Sort file:- Herne, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 03 December, 2024.


Earliest 1866-

Queen's Head

Closed 2013

37 William Street

Herne Bay

Queen's Head

Above photo, date unknown.

Queen's Head

Above photo date circa 1930s kindly sent by Doug Pratt.

Queen's Head

Above photo date circa 1930s kindly sent by Doug Pratt.

Queens Head licensee 1978

Above photo, 1978, showing licensee John ????

Queen's Head 1980s

Above photo, circa 1980s, kindly sent by Chris Hollett.

Queen's Head 2009

Above photo September 2009, kindly supplied by Doug Pratt.

Queen's Head Inn 2012

Photo taken 27 September 2012 from by Dunstabelle.

Queen's Head 2013

Above photo August 2013 kindly sent by Doug Pratt.

Queen's Head sign 2011

Above sign 2011.


Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 8 September 1866.

St Augustine's Petty Sessions. Saturday. Annual Licensing Day.

The county Magistrates renewed the publicans' spirit licence today.

Applications were also heard for new licences, and, as well be seen by the following list, the majority of these were granted.

Licences granted, Elizabeth Holness, "Queen's Head," Herne.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 2 March 1907.


The “Queen’s Head,” Herne Bay, which was one of the houses objected to by the Magistrates, was then considered.

Mr. Walter Hills, of Margate, appeared on behalf of the owners, and Mr. Rutley Mowll, of Dover, represented the licensee and the brewers, Messrs. George Beer and Co., of Canterbury.

Superintendent Jacobs stated that the tenant of the house was Frederick W. Honess. It was a fully licensed house, which was tied for beer and spirits. The rent was £30 per annum. The amount of the rates was £19 13s. 9d., and the house was assessed at £60. There was a general class of trade done, and the tenant depended on the house for his living. The house was difficult for police supervision as at the back part of the premises a law wall divided the licensed house from a private house belonging to the same owners. At the bottom of the yard were wooden steps so that children could come that way in without coming round to the public bar.

In reply to Mr. Hills, the Superintendent said there were too many public houses in Herne Bay, more then were required for the accommodation of the public.

In answer to the Chairman, Superintendent Jacobs said within fifty yards of the house there was the “Brewery Tap,” and within another twenty yards was the “King’s Head.”

"If the “King’s Head” and “Queen's Head” are doing a good trade, it would look as if both houses were required, would it not ?” asked Mr. Mowll.

Superintendent Jacobs—I don't know what trade they are doing.

Mr. Mowll—But that would be the assumption?

Superintendent Jacobs—I suppose it would.

In addressing the Magistrates, Mr. Mowll said “You say there are too many licensed houses for the requirements of the neighbourhood. That may be so, although I don’t think the figures given by the Superintendent are altogether satisfactory, because in a place like Herne Bay the population varies very much in the course of the year. The population of the town is higher in the summer months than in March, for in the summer you have a large number of visitors. That there are too many houses for the public requirements may be perfectly sound; but if you have figures before you showing that a good trade is done at a particular house you cannot say that that particular house is not required. It really depends on the trade of the house. If the trade is small it does look, if there are other houses in the neighbourhood, that the house may very properly be done away with. But where the trade is large I submit it is absolutely necessary. Of that there can be no question, and it particularly applies to this place.” Mr. Mowll added that the tenant paid £256 to go into the house, which was a substantial one. He had served his Sovereign in West Africa, and after twelve years’ service came out with the highest character; but unfortunately without a pension, and was dependent on the trade of the house. He conducted the house on respectable lines, and there was nothing against it. As to the matter of the wall that could be heightened, and the steps could be put in another place. In conclusion, Mr. Mowll said it would be very hard to deprive Messrs. Beer and Co. of the only house they had in the town.

Mr. Hills addressed the Bench on the hardship that would be entailed on the owners if the licence were taken sway.


After considering the evidence in private for some time, the Chairman announced that the decision of the Bench was that the following houses should be reported to Quarter Sessions for the licences to be taken away on the grounds that they were not required The “Queen’s Head,” Herne Bay; the “Rose and Crown,” Herne Bay; the “Lower Red Lion,” Herne; and the “Sportsman,” Sturry.




HOLNESS Elizabeth 1866-71+ (age 57 in 1871Census)

HOLNESS John 1874+

HOLLETT Frederick William ????

SAYER William 1881-1901+ (age 48 in 1881Census)

NEVEARD Edward 1903+ Kelly's 1903

ARGENT William E 1913-17+

ARGENT E 1922+

LANE Alfred George 1930+


???? John 1978+



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-