Sort file:- Malling, September, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 09 September, 2024.


Earliest 1704

(Name from)

King and Queen

Open 2020+

1 New Road

East Malling

01732 842752

King and Queen

Above photo, date unknown.

King and Queen

Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission of Eric Hartland.

King and Queen

Photos taken 2010 from by Glen.

King and Queen 2014 King and Queen sign 1987King and Queen sign 2014

Above photos kindly sent by Roy Moore, 14 April, 2014.

Sign left, March 1987.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Above photo, 2019, by Steve Crispe.


This building was built in 1537 as a dwelling house connected to the Abbey in West Malling, it was given up to the crown in 1539 during the dissolution of the monasteries under Henry VIII. Over the years the building was passed through the hands of many kings and queens and even back to the church on occasion and many other people. In 1672 the house became a licensed premises by the name of the "Three Cups" and was owned by Jon Wagon. It remained in family through many years and was renamed in 1704 to the "King and Queen's Head." By 1802 it was owned by another family and being sold as the "King and Queen" to the Brenchley, Stacey and Wise' Brewing Company of Maidstone. After this the pub was owned by numerous different families until 1929 when the current brewery sold the building to the Fremlin Brothers Brewery, and since then it has been run by eight different families.


Details from the pub 2015.

A Brief History

Built in 1537, then as a dwelling place connected to the ancient monastery of West Mailing, the "King and Queen" as it is now known was given up to the crown in 1539 with the final dissolution of the monasteries under the tyranny of Henry VIII. The ownership of the building changed a number of times between Kings and Queens, back to the church on occasion, various Lords and Ladies, and also tenant farmers. 1672 was the first time this ‘house', then known as the “Three Cups”, became licensed, and it was decreed by justices sitting in sessions at the "Swan Inn," West Mailing, that the then owner Jon Wagon may keep and issue ale. It passed through various family members and in 1704 was re-named the “King and Queen's Head”, possibly in honour of William III and Mary II who ruled together from 1668 until her death in 1694. It was handed to another family in 1802 and shortly after sold as the “King and Queen” to the ‘Brenchley, Stacey and Wise' Brewing Company of Maidstone. There were twelve different Landlords/ladies from this time until 1929 when the current brewery sold out to the Fremlin Brothers brewery at Earl Street Maidstone. Eight different Landlords/ladies have kept the pub since then. The current Landlord, Dave, has been at the "King and Queen" since 11th December 2000. Over this period, together with his team, he's built a strong customer loyalty for friendly personal service and a consistent offering. The “key team members” have been with him for many years and work really hard together with all of the team to ensure the very best standards in well kept, relaxed surroundings. We hope you enjoy your experience with us!


In 2015 and possibly before it was operating as part of the Tevita Taverns Limited.


From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 9 January, 1827.

22 acres of highly valuable Chestnut Plantation and Underwood, in the parishes of East and West Malling.

Belonging to John Wells, Esq. To be sold by auction, by S. and H. Morris.

On Friday, 12th January, 1827, at the "King and Queen," East Malling, at 2 o'clock, in the following lots: .....


From South Eastern Gazette 21 December 1847.


INSOLVENT DEBTORS to be heard at the SESSIONS HOUSE, at MAIDSTONE, in the county of Kent, on WEDNESDAY, the 5th day of JANUARY, 1848, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely.

THOMAS CLEMENTS, formerly of Mereworth, Kent, out of business or employment; then of the KING AND QUEEN public-house, EAST MALLING, Kent, licensed victualler; and late of Mereworth, Kent, out of business.


Kent Times, 7 June 1862.

Assault at East Malling.

WEST MALLING. Petty Sessions, Assembly Rooms, June 2nd. Present: J. W. Stratford, Esq. in the chair, the Hon. Rev. Sir F. J. Stapleton, Bart, Admiral Randolph, Col. Fletcher, Capt. Cheere, Capt. Prentis, and M. H. Dalison, Esq.

John Pankhurst, and Alfred Jones, labourers; were charged with an assault upon Thomas Hall, at East Mailing, on the 26th ult.

Mr. W. S. Norton, solicitor, attended on behalf of Pankhurst.

It appears that there has been an ill feeling exiting for some time between the complainant and the family of the Pankhursts. Neither of the parties belong to the Temperance society. On Sunday afternoon the defendants and some others were drinking at the "King and Queen" public-house, leaving that house shortly before three o’clock, and all more or less tipsy. The complainant had also been drinking at a beer-shop, and was on his way home with some beer in a bottle when he was accosted by the defendant, John Pankhurst, who said he wanted to fight him. Complainant declined the invitation, upon which Pankhurst struck him several blows in the face causing the blood to flow profusely. Jones went up to them, and as complainant alleged struck at him but did not hit him, Pankhurst again assaulted the complainant, who put up his bottle to ward of some of the blows, when it was knocked out of his hand and broken. Complainant’s wife got between them and having separated them went to fetch a policeman, and several of the bystanders having complained of the outrage, the defendants were taken on a warrant on Thursday, on which day complainant was ordered to appear. He however failed to do so, and the case was adjourned to this day, complainant now accounted for his absence by saying that the friends of the defendants got hold or him and "messed" him about until they made him drunk and consequently he was unable to attend.

The defence was that complainant first attempted to strike Pankhurst with his bottle, and that the assault by that defendant was merely in self defence. The witnesses however admitted that Pankhurst had drawn his hand back in order to strike the complainant when the latter put up the bottle to ward off the blow. It was further stated that Jones merely interfered for the purpose of putting a stop to the fighting.

