Sort file:- Herne, November, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 10 November, 2024.


Earliest 1894-


Open 2019+

111 Mortimer Street

Herne Bay

01227 375081

Rose Inn 1900

Above photo circa 1900, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Licensee James Heavens used this photograph to carry a Christmas message in December 1911. Good wishes went from him and his family, who are gathered in the doorway.

Rose 1910

Above postcard circa 1910, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Rose 1919

Above photo circa 1919, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Rose Inn

Above photo, date unknown.

Rose Inn 2010

Above photo 2010 by David Anstiss Creative Commons Licence.

Rose sign 1990

Above sign 1990.

Above with thanks from Brian Curtis

Rose sign 1994Rose Inn 2010

Above sign left, 1994, sign right, 2010.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 14 July 1894. Price 1d.


Charles Harrison was summoned for being drunk on licensed premise, viz., the “Rose Inn,” Herne Bay, on the 25th of June.

Defendant pleaded guilty.

A police constable said he saw defendant in the bar of the “Rose Inn” where he was fighting with another man. He did not take defendant into custody because his friends took him home.

Superintendent Wood said defendant, was taken to the public-house by some of his friends, but he was not served with drink.

The Bench imposed a fine of £1 including coats or in default seven days'.

Defendant who said he was a shoemaker asked for a month in which to pay the fine, but the Bench thought this was too long and allowed him seven days.


From the Whitstable Times, 26 July, 1902.


Walter Tyrrall, landlord of the “Rose Inn,” Herne Bay, was summoned for committing disorderly acts on the highway by singing and using bad language on the Sea Front, Herne Bay, on June 27th.

Defendant, who was represented by Mr. Walter Hills, Margate, pleaded not guilty.

Sergeant Baker, of Herne Bay, stated that at 11.30 p.m. on June 27th he was in William Street, Herne Bay, when he heard shouting in the direction of the sea front. He proceeded there with P.C.s Butcher and Neate, and near the Post Office he saw a large crowd of people including defendant who were shouting, singing, and shouting at Mr. Walkinson's and Mr. Jones' premises. Three gentlemen came up to witness and said “Do you allow this thing to go on in Herne Bay.” Witness spoke to defendant and told him he had received a complaint. Defendant said “Mind your own —— business and be off.” Witness told defendant it was his business to prevent a disturbance at that time of night. Defendant said “Take no notice of him, boys, throw him into the sea.” Defendant then called out “Fall in boys.” The crowd all marched up William Street yelling and shouting at the top of their voices. Defendant accompanied them about fifty yards along William Street when he returned to the porch of the “Royal Hotel.” Defendant acted at spokesman.

In cross-examination witness said defendant was one of the crowd of about one hundred that shouted. He heard defendant singing “Dolly Gray.”

P.C.’s Butcher and Nears corroborated.

The defendant stated that he was indoors on the evening in question till 11 o’clock attending to his business. Afterwards he and his son went out to go and see the latest bulletin at the Post Office respecting the King’s health. They went to the corner of William Street. Defendant there met two friends and had a conversation with them. He heard a noise at the corner of the sea front. He went there and with his two friends stood at the “Royal Hotel” corner watching the crowd. He was standing there when the sergeant came up to him and said “I think you had better be off home looking after your business.” Witness said “Do you mean me” and the sergeant said “Yes, the lot of you.” Witness said “What do you mean, the lot is nothing to do with me.” The sergeant said “I have had complaints about you.” Witness said “Who has made the complaints about me,” and he said “that is my business, if you do not get home you will find yourself in trouble.” Witness denied that he shouted or sang or used bad language. He was close to the crowd and the sergeant might possibly have thought he was one of the crowd.


From the Canterbury Journal and Farmers’ Gazette, Saturday, 21 February, 1903.



Mr. Booth Hearn said with regard to the objection to the renewal of the licence of the "Rose Inn," Herne Bay, the police objections were personal rather than to the house. If another tenant were provided the police would withdraw their objection.

