Page Updated:- Friday, 15 October, 2021.


Earliest 1850-

Half Way House

Latest 1970s

(Name to)

Calcott Hill


Halfway House 1950

Above photo, circa 1950, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Half Way House 1950

Above photo, circa 1950, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Showing William and Emily Blockley, licensees and in the middle, an unknown girl, who may have been the Blockley's daughter Grace.

Half Way House 1953

Above photo, 1953, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Showing licensees William and Emily Blockley.

Halfway House bar 1950s

Above photo showing the bar area, including Emily Brokley and her daughter Grace, circa 1950s. Kindly sent by Mike Bundock.

Half Way House map 1896

Above map 1896, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.


Situated near or on the Calcott farm, the pub changed name around the 1970s, (date to be confirmed) to the "Punch Tavern."


Kentish Gazette, 18 June 1850.

On Tuesday an inquest was held at the "Half-way House," before J. Hinde, Esq., coroner, on the body of George Goodwin, aged 50, a sawyer, who lodged at the above house. It appeared by the evidence that the deceased had just put some water into his teapot on the previous Sunday afternoon, when he fell down suddenly on the floor, and expired immediately.

Verdict, "Natural death."


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 13 September 1879.


Superintendent Walker objected to the renewal of the license of the "Half-way House," on the Sturry Road, to George Hall, on the following grounds:— that he the said George Hall, made use of abusive, insulting and threatening language to Sergeant Knowlden when that officer went to the house on duty, and that he opened his house for the sale of liquor during prohibited hours on a Sunday.

Mr. R. W. Flint appeared in support of the application for the renewal.

Sergeant Knowlden was called and stated that he called at Hall’s house to see his dog license. Hall told him that he could not attend to him until after he had served his customers, and witness then went in a side room to wait his pleasure. Hall came to him and with an oath said “If you don’t come out of that room I will put you out. That’s my private room.” Witness said “Do you intend to show me your license?” Hall replied with an oath “Yes, but I am going to attend to my customers first.” He then went on serving customers and witness went into the ground, and he (Mr Flint) could not help thinking that the police had so acted from some private pique or malice against the applicant, who, perhaps, had not been so liberal to them as he might have been, and so they were trying to put their foot upon him. If the police had a charge against the man in respect of this particular Sunday why did they not summon him in the usual way? They had brought one case against him in that way, but it was dismissed.

The Chairman said the Bench were of opinion that this was a very proper case to bring before them. They did not consider that any offence had been committed with reference to the visit of the sergeant to see the dog license, and perhaps it was not necessary to have imported that matter into the case. The license would be renewed, but the applicant must be very cautious as to his future conduct of the house. The bench could not understand how any publican could be hostile to the police, and happily but few of them were. A publican could never manage his house in a proper manner if it were not for the assistance or the police, and on that account alone they ought to welcome the presence of the police in their neighbourhood rather than resent it.



GOLDSMITH George 1861+ (age 61 in 1861Census)

HALL George 1879+ Whitstable Times

GREENSTREET George to Nov/1880-81+ Whitstable Times

HEARD Thomas Nov/1880-81+ (age 49 in 1881Census) Whitstable Times

BENTLEY H Mr 1890-98 dec'd

BENTLEY Eliza 1898-1902 (age 64 in 1901Census)

UDEN George 1902-May/1907 Whitstable TimesCanterbury Journal

ROSSITER Edward May/1907+ Canterbury Journal

EDWARDS James 1911+ (age 39 in 1911Census)

MUNN William to Jan/1914 Whitstable Times

BROADBRIDGE George Jan/1914+ Whitstable Times

HUBBARD A 1920s-mid30s

BLOCKLEY W mid30s-mid50s


Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald

Canterbury JournalCanterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
