Page Updated:- Sunday, 17 September, 2023.


Earliest 1763-

Kentish Hoy

Latest 1892

Bow Road


Kentish Hoy location 2009

Above Google image 2009, showing the location of the "Kentish Hoy."


The only reference I have found so far for this pub is in the Pigot's Directory of 1828.

Local knowledge from Dail Whiting says the following:- It was situated towards the Bottom of Bow Road. The building still stands. Up to about the late 1930’s it was in the parish of Nettlestead, but is now within the boundary of Wateringbury. Earliest date it was open, I’ve found, for sure is 1807, but it was probably open earlier. Closed in around 1892 when it was converted to three cottages.


South Eastern Gazette. Tuesday 28 December 1841.

An inquest was held at the "Kentish Hoy," Nettlestead, on Thursday last, before J. N. Dudlow, Esq., coroner, and a respectable jury, on a little girl between four or five years of age, who came to her death by drinking scalding water from a tea kettle by the side of the fire.

The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death."


Georgina Moore, Ester Pay 1882.


Some five weeks ago, a little girl, named Georgina Moore, disappeared mysteriously from her parents' home, in Pimlico. She was only seven years old, and was described as having golden hair, and being attired in dark clothes, with a dark ulster, button boots, and white straw hat, trimmed with black velvet; a reward of £40 was offered for her recovery. On Monday afternoon, a body, corresponding in every respect with the missing child, was taken from the river Medway, at Yalding, near Maidstone. The identity has yet to be proved, but death, according to the appearance of the neck, had been caused by strangulation, while in order to sink the body a fire brick had been attached to it by means of wires. The remains had evidently been in the water some days. Information has been telegraphed to Scotland Yard.


Monmouthshire Merlin 3 February 1882.


At the Westminster police-court, London, on Wednesday morning (before Mr. Partridge) Esther Pay, 35, described as of 51, Westmoreland-street, a married woman, was charged on suspicion of having caused the death of Georgina Moore, aged seven to and half years, late of 105, Manchester- street, Pimlico, at Yalding, in Kent. Considerable interest was manifested in the case, the crowd of people in the court being unusually large. The proceedings were delayed for nearly an hour in consequence of the non-arrival of the magistrate. The prisoner, who is a tall, fine-looking woman, appeared quite unconcerned, and, in reply to the magistrate, said she had no legal adviser, and did not think she required one. Henry Marshall, Inspector of Police, Scotland Yard, stated that on Tuesday he went to a cottage at Yalding, in Kent, having with him Sergeant Couzens. He saw the prisoner there in her bed room. He said, "Well, Mrs. Pay "I have come to see you again." She said, "How did you know I was here?" and appeared very indignant. He said, "It is about the child Moore again," and she replied "I know nothing about it." He said, "Have you not heard that yesterday a child was found in the Medway at the back of your house?" She said, "No." He then said, "Well, such is the case, and I must detain you certainly on suspicion of stealing the child, and probably you may be charged with causing its death, inasmuch as the body was discovered near your house the third day after your arrival here." She said, Well, you must prove it. I brought nothing with me except a black bag and a small parcel." He then searched the room, and also a little bag. In the bag was a copy of the Penny Illustrated Paper, containing a portrait of the missing child, and stating that a reward of £40 had been offered for her recovery.

The Prisoner:- "That paper was given to me by Mr. Moore" The Magistrate:" It would be better if you said nothing at this stage. After some further evidence the prisoner was remanded for a week.


Weekly Mail 4 February 1882.