Mr. Walter Hills, of Margate, who appeared for the tenant, Walter Tyrrell, said he should like to know the grounds on which Mr. Hearn made that statement. The tenant, Tyrrell, was regarded as a highly respectable man, and they had a right to know the grounds on which that statement was made.

Mr. Hearn said the police considered the present tenant of the house an undesirable person. There had been two summonses against Tyrrell during the last year but both were dismissed. The police sergeant stationed at Herne Bay could give evidence generally as to the way the house was conducted.

Mr. Hills said on two occasions the tenant of the house had been summoned but on both occasions the cases were dismissed. A man was deemed to be innocent until he was proved to be guilty. The police had no right to come there after the man had been acquitted on two occasions and say he was not a fit and proper person to hold the licence.

Sergeant Baker, stationed at Herne Bay, stated that on December 29th last he saw P.O. Harris who was on duty in uniform. He saw him go to the side entrance of the house in Charles Street and look through the glass door. Subsequently witness saw the landlord and another man leave the house. The man with the licensee was carrying a beer can. They went up to the constable who was standing near the house. The can was handed to the constable, who drank the contents. It was apparently a pint can. They then left the constable. Witness went up to the constable and told him what he had seen. The constable said that was right—he did have a pint of beer. Witness reported the matter to the Chief Constable. The landlord of the house had been summoned on two occasions, but both cases were dismissed on the ground that there was not sufficient evidence to convict.

In cross-examination by Mr. Hills witness said Mr. Tyrrell had kept the house for fourteen years. Witness had reported P.C. Harris for a similar offence before. When witness spoke to Harris afterwards he said the beer had been given him by someone. Both the men left the house together at seven minutes past eleven o'clock.

Mr. Hills said there was a large meeting at the “Rose Inn” on the night of December 29th and a number of gentlemen were made members of a club. The meeting was over at about 10 o'clock. A number of them remained until a few minutes afterwards, one of these being a man named Foley, who took a deep interest in the Society. He was a gentleman in the habit of going to the house every evening and he very frequently took home in a can a pint of beer. On the occasion in question a few minutes before eleven o’clock he asked Mr. Tyrrell to get his beer ready. Mr. Tyrrell got the beer ready and then went to the door with Mr. Foley. They remained for a few minutes at the door talking. Mr. Tyrrell went inside and looked the house up and it was not until Mr. Tyrrell had gone inside and locked the house up that Foley asked the constable if he would have a drink. Foley was wrong no doubt, and made a mistake. The constable had a drink, and Foley said “Now you have commenced it you had better finish it.” Foley told the constable that when he had finished he could leave the can on the door sill, and “Walter would find it in the morning.” If there had been any grounds for complaint Sergeant Baker should have gone to Tyrrell at once and asked for an explanation. The Sergeant made a report to Superintendent Jacobs who no doubt reported the matter to the Chief Constable at Maidstone. No proceedings were taken on that report, however, for that very serious charge. Mr. Tyrrell was a highly respectable man, and had been tenant of the house for fourteen years. During that time no objection had been made as to the way he conducted the house. Mr. Tyrrell was being treated by the police as if he were a convicted thief, and his life was being made so miserable that he did not think he should be able to remain in the house.

Walter Tyrrell stated that he had held the licence for sixteen years. He held it for fourteen years without receiving any complaint. It was only during the last fourteen months that he had received any complaints. Referring to the occasion when beer was given to P.C. Harris witness said he never left his house. Sergeant Baker watched his house every night. It was like a persecution.

Mr. Hills put in a memorial signed by members of the Urban District Council, doctors, and others to Mr. Tyrrell’s character.

George Foley said he gave the beer to P.C. Harris after Mr. Tyrrell had closed his house. Mr. Tyrrell did not know any thing about it.

The Chairman said the Bench had carefully considered the case, and the licence would be renewed.



LEADBETTER William 1867+

LEADBETTER Hannah 1881-10/Oct/87 dec'd (widow age 58 in 1881Census)

TYRRELL Walter Oct/1887-1903+ (age 43 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

HEAVENS James 1913-22+

CARLEY Edwin R 1930-38+



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
