Sort file:- Charlton, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 19 June, 2024.


Earliest 1840-

White Horse Inn

November 2023

(Name to)

704 Woolwich Road

New Charlton

020 8854 2646

White Horse painting 1870

Above painting by J T Wilson circa 1870.

hite Horse 1890s

Above photo circa 1890.

White Horse Inn

Photo taken from by Matt Martin, March 2007.

White Horse 2016

Above photo 30 October 2016, by kind permission Chris Mansfield.

White Horse 2023

Above photo 2023.


Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser, Saturday 25 August 1849.

Robbery by a licensed victualler and his son.

At the Central Criminal Court on Tuesday last, James Watson, 53, a licensed victualler, Jonathan Richard Watson, 23, labourer, and Robert Hawley, 29, a labourer, where indicted for stealing 500 bricks, the property of John Brogden, the master of Hawley.

Mr. Prendergast prosecuted; Mr. Clarkson and Mr. Parnell defended the Watson's, who are father and son; and Mr. Payne appeared for Hawley.

The case, which lasted nearly the whole day, excited a great amount of interest, on account of the respectable position filled by the prisoners Watson, and the Court was very full.

The evidence adduced in support of the charge, although of great lengths, merely established the following simple facts:- The elder Watson is a licence victualler keeping the "White Horse," New Charlton, Kent, and where he had resided for nearly 20-years, hitherto enjoying and unblemished reputation, as also had his son, who stood indicted with him; and the prisoner Hawley was in the employ of the prosecutor, who is the contractor for the New North Kent branch of railway open to Gravesend. In the course of constructing the line, it became necessary to pull down some houses at Woolwich, which, preceded their removal, were sold by auction, and, about the middle of April, the elder Watson, who is a builder as well as a publican, bought one of the houses for £40, and taking advantage of the opportunity afforded him in the removal of materials so bought, he removed a stack of bricks, the subject of the present indictment, to his own premises, which was clearly not included in the purchase; and the younger Watson was on the premises, directing them to be taken away. The circumstance having been found out, mention was made of it to the auctioneer, who had sold the the premise brought by the elder prisoner, and he (the auctioneer) immediately went to the Watson's, and asked them how they came to take away those bricks, when the Elder Whatson said he had bought and paid for them, and it was no matter from whom. Mr. Davis, auctioneer, then said that if he did not tell him from whom he had brought them, he should give him in custody, and he then said he had bought them from a man at the engineers office, who was understood to be the prisoner Hawley.

In the course of examination it turned out that, besides the house that Whatson bought, the clerk to the auctioneer had sold to him an unclaimed lot of old bricks, which, although not those claimed by the prosecutor, were placed near to them.

The Court said they did not think that there was a any case against Hawley.

Mr. Clarkson, for the elder Watson, contended that the affair was a mistake, the bricks being sufficiently near those his client had brought to have been taken by accident.

Mr. Parnell, for the son, adopted the same line of defence, adding that the son had also acted under the advice of the father.

The Common Sergeant said there could not be a case against Hawley, and there was not any evidence to show that the son might not have thought his father had bought the bricks, and the only real defence he could see for the elder Watson was that he might have taken them by mistake.

The jury, after a short consultation, acquitted them.

The Watsons were again indicted in conjunction with a labouring man named John Record, for having stolen, on the 26th of May, at Woolwich, 1,000 bricks, the property of the same prosecutor.

In this case it appeared that, near the spot where the houses before mentioned are situated, the railway companies works were being carried on, and a vast number of new bricks were continually received and carted from there to the tunnel at Charlton. About a week before the date named in the indictment the elder Watson asked Mr. Barnes, a builder, living at Sandhill, Plumstead, if he wanted to buy any new bricks, and he agreed to take 4,000 or 5,000, at £1 8s. a thousand, and about a third of the quantity were sent in, but the rest not arriving, Mr. Barnes called, on the 25th, at Watson's, to know why they had not come, and he (Watson) said they should be there the next morning. The Watsons then engage the man Record to go to the brick-stack in question and bring away 1,000 bricks, at the same time that the other carters were taking them, and if any questions are asked, to say they were for the works at the Charlton tunnel. One of the men connected with the works seeing the cart engaged by the Watson's, made some enquiries, and the answer not satisfying him communicated with the foreman of the works, that once instituted enquiries, and the result was that the cart, which had at first started off in the direction of the tunnel works, was traced to Watson's premises, and a quantity of new bricks were there found stacked over with old ones. Upon being taxed with the robbery, the elder Whatson said there must have been some mistake, and wished to pay for them. The police were then called in, and the elder Watson seemed extremely anxious to have the affair hushed up.

