Page Updated:- Thursday, 14 November, 2024.


Earliest ????

Pounds Bridge Inn

Latest 1938+

(Name to)

Bridge Street


Pounds Bridge Inn

The drawing of Pound's Bridge, near Penshurst is in itself a valuable document, recording the condition of the house as it was during the first half of the nineteenth century. Some time however between 1847 and 1868 the fabric was sadly altered. The picturesque doorway and porch-passage formed in the open timbering of the left hand wing are now no more; the whole of the ground floor wood-work (with the exception of the window frames) having been swept away for a re-facement of plain wall. The house, subsequently turned into an inn, was originally the parsonagee. It bears the date 1593 and the wooden initials W.D. in the centre of the front, showing that it was erected by Rev. William Darknoll, who however, only lived to enjoy it for three years. He died in 1596 and was buried in Penshurst Church, where his memorial slab may still be seen on the north wall of the chancel.”

Pounds bridge Inn painting 1800s

Above watercolour, 1800s, painted by Alfred C Layton.

Pound Bridge Inn 1898

Above photo circa 1898, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Pounds Bridge Inn rear 1898

Above photo circa 1898, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Showing what is believed to be the rear of the pub taken from the churchyard.

Pounds Bridge Inn engraving 1906

Above engraving 1906.

Pounds Bridge Inn 1907

Above postcard, circa 1907, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Pounds Bridge Inn 2021

The churchyard view above would be the other side of the walk through in the centre of this 2021 picture.

Pounds Bridge Inn 1910

Above postcard, circa 1910, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Pounds Bridge 1911

Above photo, circa 1911, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Pounds Bridge Inn 1920

Above photo 1920.

Pounds Bridge 1926

Above postcard, circa 1926, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Pounds Bridge 1936

Above photo, circa 1936, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 28 January 1938.

Pounds Bridge Inn 1938

Above photo, 1938.


Passage taken from the book "The Old Inns of Old England" Vol 2.

An inn with a similar history to that just mentioned—although by no means so humble—is the “Pounds Bridge” inn, on a secluded road between Speldhurst and Penshurst, in Kent. As will be seen by the illustration, it is an exceedingly picturesque example of the half-timbered method of construction greatly favoured in that district, both originally and in modern revival. It is, however, a genuine sixteenth-century building, and was erected, as the date upon it clearly proclaims, in 1593. The singular device of which this date forms a part is almost invariably a “poser” to the passer-by. The “W” is sufficiently clear, but the other letter, like an inverted Q, is not so readily identified. It is really the old Gothic form of the letter D, and was the initial of William Darkenoll, rector of Penshurst, who built the house for a residence, in his sixty-ninth year: as “E.T.A. 69”—his quaint way of rendering “aet.,” i.e. aetatis suae—rather obscurely informs us. Three years later, July 12th, 1596, William Darkenoll died, and for many years—to the contrary the memory of man runneth not—the house he built and adorned with such quaint conceits has been a rustic inn.


Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 30 August 1878.

Our public houses.

The following report was laid before the Justice's on Tuesday by Superintendent Kewell:- Kent County Constabulary, Tunbridge division, 27th August, 1878.

Beer house at Pounds Bridge, Penshurst, kept by William Hazelden, who on the 27th December, 1877, was fined £2. and 9s. costs, and the license endorsed.


Also known as the "King's Arms" and could well have had the two names at the same time.

Sometimes referred to as the Picture House, Pounds Bridge Manor House was built between 1591 and 1593 by what became the world's longest-established building company, R Durtnell & Sons. John and Brian Durtnell built the house for their father, John. It was later divided into two, with only one part of the building serving as a pub. During WW2 the house was hit by a stray Luftwaffe bomb and suffered extensive damage. After the war, the contract to repair and restore the house was awarded to R Durtnell & Sons, some 350 years after the company had completed its initial build. Sadly, in 2019, after over 400 years of continuous trading, R Durtnell & Sons shut up shop for the last time and ceased trading.



HAZELDEN William 1878+

TOTMAN George 1881-91+ (also carpenter & baker age 54 in 1891Census)

HUGGETT Alfred James 1938+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-