Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest 1770-

Buffalo's Head

Latest 1852



Former Buffalo's Head 2009

Former Buffalo's Head, 2009. Now known as Bull Farm House.


Kentish Gazette 23 October 1770.

Joseph Drywood, from Cranbrooke, Worsted and Yarn Maker, in Mill-Lane, Maidstone. Advertising his products, also continues that he delivers the Kentish Gazette every Tuesday & Saturday, setting out from his house or the "Bull."

While delivering the papers he calls at the following named Public-Houses, to collect parcels & orders.

The "Buffalo's Head" at Mereworth, ......


From the South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 6 September, 1836.


On Thursday last, a man named Spencer, in the employ of Messrs. Baldwin and Godden, brewers, of Maidstone, was alighting from a van loaded with beer, at the "Buffalo's Head," Mereworth, he took hold of the limb of a tree in front of the house to assist him in getting down. By the jerk, however, or some change in the position of his body, he broke his arm, which was properly set, and he is now doing well.


Kentish Gazette 22 February 1842.


Feb. 12. At the "Buffalo's Head," Mereworth, Mr. Timothy Darrell. aged 76. The deceased had been landlord of the aforesaid inn between thirty and forty years, and was well known for miles around to many persons for his eccentricity of character.


From the Kentish Gazette, 28 February 1843.


At the "Buffalo’s Head," Mereworth, on Wednesday, a match was shot between Mr. J. Wigzell, of Seven Oaks, and Mr. Davidson, of Yalding, Mr. Wigzell shooting at 21 pigeons and Mr. Davidson at 22, for £10, 21 yards rise, five traps; which was won by Mr. Wigzell killing 17 birds, Mr. Davidson 11 out of 17, when he declined. The shooting of Mr. Wigzell was in his usual excellent style. After which, Mr. Hillyer and Mr. Lockyer shot a match, Hillyer shooting at 10 birds and Lockyer 11, one trap, for £10; won by Hillyer killing seven out of nine, and Lockyer five out of ten, when he declined. Other matches followed. The birds were supplied by Morris, of the Old Kent-road, and were first-rate clippers.


From the Kentish Gazette, 14 March 1843.


On the 3d instant, at the "Buffalo’s Head," Mereworth, Messrs. Styles and Paget, of Wrotham, shot a match with Messrs Durrell and Swaisland, at seven birds each, for a dinner and £5., which was won by the former. Messrs. Davison, of Yalding, and Henham shot a mutch for 10/., the latter shooting at 12 birds, and his gun on the table while he pulled his own string, and Mr. Davison shooting as he pleased— Mr. Davison killed 10 out of 11. Messrs. Southon and Davison shot a match for 5/., which was also won by Mr. Davison, killing 4 out of 5. Mr. Henham beat Mr. Lang in a match at three birds each, and he also beat Mr. Hillyer in shooting at three birds each, 33 yards, for 41.


South Eastern Gazette 14 September 1852.


Mr. William Day, Jun has received instructions from Mr. Jeffrey (who is leaving).

To sell by auction, On the premises, on Monday, September 27th, 1852, the Household Furniture, bar fitments, utensils of trade, 80 sheep, good milch cow, 3 horses, handsome pony, and numerous other effects. Full particulars will appear in future advertisements.

Catalogues may be obtained of the Auctioneer, 23, High-street, Maidstone.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 26 October 1852.

To let, with immediate possession.

The "Buffalo's Head Inn," at Mereworth, together with coach-house, stabling, &c., and with or without about 4 acres of meadow land adjoining.

Full particulars apply to the Vicountess Falmouth's Stewart, Mr. Johnston, Mereworth Castle, near Maidstone. October 11th, 1852.



DURRELL Timothy 1828-32-Sept/52 dec'd (age 70 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34Kentish Gazette

DURRELL William 1851+ (age 40 in 1851Census)

JEFFREY Mr to Sept/1852


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
