118 High Street

Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Mark Davis. |
Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Mark Farrow. |
Above photo, date unknown. |
Above Google image, August 2016. |
A popular beer house in its day at 118 High Street, it ceased trading
soon after the First World War. At one time it was a fish shop, then a tea
shop, and an antique shop, but is now a private residence, Quill House.
From the Courier, 13 July 1917.
The West Kent Compensation Authority met at the Sessions House,
Maidstone, on Thursday. Mr. Coles Child presiding. Mr. H. J. Bracher formally applied for the renewal of the license of the
“Gardeners' Arms,” High-street, Tenterden, a beer-house owned by Messrs.
Edwards and Sons, and licensed to Alfred William Field. Mr. A. J Ellis, on behalf of the Justices, elicited from Sergt. Buss,
K.C.C., that the premises were within a short distance of two other
houses of superior accommodation also owned by Messrs. Edwards and Sons.
The trade was a small one, and the house was not easy of supervision,
because of a right-of-way owned by the next-door neighbour. The tenant
was a very respectable man, but the house was not needed. Mr. Bracher drew attention to the fact that this Committee three years
renewed the license and, cross-examining witness, he elicited that there
was a fair bottle and Jug trade at the house. Addressing the Committee. Mr. Bracher pointed out that the trade was
principally of a bottle and jug description of about three barrels per
week. The tenant, in his evidence, stated that his trade was principally
amongst the poorer classes for supper beer, and that he had held the
license about six years. Replying to Mr Ellis, witness stated that he also carried on the
business of a grocer. The Committee refused to renew the licence. |
Kent Messenger and Gravesend Telegraph, Saturday 28th July, 1917.
The licensing (Consolidation) Act, 1910.
Notice as to Sending in Claims to be treated as Persons Interested
in Licensed Premises.
County of Kent, Western Division.
Notice is hereby given that the Compensation Authority for the above
area having decided at their Principal Meeting held on 12th day of
July, 1917, to refuse the Renewal of Licences of the premises
specified below, all persons claiming to be interested in the said
premises for the purpose of the payment of Compensation under the
said act other than the Licensees and the Registered owner of the
said premises are required to send to the Compensation Authority
notice of their claims before the 20th day of August, 1917, for the
purpose of enabling the Compensation Authority to ascertain in
manner provided by the Licensing Rules, 1910, the persons entitled
to Compensation on under the said Act in respect of the said
Notice of claims, giving particulars of the interests claimed,
should be sent to the Clerk of the Compensation Authority at this
Office at the Sessions House, Maidstone.
"Gardeners Arms," High Street, Tenterden. Beerhouse. Alfred William
Field. Registered owner Obadiah Edwards and Sons, Tenterden.
W.B. Prosser, Clerk of the Compensation Authority, Sessions House,
Maidstone. Dated this 26th day of July, 1917.
Maidstone Telegraph Saturday 17th November 1917.
West Kent Licensing Committee. Compensation appointments.
Mr. Coles Child presided, on Thursday, at a meeting of this
committee, at the Sessions House, Maidstone, the other members
present being: Colonel J. M. Rogers, Colonel Grubb, Messrs C. Tuff,
Joseph Barker, R Batchelor, P. Butt-Gow, S. Lee Smith, H. Hannem, W.
A. Smith-Masters, J. H. Hay Rudton, H. J. Wood and G. Naylor with
the Clerk (Mr. W. B. Prosser), and the Valuer (Mr. H. M. Cobb, of
It was the "supplemental" meeting for the awarding of compensation
in respect of licences "referred" earlier in the year.
The Clerk announced that agreements had been arrived at in the
following cases:-
"Gardeners' Arms" beer house, High Street, Tenterden £999 - £929 for
the owners, Messrs. Obadiah Edwards and Sons,) and £70 for the
tenant, (Mr. Alfred William Field.
MARSHALL Thomas 1881+ (age 70 in 1881 )
BARNES Jane 1891+ (widow age 44 in 1891 )
FUGGLE James 1911+ (age 64 in 1911 )
FIELD Alfred William 1911-17 (also grocer)