Page Updated:- Sunday, 12 May, 2024.


Earliest 1675

George Inn

Latest ????

(Name to)



Ye Olde George Inn

Above postcard, 1905, kindly sent by Mark Jennings.

George 1905

Above postcard, circa 1905, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

George Inn

Above postcard, date unknown.

George Inn

Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Anne Marie Plews.

George 1915

Above postcard, circa 1915. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

George 1915

Above postcard, circa 1915, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

George Inn

Above photo, date unknown. Kindly sent by Peter Moynahan.

George 1930

Above postcard, circa 1930. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

George 1976

Above postcard, circa 1976. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.


George Inn glass 1901

Above glass, circa 1901, clearly showing his name as Spender and not Spencer as previously thought. Kindly sent by Paula Southin.

George Inn glass

Close-up of name on glass.


South Eastern Gazette, 9 October, 1860.

Stealing Money from the Till.

On Monday, before C. R. C. Petley, Esq., Henry Wood was charged with stealing one sovereign and two half-sovereigns, on the 29th September, the property of Richard Ashdown, of the "George" public-house, Shoreham. Fanny Ashdown, wife of the prosecutor, said that between eleven and twelve o’clock on the night in question she was in the bar, when the prisoner came to the door and asked for a pint of beer. He afterwards asked for bread and cheese, and she went out to the pantry to get it. On her return she found the prisoner inside the bar. She at once looked inside the till and missed a sovereign and two half-sovereigns, which were wrapped up in a piece of paper. About five minutes before she left the bar the money was there, and she had not left the bar until going out for bread and cheese. She accused the prisoner of having taken the money, but he denied it. She then sent for Mr. Alfred Willis, the parish constable, who stated that on searching the prisoner he found the stolen coins in his possession, wrapped up in the paper, and prisoner said that some one must have put them there. He afterwards asked him (Willis) to go and see Mr. Ashdown and do what he could for him, as he was very sorry for what he had done.

Committed for trial.


South Eastern Gazette, 23 October, 1860.


(Before James ’Espinasse, Esq., Chairman).

Henry Wood was indicted for stealing £2, the property of Wm. Ashdown, innkeeper, at Shoreham, on the 29th September. Mr. White was for the prosecution. The prisoner went to the prosecutor's house on the above night, asked for some, beer, and then for some bread and cheese. To get this, prosecutor's wife had to leave the bar, and when she returned she found the prisoner there, Mrs. Ashdown then looked in the till, and missed a sovereign and two half-sovereigns which she had seen just before leaving the bar. On accusing prisoner with stealing it, he denied having done so, and threw out of his pocket two sixpences, saying that was all the money he had about him. A constable was then sent for, and prisoner given in charge, when he asked to be forgiven, saying he was sorry for what he had done. When searched one sovereign and two half-sovereigns were found upon him.

Prisoner now said he did not know the money was about him — it must have been put into his pocket. The jury found the prisoner guilty, and he having been six times previously convicted, he was sentenced to four year's penal servitude.


Kent Times, 10 May 1862.

Disgraceful Conduct of Railway Labourers.

Two men named Michael Calden and Thomas Cork were charged before C. R. C. Petley, Esq., and Multon Lambarde, Esq., at the Magistrates’ Clerk’s Office, Sevenoaks, on Wednesday, with having assaulted William Groombridge, waiter at the "George Inn," on the night of Sunday the 4th inst. The prosecutor stated that the two prisoners with two other men came into the house on Sunday evening and demanded some beer, but having already been drinking freely at some other inn, the landlady, Mrs. Ashdown, refused to serve them. This irritated them, and they became very violent, breaking into the bar and also into a private room, which they refused to leave when told to do so, and on the prosecutor endeavouring to induce them to leave the house, they struck him on the head and otherwise assaulted him. After some difficulty they were removed, and a warrant for their apprehension was applied for on Tuesday. The other two, however, escaped before it could be executed. Superintendent Colman stated to the magistrates that the prisoner Calden was a very violent man and a complete nuisance to the neighbourhood. Calden was then fined 15s. and costs, and Cork 5s. and costs, the magistrates informing them that if they were brought up again they would be committed to prison without the option of a fine, as such disgraceful scenes could not be tolerated.


Barclay, Perkin's Anchor Magazine. Volume IX, No.11, November 1929. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Olde George, Shoreham. CONGRATULATIONS.

Congratulations to Mr & Mrs G Summerfield, of the "Olde George" Inn, Shoreham and all concerned, for making the largest collection of any House in the county in aid of the Kent County Association for the Blind.



SPILSTED Henry 1675+

PEARCH William 1707+

WILMOTT William to 1775 dec'd

DAY John 1832-40+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34Pigot's Directory 1840

ASHDOWN Richard 1860-61+ (age 62 in 1861Census)

YATES James 1881+ (age 75 in 1881Census)

SPENDER George 1901-03+ (age 49 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

BRUNSDEN James 1913+

HUMPHREYS Herbert 1922+



Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Pigot's Directory 1840From the Pigot's Directory 1840

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-