlett said he was not able to attend at the last annual licensing meeting, but he wrote a letter which he then presented to the Bench. Mr. Wigg remarked that there were also one or two other cases. The police had reported him more than once. Superintendent Dance said what had been alluded to was previous to the last annual licensing day. There had been no complaint during the year. The Chairman said that was not so. He recommended Mr. Bartlett to take great care that his house was properly conducted in future.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 17 October, 1873.


John Cook, labourer, and Stephen Jenner, were charged with creating a disturbance in a public-house, and refusing to leave the same when requested to do so by the landlord, James Bartlett, at Langton, on the 4th inst. Cook pleaded guilty to being riotous, but denied refusing to quit. Jenner pleaded guilty to the whole charge.

Mr. Bartlett said that on the 4th inst, at about half-past ten o’clock, the defendants were in his house the "Greyhound," at Langton, and had been there about half-an-hour. They did not come in together, but Jenner went into the taproom to Cook, and commenced quarrelling. When Cook struck Jenner, he turned him out into the passage and fastened the door. Jenner struck him when in the passage, and as defendants commenced fighting again, he turned them out. On the second occasion, Cook went out of his own accord.
Mr. T F Simpson (the Clerk) said that part of the case, "refusing to leave," fell through.

Supt. Dance said Jenner had been up before for assaulting the police, and Cook for drunkenness.

P.C. Martin said both defendants were very steady men and attended to their work when sober, but when drunk were very quarrelsome. He had frequently cautioned Jenner.

Jenner said he was getting older, and a little drink took greater hold of him than it used to do.

The Bench fined defendants 10s., and costs 6s. 3d. each, which they paid.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 5 January, 1917.


This popular hostelry has just changed hands. Mr. and Mrs. Watson having relinquished in favour of Mr. and Mrs. Hastings, who come with excellent credentials from Woolwich. Messrs. Wixkenden, of Tonbridge Wells, were the agents through whom the business was effected.



MAYNARD Ts 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

HOLMES William 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

TURLEY Thomas 1858+

BARTLETT James 1873+ Kent and Sussex Courier

HOPTROFF Frank 1881-82+ (age 38 in 1881Census)

HOPTROFF Ellen 1891+ (age 47 in 1891Census)

MOBSBY William 1903+ Kelly's 1903

VERTCH William Scott 1911+ (age 50 in 1911Census)

BAILEY Charles A 1913+

WATSON Mr & Mrs to Jan/1917

HASTINGS Mr & Mrs Jan/1917+

TOMLINSON William 1922+



Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-