Page Updated:- Monday, 09 September, 2024.


Earliest 1856-

New Inn

Latest ????

Langdon Road


New Inn 1910

Above photo, circa 1910, kindly sent by Mick White.

New Inn

Above photo, date unknown.

New Inn cricket team 1923/24

Above postcard, showing the pub football team and supporters playing in a cricket charity match, 1923/24, care of Bob Smith.


This house has also been addressed as in Speldhurst. Speldhurst and Langton are 2 miles apart, so I will assume the pub laid between the two.

I am informed that the pub closed some time in the 1930s.


Sussex Advertiser 30 September 1856.

TONBRIDGE. Petty Sessions, Wednesday, Sept. 24th.

Adjourned Licensing Day.

Mr. W. C. Cripps, solicitor, called the attention of the Bench to a case in which they had suspended the license, in order that a new tenant might be procured. He now applied that the license might be made out and kept by the Clerk until the new tenant had taken possession. His name was Henry Hills, and he had been a tenant under Mr. Fisher for some time. He could assure them it was a bonifide arrangement.

The applicant stated that he had not kept a public house before, and that he had made arrangements for taking the house alluded to, namely—the "New Inn," Langton.

Application granted.


South Eastern Gazette 2 June 1857.


At the Petty Sessions, held on Wednesday last, the following transfers of licenses were made:-

The "New Inn," Speldhurst, from Henry Hills to John Rae.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 7 December 1861.

George Monkton, 36, fly driver, Thomas Saunders, 34, labourer, George Gibbs, 25, labourer, and Henry Waghorn, labourer (on bail,) for having on the 28th of October, conspired to obtain from one Mary Taylor £6 10s. with intent to defraud H. Taylor. Mr. Addison was for the prosecution, and Mr. Ribton for the prisoners.

Mrs. Taylor, wife of prosecutor, of the "Bald Faced Stag," at Ashurst, said that Saunders and Gibbs had lodged at her house, and were employed in the neighbourhood as well diggers; they had been away 2 or 3 days previously to the 28th of October, but on the evening of that day they came to the house and had some refreshment. Shortly afterwards a fly, driven by the prisoner Waghorn, came up to the door, and a person dressed like a gentleman got out of the fly and went through into the tap room, where the other prisoners then were - that "gentleman" was Monkton.

After they had been together a short time Gibbs came to her and said "That's a perfect gentleman just come in; whatever he wants be sure to let him have it, never mind about paying, that will be alright, he's worth thousands."

Gibbs went on to say that the gentleman had not much money with him, and would very likely come to her presently and want change for a £10 or £20 cheque; if he did she was to be sure and let him have it, for it will be alright for he was a perfect gentleman, and he (Gibbs) knew him well; Gibbs was speaking of the gentleman in the Tap Room who have come in the fly; she said in reply to Gibbs' remark that he was a gentleman, "Is he? He does not look much like it." (Laughter)

Monkton was dressed in a kind of dark clothes coat waistcoat and trousers, nearly or quite alike.

After Gibson spoken to her, Monkton came and asked her to give him change for a cheque £6 10s. at the same time producing a cheque or a bill of acceptance; she could neither read nor write, and Gibbs was fully aware of that circumstance; Monckton said he had not got much cash with him, but if she would give him change for the cheque she should get it crashed at the London and County Bank, Tunbridge Wells; she demurred about changing the cheque and Gibbs came to the tap-room door and said "what a foolish woman you are not a cash that cheque; it will be all right, for I know him well."

She after some hesitation gave Monckton 6 sovereigns and a half sovereign, and the cheque to her husband when he came home at night.

By Mr. Ribton:- The other prisoners could have heard what Gibbs a Monckton said to her when she showed the cheque to her brother-in-law; he said perhaps it would be all right, and perhaps it would not, but she had better put the money into her pocket. She did not stop anything for interest on the cheque.

