Page Updated:- Monday, 22 July, 2024.


Earliest 1833-

Shepherd and Crook

Open 2020+

Shear Way


01303 872336

Shepherd and Crook 1906

Above photo, 1906. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Shepherd and Crook

Above photo, date known.

Shepherd and Crook

Above photo, date unknown.

Shepherd and Crook 1937

Above photo, circa 1937, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Shepherd and Crook

Above photo, date unknown.

Shepherd and Crook 2007

Photos taken on 18 May 2007, from by John Law.

Shepherd and Crook 2015

Above photo by Paul Skelton, 27 June 2015.

Shepherd and Crook 2024

Above photo, circa 2024.

Shepherd and Crook sign

Above sign, date unknown.

Shepherd and Crook sign 1977Shepherd and Crook sign 1977

Above signs 1977.

Shepherd and Crook signShepherd and Crook sign

Above signs dates unknown.

Shepherd and Crook card 1951

Above aluminium card issued June 1951. Sign series 3 number 31.

Shepherd and Crook sign 2015Shepherd and Crook sign 2015

Above signs photographed by Paul Skelton, 27 June 2015.


Kentish Gazette 15 October 1833.


The Occupiers of Land in the Parish of Burmarsh are requested to pay their Tithes, due Michaelmas last, at the "Shepherd and Crook," in Burmarsh, on Monday, the 21st Instant, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon.

14th October, 1833.


Kentish Gazette 27 August 1850.


An inquest was held at the "Shephed and Crook," Burmarsh, before James Elliott, Esq., one of the coroners for the Marsh, to inquire into the death of a lad named Jacob Wratten, who was killed at the foot of the Lympne Hill. From the evidence produced, it appeared he was leading a horse in a cart by the halter down the hill, when the horse, from some cause, started off, and the poor lad was knocked down and killed on the spot.

A similar and fatal accident happened near Jesson Farm, in the parish of St. Mary's, to a lad with a brewer's wagon, on Monday last. From information, it seems the lad was driving the horses, and unfortunately fell, and the wheel passing over him, he was killed on the spot.


From the Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 29 December 1874.


An inquest was held at the "Shepherd and Crook Inn," Burmarsh, on Thursday afternoon, touching the death of a man named John Avery, of the parish.

Elizabeth Avery, the daughter of the deceased, said her father was about 59 years of age, and was an agricultural labourer. He always appeared to enjoy good health, and had not received medical assistance for some time. He sometimes complained of shortness of breath when he was going upstairs or had to move quickly. On Tuesday night he went to bed as usual. He was in the habit of getting up about 5 o'clock, having his breakfast by himself, and then going to work; but on Wednesday morning, when he got up, she was much surprised to find his boots downstairs. She went and rapped at his bedroom door; but received no answer, went in and found him on his side, as if in sleep. She tried to wake him, but found him quite dead. She had not noticed any sounds in the night, although her father slept in the next room to her.

Mr. R. R. Daglish, surgeon, said he had examined the body of the deceased, and from this examination, and from enquiries he had made, he had no doubt Avery had died of heart disease.

Verdict accordingly.


Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Cheriton Herald 09 October 1909.


Thomas Walton, of the "Shepherd and Crook Inn," Burmarsh, was summoned for keeping a dog without a license on 9th September.

Mr. Walton, who pleaded guilty, stated that he was told by the man from whom he had the animal that it was not necessary for him to take out a license for a greyhound.

P. S. Withall proved the case.

The Bench told defendant he had been very wrongly informed, and that he should be careful to get information from an authentic source.

Fined 5s and 9s costs.



PRYER James 1841+ (age 50 in 1841Census)

PIDDOCK Richard Gurr 1858-71+ (age 41 in 1871Census)

HUCKSTEP George 1881+ (age 22 in 1881Census)

PIDDOCK Richard Gurr 1891+ (shepherd age 61 in 1891Census)

WHATTEN Charles 1901+ (age 55 in 1901Census)

WRATTEN S A J Mrs 1903+ Kelly's 1903

MURPHY Shaun & Gayna 2017-19+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-