Sort file:- Herne, September, 2021.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 09 September, 2021.


Earliest 1870

Prince of Wales

Open 2020+

173 Mortimer Street ( 19 East Street 1874 1901Census)

Herne Bay

01227 374205

Prince of Wales 2010

Above photo 2010 by David Anstiss Creative Commons Licence.

Prince of Wales 2017

Above photo, July 2017, kindly taken and sent by Doogie Moon.

Prince of Wales sign 1991Prince of Wales sign 1992 Above sign left, July 1991, sign right, August 1992.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Prince of Wales sign 2010Prince of Wales sign 2010

Above sign both sides, 2010.


The premises was addressed as East Street in when it has been traced to 1870. However the building was rebuilt in its present form in 1902 and I believe readdressed to Mortimer Street around this time.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 13 February, 1909.


The annual report of Superintendent Heard was read, which was as follows:—

Gentlemen.— I have to place before you my annual report of the ale-houses and beer-houses situated in this the Home portion of the St. Augustine's Petty Sessional Division.

I am pleased to report that they have been well conducted during the past year with the following exceptions:- The "Prince of Wales," Herne Bay, an ale house, of which the licensee, Henry E. Berry was summoned and convicted on the 5th April, 1908 (1) for harbouring a constable on licensed premises, for which he was fined £5 and 15s. 6d. costs; (2) for attempting to bribe P.S. Lampkin, fined £5 and 10s. costs; and (3) there was also a summons for keeping his licensed premises open during prohibited hours, but this was dismissed. Since this time the house has been well conducted.

I have received instructions from the Chief Constable to oppose the renewal of this licence, and I respectfully ask that the renewal of this license be adjourned until the adjourned annual licensing meeting, to enable me to serve the necessary notices of opposition.


The Chairman said he was pleased to think that their duties that day were light, the report on the whole being satisfactory, and particularly satisfactory insofar as there had been a decrease in the number of cases of drunkenness. The magistrates had signed all the licenses not being opposed with the exception of the "Prince of Wales," Herne Bay, and the "Golden Lion," Whitstable, which would be adjourned until March 6th (the adjourned licensing day) for consideration.


The licensee Walter Robson was the son of Kate Louisa Moss of the "Sun Hotel" in Canterbury.



HOLNESS Alfred 1874+ Post Office Directory 1874

HARNETT James B 1881-82+ (age 40 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1882

ATHERDEN Frederick W 1891-99+ Post Office Directory 1891Kelly's 1899

FRIEND Richard 1903+ Post Office Directory 1903

BERRY Henry E 1901-09+ (age 30 in 1901Census)

FRIEND M E Mrs 1913+ Post Office Directory 1913

COOPER William 1917+

WHITE Arthur 1922+ Post Office Directory 1922

ROBSON Walter 1930-38 Post Office Directory 1930Post Office Directory 1938

DASH Graham 2017+



Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891

Kelly's 1899From the Kelly's Directory 1899

Post Office Directory 1903From the Post Office Directory 1903

Post Office Directory 1922From the Post Office Directory 1922

Post Office Directory 1930From the Post Office Directory 1930

Post Office Directory 1938From the Post Office Directory 1938


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
