Sort file:- Sandgate, July, 2023.

Page Updated:- Monday, 24 July, 2023.


Earliest 28 Aug 2015

Inn Doors

11 June 2023 (Name to)

98 Sandgate High Street


07958 474473 or 07944 958118

Inn Doors August 2015

Above image from Google, August 2015, before the frontage was changed.

Inn Doors 2015

Above photo October 2015.

In Doors 2023

Above photo 2023.


Previously to the micro pub opening the premises was owned by the "Dressing Up Box," a fancy dress hire.

This is classed as a Micropub consisting of a 1930s single room and small bar. Inside there is a door in the ceiling is a feature.


From the Dover Express, 28 June, 2016

Big hopes for new micropub.

In Doors 2016

HAVING helped out at two micropubs for around two years in the Thanet area (as well as frequenting many micropubs for research purposes!) we decided it was something we wanted to do for ourselves and started looking for the right location and luckily found the old fancy dress shop was available and the dream became a reality.

We received the keys to the property on the 18th August 2015 and then realised that there was a real ale and food festival being held in Sandgate on the 28th August 2015 so we literally had 10 days to completely renovate the property, build a stillage and then get the best selection of beers in place - but with a lot of hard work we achieved it and we opened the doors at 5pm to find people waiting outside and we haven’t looked back since.

The aim of Inn Doors is to create a small, friendly comfortable area where customers can meet to enjoy a drink and good conversation. We have created the look of a 1930s living room with period furniture and decoration - oh and don’t forget the pub dog Mabel and the budgie!

We serve real ale from the cask which is kept at the perfect temperature in our purpose built stillage. We offer a small selection of bottled craft beers and a variety of ciders plus red, white and rose wine, prosecco and selected gin and vodka. We also offer a choice of soft drinks.

We serve pork pies, sausage rolls and cheese and biscuits and pickles and amazing pickled eggs with a chilli kick.

There is no loud music, tv or gaming machines, mobiles are on silent as we want to encourage people to socialise.


Monday - closed

Tues, Weds & Thurs - 5pm last orders at 10pm

Fri 5pm last orders at 11 pm

Saturday 12.30 last orders at 11pm

Sun - 12.30 to 5ish but will stay open later if there are people
wanting to carry on drinking!

This year we have started a happy hour on Tues, Weds and Thurs evenings from 5.30pm - 6.30pm and Sunday lunch from 1.30pm - 2.30pm when there will be 20p off a pint of beer.

Also Tues & Weds evenings will be “bring your own vinyl” nights when you can bring in your favourite records to be played on our vintage record player.

We are looking to have a quiz night once a month - when we can find a good quiz master.


From the Folkestone Express, 27 October, 2016.

Friendly pub with a 1930s feel.

INN Doors opened at 5pm on August 28 2015 to find people waiting outside and we haven’t looked back since! We are currently listed as No.l of 40 Bars & Clubs in Folkestone and No.2 of 10 Things to Do in Sandgate (No. 1 being the beach!) on Trip Advisor.

The aim of Inn Doors is to create a small, friendly comfortable area where customers can meet to enjoy a drink and good conversation. We have created the look of a 1930s living room with period furniture and decoration - oh and don’t forget the pub dog, Mabel, and the stuffed budgie.

In Doors inside 2016

We serve real ale from the cask which is kept at the perfect temperature in our purpose-built stillage. We offer a small selection of bottled craft beers and a variety of ciders plus red, white and rose wine, prosecco, Chapel Down Brut and we are building quite a large selection of gin (over 40 and growing). We also have vodka, port and brandy, and a choice of soft drinks.

The food we serve is the traditional pub food, hand raised pork pies, cheese or meat platters, cheese ploughman’s, olives, bread and olive oil & balsamic vinegar, amazing pickled eggs with a chilli kick, pickled onions and a selection of crisps and snacks.

There is no loud music, large tv screens or gaming machines, mobiles are on- silent as we want to encourage people to socialise.

Our opening times are: Mon, Tues, Weds & Thurs: 5pm last orders at 10pm.

Fri: 5pm last orders at 11pm.

Sat: 12.30pm - last orders at 11pm.

Sun: -12.30 to 5ish but will stay open later if there are people wanting to carry on drinking!

We have “bring your own vinyl” nights when you can bring in your favourite records to be played on our vintage record player during the week.

We have Gin Club once a month where we taste the latest craft gins with accompanying garnishes, discuss the new gins coming onto the market. We also have a charity quiz once a month funding a trip to Switzerland in 2017 for the Folkestone Girl Guides.


Unfortunately closed its doors on 11th June 2023. However, it is rumoured the Docker Brewery might take over as its taproom.

It reopened again on the 18th July 2023, and was renamed the "Docker Bar."



SHARP Jane Aug/2015-11/June/2023


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
