From the South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 3 December, 1861.
Elizabeth Smithers, beer-house keeper, Chevening, for eleven
unstamped measures, fined 1s and costs.
From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 2 March 1861.
Petty sessions Friday.
(Before C. R. C. Petley, Esq, chairman, Lord Amherst, J. P. Atkins,
J. Rogers, Nelson Rycroft, and W. Tipping, Esq.)
Henry French, publican and coal dealer of Bessels Green, Chevenging,
on the information of Mr. Alfred Blackman, Inspector of Weights and
Measures, was fined 5s. and 8s. costs for selling coals by measure
instead of weights.