The jury found both of Watson's guilty, recommending them to mercy on account of their previous good character, and, by the direction of the Court, acquitted Record.

The Common Serjeant said it was an extremely bad case, especially against the Elder prisoner; still the younger one had taken an active part in the matter, which he had most likely been led into by his father.

The younger Watson said he had.

The Common Serjeant:-. But you were old enough to know you were doing wrong, and it is a very bad case; here is no poverty, want, or excuse of any kind, and a person in good circumstances carrying on a wholesale system of robbery. However, the jury and the prosecutor have both recommended them to mercy, and the sentence was, that the younger prisoner being prison for 6, and the elder one for 18 months, and kept to hard labour.


From the Greenwich and Deptford Chronicle and the Woolwich Gazette, Saturday, 4 January, 1910.

HUSBAND AND WIFE. Police Court Application.


At the Woolwich Police Court on Wednesday, before Mr. Hutton, John Bushell, licensee of the "White Horse," Woolwich Road, Charlton, was summoned for assaulting Julie Josephine Bushell, his wife, and for persistent cruelty.

Painful disagreements between a Charlton husband and wife were related to Mr. Hutton at Woolwich Police Court on Wednesday afternoon.

John Buahell, licensee of the "White Horse," Woolwich Road, Charlton, was summoned for assaulting Julie Josephine Bushell, his wife, and for persistent cruelty.

The parties were married on 19th April last, and Mr. Hutton remarked "Rather soon to separate."

Mr. Storry Dean, barrister, said they had only been married six weeks when defendant struck his wife in the bar with his clenched fist knocking her down. He promised that nothing of the kind should occur again, and his wife continued to live with him. In July he knocked her town again, however, and went on treating her unkindly at times.

On October 30th, he took hold of her arm and, pressing it back in a very painful manner, threatened to break it. Complainant was very fond of her husband, and she still continued to live with him, but in November he knocked her down twice and kicked her once.

The day after he struck her twice and, having drawn himself a bottle of Bass, put it to the highly improper use of throwing it over her. Defendant was very fastidious about his meals. He demanded everything to be hot, but, when detained by press of business he found his food cold, he would fly into a temper.

Once, his wife was so frightened when he stayed out until a meal was not quite so hot as he liked it, that she went for a long tram ride to get out of his way. When she returned she found the door was bolted against her, and she had to go to the house of some friends. At one o’clock her husband came after her, and wanted her to go home. She went at once, and on the way home he struck her, so that she made a complaint to a constable. Defendant then strode on ahead and locked her out again.

Mr. Dean urged that these acts constituted persistent cruelty, and she should not be compelled to live with him again. If an amicable arrangement could be come to, even at that hour, she would accept it, but she felt she could not live with defendant any longer.


Complainant, giving evidence in support of counsel's statement, said the first assault produced a black eye, and that a upon her arm hurt her so much that she had not got quite bitter from it yet.

She was his second wife, and there were children of the first marriage.

She left her husband, but went back for some things, and eventually agreed to stay. The reconciliation came about through a friend, who said they were spoiling both their lives. Defendant would not speak for some time, and then he said "What does she want? Does she want me to go on my knees to her?" She said she did not want that, but wanted him to speak calmly and coolly, and say what he meant to do. After a while he began his conduct again. On one occasion he had gone out, and she had kept his dinner warm for him. When he came back he threw the food up the stairs and told her to get him another dinner. She cooked some fish, and that went on the fire. The night she was locked out one of the barmaids tried to open the door for her, but could not because it was padlocked. The next day defendant sent the barmaid away. When he had struck her in the street and locked her out again, she had to walk about until five in the morning. She became ill through a cold she caught, and when she got better went away to stay with a sister.

