Sort file:- Tonbridge, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 12 May, 2024.


Beer Retailers



In 1783 one Ollive, was appointed ale-tester to Tonbridge, and strangely enough, in the same year a Mr. Samuel Ollive won a prize of £1,250 in a lottery. Whether his becoming ale-taster was one of the effects of his good fortune it was impossible to say.


PIGOT'S Directory 1828.

COWELL Timothy, Brewer.

HARMAN Anthony, Brewer.

LE SOUEF Peter, Wine Merchant.


PIGOT'S Directory 1832.

COWELL Timothy, Brewer.

HARMAN Anthony, Brewer.


CENSUS 1841. Census

JEFFREY Sarah, High Street, age 40, Publican.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 11 February 1949.

William Taylor Talbot, 20. Barden-road, Tonbridge, applied for an "off" licence for his premises that he might deliver liquor with groceries in outlying districts. Mr. D. Riley made the application and Mr. F. Miskin opposed on behalf of Messrs. George Prentis and Son, off-licence, High-street, Tonbridge, and Mr. G. S. Hall for the licensees of premises in the vicinity.

The magistrates granted the application.


CENSUS 1851. Census

GROOMBRIDGE James, Cage Green, age 40, Labourer and Beer Retailer.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Saturday 12 June 1858.

Hadlow an insane innkeeper.

William Jupp, beerhouse keeper, of Tonbridge, was taken before Major Scoones on Thursday, on a charge of having threatened to kill his uncle, Mr. John Barton, of Hadlow, whom he accused of robbing him of his property. The defendant's mind was evidently deranged, and Mr. Parker, surgeon, on being called into examine him, said it would not be safe to allow him to remain at large. It was decided to place the unfortunate man for a short time in Barming Heath Asylum, and he was taken thither.


South Eastern Gazette, 19 June, 1860.

Petty sessions, Wednesday. Before A. Pott, Esq., chairman, Major Scoones, and Ford Wilson, Esq.)

Beer-house Informations.

Stephen Johnson, beer-house keeper, Tonbridge, was also charged with having his house open, on the 14th May. Mr. Rogers appeared for the defendant.

P.C. Orpin, 11 K.C.C., went into the defendant’s house after eleven o’clock on the night in question, and found four persons there, and a pot on the table containing beer.

It being admitted that the beer had been drawn before 11 o'clock.

Mr. Rogers quoted several similar eases, decided in the Court of Queen’s Bench, and contended that the information should be discharged.

The Chairman said they considered the law applicable to public-houses was not intended to be applied to beer-houses; and they therefore fined defendant 10s. and 10s. costs.

Mr. Rogers applied for a case, which was granted.


Kent Times, 14 June 1862.

Petty Sessions. — Town Hall Wednesday, Jane 11th. Before J. G. Talbot, Esq., (in the chair) Major Sooones, H. T. Moore and A. Pott, Esqr.

A tale about Crinoline.

William Jupp beerhouse keeper at St. Stephens, Tonbridge, was charged with selling beer during the prohibited hours on Sunday the 26th May.

The defendant pleaded guilty.

Supt. Dance said that the defendant had got a conservatory where beer could be frequently found under the flowerpots, and a regular trade had been carried on during Sunday mornings, which escaped the vigilance of the police until the other day when one dodge was discovered.

P.C. Morris 39 K.C.C. said that on this particular Sunday morning he saw a woman named Jane Francis go to the defendants house and gain admittance. He waited until she came out and followed her and asked her what she had got under her cloak. She pulled out an empty bottle and said she wanted beer but the landlord would not supply her. She held her hand close to her crinoline and fancying she must have something concealed he pulled it away when down fell a half gallon bottle containing porter.

Mrs. Winn a neighbour said she saw Francis go three times to Jupp’s house the same morning.

The defendant made a long statement about always keeping an orderly house.

The Bench in deference to defendant's general good character fined him 10s, and costs, 18s.

(The only pub I know addressed at St. Stephens is the "Gardeners Arms.")




CENSUS 1861.

HEWITT George, 1 Apsley Terrace, age 44, Carrier and Beer House keeper.


CENSUS 1871. Census

HOLMES William, Lavender Hill, age 71, Beer House Keeper.

PORTER ANN, Hadland Place, widow age 69, Beer House Keeper.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 19 August 1874.

Licensing Business.

Mr. Warner, on behalf of Mr. William Mercer, applied for a licence to sell beer, to be consumed on the premises, at Castle Street, Tonbridge, and described it as being a "free house," where beer, for which an outdoor licence was now granted, could be obtained, such as could not be produced at any other house in the town. The only opposition was by Messrs. Bartram, who surely ought not to have a monopoly of the trade. He also presented a memorial signed by Mr. Peake, manager of the London and County Bank, the principal surgeon of the town, eight members of the local board, the relieving officer, and, he believed, every respectable tradesmen in Tonbridge. The applicant had worked 38 years for Mr. Dove, who gave him a most excellent character, which he now produced. He also produced a memorial got up quite spontaneously, and signed by 31 men in the employ of Curtis and Harvey, of the Powder Mills, who, having heard that an application was about to be made for an indoor licence to the housing question, begged there worships to give it a favourable consideration, as it was the only house in the main thoroughfare from the Town Hall to the Powder Mills.

In reply to Mr. Rogers, who opposed on behalf of Messrs. Bartram, he said he had not gone to a meeting of the local board and ask for their signatures. The memorial had not been sent to the Chairman of the local board, as he was away from home.

Evidence having been given by the applicants who said that "Burton" could not be obtained at any other house in the town, and Mr. Ford, foreman to Messrs. Curtis and Harvey, the Bench, without hearing Mr. Rogers, declined to grant the application.


Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 30 August 1878.

Our public houses.

The following report was laid before the Justice's on Tuesday by Superintendent Kewell:- Kent County Constabulary, Tunbridge division, 27th August, 1878.

The "Brewery Tap" beer house, Tonbridge, kept by Susanna Stiff, who on the 21st May, 1878, was fined £5 and 11s. 6d. costs, and conviction endorsed on licence.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 29, September 1893.

An Off-beerhouse, at Priory Road, Tonbridge, was transferred to William Baker.


 Kent & Sussex Courier 01 January 1886. Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England.


The following licenses were transferred: a grocer's off license at 113, High-street, Tonbridge, from E. H. Mann to W. E. Eldridge.


CENSUS 1891.

PEARSON Albert, 2 High Street, age 30, Beer Retailer.

BAKER James I, 14 Waterloo Road, Brewer, Quarry Hill Brewery.


Kent & Sussex Courier 30 August 1901.


An out-door beer house at 95, Laverder Hill, Tonbridge, from Mr. Toms to Mr. John Thomas Vickers.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser 09 October 1902.


At the Tonbridge Petty Sessions on Tuesday, the following licence transfers were granted:- off beer licence, 95, Lavender-hill, from the late Mr. Vickers to his widow; and a licence in East-Street, from the late Robert Golding to Thomas Cheale.




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