Sussex Agricultural Express 23 September 1893.
At the Tunbridge Wells Police-court on Thursday, John Scott, a sturdy
Scotch hopper, was charged with being drunk and disorderly, and also
with stealing a pint pewter pot, value 2s., the property of George Eade,
landlord of the "Chequers Arms," Fawkham Green.
The evidence showed that
prisoner had drink and became abusive. He was arrested for his
drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and on being charged at the station
the pot was found in his pocket. It was identified by Mr, Eade, who said
that he had recently lost half a dozen similar pots.
Prisoner was
sentenced to seven days on the first charge, in default of paying a fine
of 5s. and costs, for stealing the pot he was sentenced to fourteen