Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest 1869-

Walnut Tree

Closed ????

Matfield Road


Former Walnut Tree

Above photo, pre 2005.

Former Walnut tree 2016

Above Google image September 2016. The house is now called Juglans House (the botanical name for Walnut.)

Walnut Tree sign 1985

Above sign, May 1985.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Walnut Tree cardWalnut Tree card

Above aluminium card issued 1950. Sign series 2 number 23. Kindly sent by Derek Porter.


From the Maidstone Telegraph and West Kent Messenger, 18 December 1869.

Tunbridge Intelligence. PETTY SESSIONS.—TUESDAY.

Before Sir David Salomons (in the chair), Major Scoones, C. Powell, Esq, and A. Powell, Esq.


Mr Rogers, solicitor, appeared on behalf of Messrs. John Piper and Henry Moseley, and stated that in October last, a beerhouse certificate was granted to Mr Moseley, to whom the license of the “Walnut Tree” beerhouse, Brenchley, was about to be transferred from Mr Piper. He believed the Act of Parliament stated that the certificate only held good till to-day, which was a special session for the transfer of licenses. He now asked for a proper license to be granted to Mr Moseley.

The Chairman said the certificate was in force till the next annual licensing day, next year.

Mr Rogers stated that if the Bench were of that opinion he would sit down. He merely wanted to have their advice, so that his clients should not incur any penalties.

A discussion took place between the Bench and the Clerk, and the Chairman said they had no doubt the certificate held good until the next licensing day.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Wednesday 30 September 1874.

Brenchley. The Walnut Tree Beer House.

Mr. Henry Mosely applied at the annual licensing meeting for a licence to sell spirits at his house - the "Walnut Tree" beer house, Brenchley, and the matter was adjourned until this court.

Mr. W. C. Cripps, solicitor, of Tunbridge Wells, now appeared to oppose the application on behalf of the vicar, churchwardens, and other inhabitants of Brenchley.

The application was withdrawn.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 3 July 1874.

Brenchley. Drunk and Riotous.

George Taylor and Charles Wood, carriers, &c., of Tunbridge Wells, was summoned for being drunk and riotous at Brenchley, on the 25th inst.

Mr. Warner, solicitor, defended.

Henry Moseley, a grocer and beer-house keeper, of Brenchley, said that one evening last week - he could not recollect which - he sent for a policeman. He saw the defendants in the Matfield Road at about 20 minutes past 11. He was standing in front of his house when the defendant's came and asked him for some beer. He refused to supply them, as it was past the time, and they said they could demand it as they were travellers. A man name Cheeseman, who was standing by, said, "You have not travelled far, I saw you at the "Crown," Brenchley, and that's about three-quarters of a mile off."

Taylor then put himself in a fighting attitude and said to Cheeseman, "You little ______, we should have had it but for you."

Wood said, "Hit him," and Taylor replied that he would, only Cheeseman would not put his hands up.

Taylor then took up a lemonade bottle, and said he would strike Cheeseman with it. Wood fetched a whip from his van, which was standing in the road, and used it threateningly, but witness took it from him, and also the lemonade bottle from Taler. Wood called out to the man who was with the van, "Sam, I'm your master, and you must do as I tell you; we will smash these ______ heads. His (witness's) wife then went for a policeman.

P.C. Sinclair deposed that in consequence of what he heard he went to the house of the last witness, and saw the defendants and several other person's outside. Mosely complains that the defendants had struck him. Both defendants were drunk, and he locked them up. Mosely assisted him in taking the men to Tonbridge, and Wood's man took the van and three horses home.

Mr. Warner made and able address for the defendants, contending that what they did was owing to provocation they had received from the man Cheeseman. The defendants were in custody until late the following afternoon, in consequence of the police not being able to find a magistrate, and he asked their worships to take this into consideration.

The Bench fined the defendants £1 each and 19s. 11d. each costs, or in default 1 month's imprisonment with hard labour.


From an email received 1 May 2020.

My 2nd Great Uncle James Neale was landlord of the Walnut Tree at the time of the 1881, 1891 and 1901 censuses. In my family tree investigations I came across his death certificate:-

Died 30th January 1904, "Walnut Tree," Beerhouse, Brenchley aged 54.

Cause of death:- Gun shot wound in the head - Suicide during insanity.


Rob Neale.



PIPER John to Oct/1869

MOSELEY Henry Oct/1869-Apr/1880 (age 46 in 1871Census) Kent and Sussex Courier

NEALE James Apr/1880-31-Jan-1903 dec'd Kent and Sussex Courier (also Watch Maker age 31 in 1881Census)

TURNER Edward 1911-38+ (also Bricklayer age 32 in 1911Census)


Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
