Like its famous contemporary, the "Woolpack," this house also stands on
church land and in the churchwardens' accounts for the year 1613 may be
seen these entries:-
Received of th'eires of Robert Bigge for the Rent of a p'cell of land
lying at the backside of thi "Angell" ............... iiiid. And for
iiili. of waxe due from the "Angell" ..................... xviiid.
In 1645 these items were altered to 1s. 6d. rent and 4d. for the piece
of land at the back but at the present day only 1s. 4d. appears to be
paid. According to the book of fines, etc., it appears that in 1657
Nehefriah Ockensold was convicted by his own confession for keeping an
unlicensed house at the "Angell," for which xxs. was levied and
After the destruction by fire of the Court Hall in 1661, the
Corporation, in their search for suitable accommodation, hired a room at
this house, according to the following entry in the Chamberlain's
Accounts, dated 29th August 1661:-
Paid to widow Rampkin for ye use of her parlor at ye "Angell" for out
Court of Guard for fire and candles......... 00.19.00
There do not appear any records of Sessions being held at this house,
but the Town Scot setters occasionally met here, e.g., 1667, 1694-5,
1690, etc. The bill for their refreshment on one occasion is preserved:-
Nov. ye 2, 1694. Thou spent at the "Angell" in making of the town Scott:
Item, in beer ....................................... 00.06.00
Item, in meat, bread and dressing........ 00.09.00
Total ................................................... 00.15.00
This was duly countersigned and allowed by the Mayor, but was not paid
till 26th August 1695; the licensee being one of the Sergeants-at-Mace,
receiving his salary for that office at the same time.
In 1684 an episode occurred one summer evening at the "Angell", which
led to the Mayor's messenger being thrown out and assaulted. It appears
that the Mayor made the unfortunate mistake of not employing his
Sergeant-at-Mace to do his business. Had he done this the landlord's
wife could not have taken exception to the clocksmith as being no
officer. However, the record shall speak for itself:-
The information of Anthony Dingley of Tenterden, clocksmith, taken upon
oath before Samuel Curteis, esq., Mayor of ye Towne and Hundred of
Tenterden aforesaid, Thomas Stace and Robert Stace, Juratts and Justices
of ye peace there, ye 24th day of June 1684.
Who saye:-
That ho this Information on ye 23rd day of June instant about nine of ye
clocke in ye evening of ye same day, being sent for to Mr. Maior's house
to provide lodging for one Joseph Abbott a Traveller who had a passport
to goe from Officer to Officer to Newton St. Scires neare Exon in ye
County of Devon, whereupon Mr. Maior ordered him to goe with ye said
Abbot to ye house of one Richard Hutson called ye "Angell," who did
accordingly and finding ye door open acquainted ye servant of ye house
that he had brought a p'son to lodge there that night by Mr. Maior's
orders, who replyed she knewe not whether he could have any, but
p'sently called her mistress, and ho this Informant sayth that he going
into ye kitchen with ye said Abbott, one Vaughan a lodger in ye said
house demanded on him upon what accompt he brought ye said Abbott to
lodge there, who told him ho was sent thither by Mr. Mairor's order, who
replyed he should not have any lodging there and would compell him to
take away ye p'son with him, and in ye meantime Anne ye wife of ye said
Hutson came out of her chamber and told ye said Vaughan ye aforesaid
Dingley was now officer, but came onely to putt a tricke upon her, and
likewise said "She did not thank Mr. Maior was soe much a foole as to
send a p'son to lodge there all that time of ye night," and thereupon
tooke ye p'son by ye arme and thrust him out of doores, and ye said
Informant then going out, ye said Hutson's wife shutt ye doores upon him
and bolted them, and violently fell upon this Informant, threw him downe,
trodd upon him,a nd severall times kicked him in ye face, and he this
Informant as soona s he could gett from him ran out of doores and the
said Vaughan followuing him swore that if he had not enough he would
give him more, and he this Informant further sayth that ye said Hutson's
wife, his manservant and maidservant were ayding and assisting to ye
said Vaughan's beating and abusing of him.
(Sig.) Anthony Dingley.
Among the records are notice of other public meetings being held here
from time to time. Two examples are here quoted:— "Att a meeting of ye
Comissioners att ye Signe of ye "Angell" in Tenterden about ye Poll Tax
yo 20th day of July 1608 when assessors were then nominated and
appointed to each of the six boroughs for the said tax.
And on 24th November, 1703, a meeting of the Fcoffees of Smalhead Chapel
was ordered to be held "uppon Ffriday the 17th of Decemb. next att ye
Signe of the Angell in Tenterden att ye houre of two in ye afternoone."
At the Coronation of George I, in 1714, ten shillings was the amount
allowed by the Corporation for drinking the health of His Majesty at the
"Angel," or as the original bill quaintly terms it:-
"Drink on the Crownation of Kink George" (sic).
But this, like other Corporation bills, was not paid till 17th August.
1715. August was tho month for settling up all out-standing bills, etc.,
as the Chamberlain went out of off office on Mayor's day, 29th August.
At some time during the earlier part of the 18th century the name of
this house was changed to tho "Six Bells," but owing to the fact that
the volume of church-wardens' account' covering the period 1713-1746 is
unfortunately missing, the exact year cannot be traced.