Sort file:- Chatham, February, 2023.

Page Updated:- Monday, 27 February, 2023.


Earliest 1872-

Richard Cobden

Open 2023+

178 Luton Road


01634 406139

Richard Cobden

Above photo, date unknown, by David Anstiss Creative Commons Licence.

Richard Cobden Irish Bar 2022

Above photo 2022.


The Licensing Records of 1872 stated the premises held a Beer License and was owned by Sarah Elizabeth Trueman.

Formerly a Shepherd Neame pub but now (2023) a themed Irish pub.


Rochester Chatham and Gillingham Journal, Saturday 7th February 1891.

Both Legs Cut Off.

On Monday evening a shocking accident happened on the London, Chatham and Dover line, at the embankment between the arch spanning the entrance to the Luton Road and the tunnel leading to Chatham station.

Three four lads had climbed the embankment and were amusing themselves by running across the line, when a down train which left Chatham station at 6:20 came along at moderate speed, knocking one of the boys named William Hooper down, passed over him, and cut both his legs off just above the knees. Assistance was soon at hand, and the unfortunate little fellow, who is only 10 years of age, was picked up and taken to St. Bartholomew's hospital, where he was found necessary to amputate the legs at the thighs.

One of Hoopers hands was also crushed and the thumb had to be amputated.

Hoopers parents reside near the "Richard Cobden Inn" Luton Road.


From the  By Secret Drinker, 23 December 2022.

Secret Drinker reviews the Richard Cobden Irish Pub in Luton Road, Chatham.

Four of the six punters were wearing flat caps, but I was still offered a knock off Armani top before I could even get to the bar to order a pint.

The barmaid at the Richard Cobden Irish pub instructed the wannabe salesman to ‘do one’ and take his dodgy looking sportswear with him – to be fair, he was holding the tracksuit far too close to the gas fire.

But, having weaved my way between the dog poo just feet from the door and narrowly missed being run down by two lunatic cyclists on the pavement, I was quite glad to get into this boozer on Luton Road in Chatham.

Having ushered the salesman out, she returned to the bar and, as John Smiths was the only beer on tap, I decided to join the majority of cap wearers and ordered a Guinness – well, when in Rome…

The only person not drinking the Black Stuff was ‘enjoying’ a pint of Fosters.

As I took a seat an almost unintelligible Scots guy at the end of the bar began unpacking a Pandora bag and, for a minute, I thought I was about to be offered some jewellery on the cheap.

It turns out he was just getting the opinion of our hostess on what he’d bought his wife for Christmas.

In between complimenting his gift choice she munched her way through a meal deal – ham sarnies, cheese and onion crisps and a bottle of Coke.

Richard Cobden bar 2022

The only beer available on tap was John Smith’s Extra Cold so I decided to join the regulars and ordered up a pint of Guinness.

It’s probably fair to describe this as the slightly rougher end of town, but the RC Irish Pub felt like a bit of a haven away from the mayhem outside.

Albeit a haven bedecked in festive frippery from 20 years ago, seriously I’ve never seen so much tinsel.

Other great touches which took me back in time were: a meat raffle with ‘Three meatalicious prizes’; punters singing along to Some Girls by Racy; one of those gas fires which takes a large bottle at the back; a visiting seafood lady who comes in at 2pm on a Sunday with eels, prawns, crayfish and more.

Richard Cobden inside 2022

It was warm and cosy in the pub, thanks to the mobile gas file with two bars blazing.

Another historic moment, probably around the 1980 mark, occurred when Supertramp’s Dreamer started playing just as a Fred Dibnah look-a-like walked into the pub complaining about a lack of taxis in Chatham.

Fred, real name Phil I think, was another Guinness drinker and, of course, another flat cap devotee.

There is a jukebox, an old-style fruit machine, a decent dartboard and several TV screens, one of which, positioned over Seamus’ head, was showing racing (on silent) from sunny Deauville in Normandy.

Richard Cobden inside 2022

You’ll find the dartboard at the back of the pub on the right. There’s a darts night every Friday, £3 a head with the winner taking all.

Unlucky for some, it’s 13 steps down a steep staircase to get to the gents and the temperature drops by a degree every step you take.

It’s absolutely flipping freezing once you reach the basement, where you’ll find a notice informing you that if you’re found taking drugs you’ll be asked to leave and barred. Now, I’m no expert, but I can’t imagine anyone braving the freezing cold down here long enough to indulge in illicit substances.

Richard Cobden 2022

The toilets looked as if they might have been redecorated fairly recently and were in pretty good condition, though the temperature felt sub-zero.

Whilst they were chilly beyond belief, particularly in comparison to the warmth of the bar, the toilets have been renovated and were well cared for and freshly presented.

Back above stairs, in temperatures back above zero, chat ranged from horse favourites, to the New Year disco, to questioning the whereabouts of regular Curly and why he hadn’t been in?

Just as he was mentioned in walked the aforementioned, missing Curly for a pint of Fosters top.

With Curly sat at the bar and Gabriel joining Seamus under the telly we had a full team of regulars in attendance and the Craic began to flow.

This is about as traditional an Irish pub as you’ll find, certainly in this part of Chatham, and in line with tradition visitors are drawn into conversations and encouraged to be involved.

Sure, this pub’s old fashioned and everything is fairly basic, but that’s also the joy of places like this and there’s much to be valued.

Richard Cobden ladies

There were no women in the pub, apart from the barmaid, and the door was left open so I’ve included a photo of the ladies’ facilities.



TRUEMAN Sarah Elizabeth 1872+ Licensing Records 1872

TRUEMAN Robert 1958-62+


Licensing Records 1872Licensing Records 1872


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
