Page Updated:- Tuesday, 14 January, 2025.


Earliest ????

Mile Oak

Closed 1980



Former Mile Oak 2024

Above photo, circa 2024, kindly sent by Nigel Humphrey.

Mile Oak licensee Len Sloman pre 1980

Above photo, pre 1980 showing licensee Len Sloman from Paul Shippey.


I am informed by Nigel Humphrey that this was a very small single room pub with tables and benches and an outside loo for which you had to ask for the key. It was very popular with London commuters on the way home from Paddock Wood Station, often playing a game of crib along with their pint of excellent Fremlins bitter served straight from the barrel in the back room.

There was no real bar, just a half stable door and a few narrow shelves behind with crisps, piles of change and cigarettes (Woodbine and Senior Service only) and matches. It is now a private house.

I believe the top photo to be the building, now a private house. The front door has since been bricked up and a side door and porch added.


From accessed 13 August 2018.

The Lost Pubs around Paddock Wood: Part One.

“The Hostelries of Paddock Wood”

Moving on from Queen Street and proceeding towards Brenchley the thirsty traveller would first encounter the "Elm Tree Inn" (now happily a thriving concern once again) and then find himself at the "Mile Oak Inn" near Catts Place.

Between 1841 and 1851 the pub licensee was William Feaver but by 1861 it was Edward Field. How long he remained landlord is not known but in 1871 the premises were run by Harry Curd who remained mine host until sometime after 1901 when Edwin Ongley took over the licence. The inn changed hands again in 1922 when William Woodgate became landlord. His widow Doris was still running the pub in 1938.

This inn was very small and had a somewhat unconventional layout consisting of one room. The last licensee of the "Mile Oak Inn" was Mr Len Sloman who, being afflicted with a club foot which limited his ability to stand, sat on the stairs at the back and served the customers from a tiny bar. Towards the end of the evening’s business he would on occasion cause a large jug of ale to be brought up from the cellar and then retire to bed, placing a bowl by the bar into which the die-hard regulars placed their money!

The inn closed in 1980 and is now a private house.



FEAVER William 1841-51+ (age 73 in 1841Census)

FIELD Edward 1861+ (age 39 in 1861Census)

CURD Harry 1871-1901+ (age 31 in 1871Census)

ONGLEY Edwin Corrie 1911-18+ (also army pensioner age 50 in 1911Census)

WOODGATE William 1922-30+

WOODGATE Doris Mrs 1938+

SLOMAN Len to 1980




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