Mr. Hatton:- Since you have been married, how many times has he struck you?

Complainant:- Five or six times.

Mr. Hatton:- How many times hare you had a black eye?

Complainant:- Twice.

In cross-examination, by Mr. George Clinch, complainant said she was a barmaid before she was married to defendant. She had never asked him for money but ones or twice, and she did not complain of any meanness in that respect. She did once break one or two glasses, but that was to frighten her husband.

The Motor Car Ride.

Complainant related an incident of a motor ride. Her brother-in-law, who has a public house in the Strand, came to see them, and as he stayed late, asked her and the defendant to accompanying him home in his motor, so that there would be no trouble between him and his wife. They went, starting at 1 in the morning. After seeing him home to protect him, as the magistrate suggested, complainant and her husband took a walk round Covent Garden, and then returned home, arriving at Charlton about 5 o'clock.

Mr. Hutton asked if they had any rum and milk, which, he understood, was a very popular drink in Covent Garden.

Compliant replied they did not, but she had some coffee, and she believed her husband put some whiskey in it to warm her up. It was not true, as Mr. Clinch had suggested, that she was in the habit of getting drunk. Once she did go to bed with her clothes on, but that was because she had a bad cold, and, her husband having locked the door, she could not get any other cloths.

Dr. Berry, of 588, Woolwich Road, Charlton, called by Mr. Dean, said he was called in on the day when complainant went to bed in her clothes. She was the worst for drink. He asked that she should be undressed, because he had been called as she had complained of internal pains, but she replied that she would be alright in the morning.

Mr. Dean:- Did she look as though she had been wandering about in the streets from 1 o'clock in the morning to 5?

Dr. Berry:- She did not. I should be surprised to hear she had been doing that,

Locked Out.

Mrs. Bushel was recalled and was asked by Mr. Clinch whether she ever locked her husband in the bedroom. Her reply was that she did not, but he locked himself in and lost the key; he found it next morning on the mat.

Mr. Clinch:- Have you, in the presence of two men, threatened to murder your husband?

Complainant:- No.

Mr. Clinch:- Have you not thrown a number of glasses at your husband in the presence of customers?

Compliant:- I have not. I threw some glasses on the floor when he beat me.

Mr. Clinch:- Is it not a fact that when your husband pushed you and you would admit he did push you, it was always because you got drunk?

Compliant:- No, it is not. It is my husband who takes too much drink.

Mr. Clinch:- Have you stated since the summons you issued that you took it out on the impulse of the moment?

Compliant:- I have.

Mr. Clinch:- Did you not write to him and suggest that he had better take the matter out of the solicitor's hands?

Complainant:- I wanted it settled out of court.

Mr. Clinch:- You thought the lawyers had better be out of it?

Complainant:- No. What the solicitors do for me, I pay them for.

Mr. Clinch put in a telegram she sent to her husband, and asked as to words, "no interference" in it.

Complainant expressed the opinion that these words were inserted by her sister.

At this stage, Mr. Hutton adjourned the case until January 17th, at 3 p.m, observing he thought it might be settled by that time.


The original building was rebuilt in 1897. Currently (2020) closed, but being renovated.

I am informed that the pub is again open as of October 2020, but in November 2023, it closed and changed name to a Vietnamese Restaurant called "Saigon City."



WATSON James 1840-49+

WATSON George 1858+

RHEINLANDER Philip Adolphus 1861-62+ (age 54 in 1861Census)

HOWLETT James Aug/1866-74+

HOWLETT Charles 1878+

PROCHOWNICK Maximillian William 1878+

HARPER Joseph 1882-85

RICH John 1885-Nov/90 Woolwich Gazette

OVERTON Arthur Henry Nov/1890-93 (widow age 58 in 1891Census) Woolwich Gazette

EARLE E Mrs 1896+

BUSHELL John 1901-10+ (age 35 in 1901Census)

DIXON Edward 1919+

PATRICK Henry Joseph 1934-44+

FARMER A 1988-90+



Woolwich GazetteWoolwich Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-