William Cook, landlord of the "New Inn," Langton, said that at about 7 o'clock on the evening in the 28th October the 4 prisoners came to his house, they all came in a fly, they all went into the tap-room, where they had two glasses of brandy and water. While their Monckton put on a round frock, a common labourers frock. He also wore dark clothes. The pony with a fly started while they were there. All the prisoners were present when Monckton put on the frock.

The learned judge seemed puzzled to understand what was meant by a "round frock" and a "gentleman" in court wearing a somewhat lively looking green frock, was pointed out, much to the amusement of his lordship and the jury.
John Taylor, brother-in-law of Mrs. Taylor, fully corroborated the evidence, and after a lengthened trial, which was void of public interest. His lordship considered that there was no case against Saunders, and directed his acquittal.

Mr. Ripton then very ably addressed the jury for the other prisoners contending that the case was one for a civil, and not a criminal court; in as much as the prosecutor could recover against Monckton on the document given for the money. Monckton who had twice before being convicted, was sentenced to 12 months' hard labour. Waghorn and Gibbs to 3 months each.


Kent Times, 18 January 1862.

TONBRIDGE WELLS. Petty Sessions. Monday, January 15th. Before A. Ramsden, Esq., (in the chair) J. Deane, Esq., C. J. Fisher, and J. G. Field, Esqrs.


Edward Cooke, landlord of the "New Inn" public-house, at Langton-new-town, in the parish of Speldhurst, appeared to a summons, charging him with having allowed gambling in his house, contrary to the statute. The case was proved by the evidence of Philip Farmer and Stephen Fry, both of whom had raffled for a rabbit in defendant’s house. Ordered to pay a fine of £3 13s. 6d. and coats.

The money was paid.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier. 10 October, 1873. Price 1d.


John Carter was charged with being drunk and disorderly on the highway at Langton, on the 4th inst, also with assaulting William Cook, landlord of the "New Inn," and his son, on the same day, and also with damaging one form and two plates, to the extent of is. 6d., the property of the said William Cook.

Prisoner pleaded guilty to being drunk, and also to assaulting Mr Cook, jun., but not guilty to assaulting Mr Cooke, sen., and with regard to the last charge said he knew nothing about it.

From statements made by Mr Cook, sen., and P.C. Martin, it appeared that the prisoner, with about a dozen others, came into the "New Inn," the worse for liquor, and because Mr Cook refused to draw them any beer, they became very violent, and acted more like savages (as P.C. Martin remarked) than like human beings. The prisoner kicked, struck, and otherwise assaulted Mr Cook, struck his son and scratched him, and took part with the others in damaging the goods in the house, and also with inciting a dog to bite Mr. Cook, which was so far successful that the dog bit him in two places. The prisoner also threatened to shake Mr. Cook's inside out if he did not draw them some beer. A tradesman, named Heath, came out, and he also received a blow from the parties.

The Chairman told Mr Cook that he had acted quite right in not drawing them any beer. He told the prisoner that he had acted more like a brute and a savage than a human being. The Bench would sentence him to one month's imprisonment for being drunk and disorderly, and two months' imprisonment for assaulting Mr Cook, jun., making three months altogether.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 11 February, 1880.


At the Tunbridge Wells Petty Sessions on Monday, temporary authority was granted to Mr. Everest to carry on the business of the “New Inn,” Langton, until next transfer day.


Kent & Sussex Courier 16 November 1900.


An hour's extension was granted to Mr. B. Mobbs, of the "New Inn," Langton, on the occasion of a Bonfire Society's supper on Nov. 12th.



HILLS Henry 1856-June/57

RAE John June 1857+

COOK William (Edward) 1861-71+ (age 55 in 1871Census) Maidstone Telegraph

CARTER John 1873+ Kent and Sussex Courier

COOK William 1874+

EVEREST Mr Feb/1880+

GOODRICH George 1881-82+ (age 33 in 1881Census)

BOX Thomas 1891-1901+ (age 51 in 1891Census)

MOBBS B Mr 1900+ ?

FAIRCLOTH John Thomas 1903+ Kelly's 1903

PICK Harry Skelton 1913+

HAYWARD Robert 1922+

ANTHONY Jack 1938+


Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier

Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-