The case as against defendant Jones was dismissed and Mr. Norton placed him in the witness-box to give evidence in favour of Pankhurst. His statement however did not improve the case for the defence and Pankhurst was fined 5s. and 12s. costs. The money was paid.


Maidstone Telegraph 07 November 1868.


On the 3rd inst., Mr. John Yeomans, "King and Queen Inn," East Malling, aged 49.

(Free Births Marriages and Deaths gives his age at death as 46. )


From the By Georgia Woolf, 28 March 2019.

King and Queen pub boss in East Malling hits back at TripAdvisor reviews.

A pub boss has hit back at a string of negative comments left on TripAdvisor by jilted customers, defending his chef's Yorkshire puddings and saying burnt chips never leave the kitchen.

The man at the helm of The King and Queen pub and restaurant in East Malling has responded to online comments left by dissatisfied diners on the travel review site, some of whom described it as "ludicrously over-rated”.

Managing director Steve Catchpole - who runs the pub in New Road with his wife - advised one customer to take a trip to Beefeater after she left a one-star review on the site about her husband's steak meal.

Writing on the online review site, Mr Catchpole said: "Thank you for your review, although I really don't know what you set out to achieve.

"If you had bothered to read the steak menu board which is very prominently displayed at the end of the bar, you would have noticed that what is advertised is exactly what your husband received.

"We do sell side salads and vegetables but you didn't order any of these.

"If you want the full Steak Dianne treatment with onion rings and peas, then may I suggest a trip to a la Beefeater."

The review left by a customer unhappy with their steak meal.


My husband and I nave just been to the King and Queen at West Mailing

We have visited this venue many times However we walked in tonight and the atmosphere had changed considerably

We were seated and asked if we wanted drinks we were served after a while, but thought ok little bit slow! We were going to give it another 10 minutes then leave if we hadn’t been served

We asked the really nice waitress if it had changed hands, it had! My husband ordered the steak and I ordered the breast of lamb

My husbands steak came with just watercress on the plate, he was then given some chips, so now on the plate was just steak, chips which were burnt and some watercress No salad in sight ie tomato, onion the normal things to accompany the steak and chips*

The lamb was very nice, but the saute potatoes were burnt. I ordered a lemonade, with no ice. it came with ice.

My husband had to go to the bar to get his own drink after waiting an age to have the one he ordered brought to the table which never came.

We definitely won't be going backi Such a shame

Customers can rate the food, service, value and atmosphere of the establishment from 'Excellent' to 'Terrible'.

The King and Queen has a 4.5 star rating overall and has been awarded the highest rank by 478 visitors in total - compared to 18 'Terrible' reviews.

The pub landlord added: "I will also stake (see what I did there?) my professional reputation on the fact that neither you, or your husband, had burnt anything.

"My chef's pride themselves on their presentation of food and there is absolutely no way would burnt chips or potatoes ever leave my kitchen.

Steve's response to a positive review left on the site.

SteveCatch65. Owner at The King & Queen Restaurant, responded to this review

Dear Lee

Thank you so much for the wonderful review in an age where people use these forums to basically complain, it’s refreshing and fulfilling, to receive an accolade like this.

I'll post this on the team notice board as they need to understand what an impact they have on our guests evening.

Hope to see you back in the K&Q soon.

"It's really bizarre that you couldn't have brought all of this up whilst you was still on the premises, we would have listened and changed things, but you didn't give us a chance, you just decided to become a keyboard warrior instead.

"My conclusion is that we can't and probably never will meet your expectations so to avoid all future disappointment it's highly advisable that you seek your steak and chips elsewhere.

"If, however, you do decide to come back again, we won't hold the review against you and our team will welcome you back with open arms."

Another customer who claimed the pub is "ludicrously over-rated” was also met with a blunt but honest response from the landlord.

The reviewer - which focused on the scant portion of beef and overcooked vegetables - also expressed disappointment of the quality of the Yorkshire puddings, stating that there was "no sign of a homemade, over-risen hearty rustic pud' but instead he was served a 'flaccid, pasty, Aunt Bessie frozen number".

Mr Catchpole said: "Firstly your title of 'Ludicrously over-rated' is a little unfair.

"The reason I say that is because you gave us no chance to rectify your afternoon whilst you was still in our venue but instead you chose to leave the pub and go home and write something that we are effectively unable to defend.

"Three thick slices of beef is hardly a scant portion.

"In respect of the Yorkies, these categorically are not Aunt Bessies.

"They're not homemade and the reason is simply because we have a very small kitchen, demand for roast dinners is high and oven space is fought over by meat and potatoes (which we consider to be the most important part of the roast experience).

"That said; as a response to your review, our head chef is going to have a go at juggling the oven time to see if we can cook off some home grown Yorkshires. Watch this space!"

Mr Catchpole declined to comment further.



FAGG John 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

CLEMENTS Thomas to 1847

YEOMANS John 1861-Nov-68 (also bricklayer age 38 in 1861Census)

YEOMANS Mary Mrs 1874+

YEOMANS Mary Elizabeth 1881-82+ (widow age 62 in 1881Census)

CHITTENDEN Thomas 1901-03+ (age 45 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

BATES David Edward 1913-18+

DENT Alfred 1922+

BROWN Leonard E 1938+

DRURY David 11/Dec/2000+

CATCHPOLE Steve (owner 2019)


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
