North Street
Above photo circa 2019, kindly sent by Debi Birkin. |
Above map 1913. |
Now (2020) a residential home called "The Old Rose."
As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will
be shown here.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Southeastern Gazette, 6 September 1853.
CRANBROOK. Petty Sessions.
Thursday. (Before T. L. Hodges, Esq., C. T. Pattenson, Esq., G. R.
Stevenson, Esq., the Rev. F. Barrow, and the Rev. J. Deedes).
Richard Body, of Fosten-Green, Biddenden, through Mr. Shepherd,
applied for a spirit license; Mr. Shepherd stating that Mr. Body had
occupied the premises for twenty-two years and had lately laid out
nearly £200 to make the premises suitable for carrying on the
business, the house being situate on the high road from Cranbrook to
Tenterden, and on the main road from Wittersham and the Marsh. Mr.
Body's certificate was numerously and respectably signed, but in
consequence of their being already a licensed house on the same road
not more than half a mile distant, the application was refused.
(I believe this is "Castleton's
Oak." Paul Skelton.)
Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, of Biddenden, made a similar application
through Mr. Case, of Maidstone. Mr. Shepherd opposed the
application, and as it appeared that the back of the premises
seeking a license adjoined those of the "Red Lion Inn," the
application was refused. (I believe this is
the "Rose Inn." Paul Skelton.)
Kentish Gazette, 1 February, 1870.
Found Dead.
On Wednesday morning last as a man was proceeding along the turnpike
road to his work he saw the form of a person crouched in a ditch
alongside the toad near Dashmarden gate, in the pariah. On going up
to him, he ascertained that it was the body of a man named William
Barden, a resident of this place.
He was dead, and his face was dreadfully bruised and besmeared with
blood and dirt. On the arrival of Mr. Haviland, Surgeon, he
pronounced life to have been extinct several hours. Traces of blood
were found along the road for many rods from where the body was
found. A post mortem examination was made and an inquest held at the
“Rose Inn.”
HARRIS Elizabeth 1841-61+ (age 65 in 1861 )
WEST William 1871+ (age 66 in 1871 )
STAPLEY Henry 1881-1903+ (also grazier age 54 in 1901 )

STAPLEY Harriet Mrs 1911-13+ (age 65 in 1911 )
DOUST William 1921-39+ (age 65 in 1921 )
From the Kelly's Directory 1903