The mystery which envelopes the fate of the little girl Georgina Moore, has only been partially dissipated by revelations made at the examinations of Esther Pay, who is charged with having caused the unfortunate child's death. From enquiries made by the special representative of the Press Association," at the scene of the finding of the body, it would seem that the connection of the accused with the disappearance of the child is much more apparent than the evidence adduced at those inquiries, tended to show. Esther Pay, the accused, is one of eight daughters of Wm. Humphrey, bailiff to Mr Alfred White, of Nettlestead, a village which adjoins the parish of Yalding, being divided from it by the river Medway, which at that point is only about 20 yards wide. She has recently been separated from her husband, but for what reason is not apparent. For some time previous to their removal to their present address in Winchester-street, Pimlico, the parents of the child Moore resided with the Pays in a neighbouring street, and here, it would seem, the father of the deceased child made the acquaintance of the accused. This acquaintance was of such a nature as to allow of Moore paying a visit to the accused at her father's house at Nettlestead during the hopping season. Since that time neither he nor the accused have been seen in the village until Saturday last, but about three weeks ago a man and woman (the latter of whom answers to the description of the accused) went into a public-house at Nettlestead, where they were closeted in a private room for three hours. The identity of the man has not been established. At the point on the river's bank where the bargeman, Alfred Penhorn, found the body of the little girl, a pathway leads up from the towing path, over the railway, and thence across a hop-field Mid meadow to the Maidstone road, where it comes out by the side of the house of the bailiff Humphrey. It thus forms a direct line of communication between the spot where the body was found and the bailiffs house. It is by an extraordinary inadvertence that the body was discovered by Penhorn. It appears that Penhorn was a stranger to the locality, and not knowing the bed of the river over well, he allowed his barge to swing round to a shallow portion of the stream near the bank, and it was here by merest accident that he inserted his boom to push the barge off, and by doing so brought up the object which proved to be the body of the missing child. From the careful manner in which the body was bound it is assumed that more than one person assisted in the accomplishment of the deed. Several turns of wire were made round the body, and two loops were made at the feet to hold bricks to sink the body. One had slipped out, and it is expected will be found in the bed of the river when the water is drawn off to day (Friday.) It is also thought that the child was murdered before being thrown in, as the body was quite fresh when found. The post mortem examination now being conducted will alone decide this point. (Penhorn is spelled Pinhorne in some editions)


Cardiff Times 4 February 1882.


The inquiry into the cause of death of the child. Georgina Moore, was resumed by the coroner at Yalding on Monday morning Mr. Simms appeared for the Treasury, and Mr Dutton for the woman Esther Pay. Several witnesses were examined, and the coroner summed up. The jury, after a short deliberation, returned a verdict of "Wilful murder" against Esther Pay, and the coroner committed her for trial at the assizes.


Western Mail 21 February 1882.


Ester Pay was brought up at the Westminster police-court, London, on Monday, charged on remand with the murder of Georgina Moore. Mrs. Lutter, examined, said it was untrue that she was out with prisoner on December 20. Her first statement to the police was incorrect. Stephen Moore, father of the deceased, said the day after his child disappeared he saw prisoner off to Yalding. He had had immoral relations with several women, and amongst them was the prisoner. Dr, Bond said his opinion was that the child was placed in the water when dead and the cause of death was strangulation The prisoner was further remanded.


Western Mail 28 February 1882.


Mr Edward Clarke, Q.C., will be retained to defend Esther Pay, the woman committed for trial at the Maidstone Assizes, on the charge of murdering the child, Georgina Moore. It is the intention of the prisoner's solicitor, Mr Dutton, to apply for the removal of the case to the Central Criminal Court, on the ground of the great prejudice alleged to exist against her at Maidstone.


South Wales Daily News 24 March 1882.

A soldier, George Euban who enlisted a few months ago in 2nd Battalion Oxfordshire Light Infantry has surrendered himself to the police authorities at the Curragh Camp, and made a confession to the effect; that he, in company with Esther Pay, drowned the child Georgina Moore, whose body was recently found in the Medway, near Yalding.


Collated from several reports April 1882.

The trial of Esther Pay on the charge of having murdered Georgina Moore, who was missed from her home at Pimlico last December, and whose body was found in the River Medway on the 30th of January last, was opened at the Sussex Assize Court, Lewes, on Wednesday.

Stephen Moore, father of the deceased, was examined. He admitted that during the time he and his family lived in Westmoreland-street with the Pays there was immoral intimacy between the prisoner and himself. Unpleasantness arose thereby, and the Pays left. Afterwards he left his wife and went to live with another woman, who passed as his wife, and it was during this period that the deceased was missed. Prisoner having previously threatened to take the child away he suspected and accused her, but she denied the accusation, and seemed concerned about the child. Witness was being cross-examined relative to his immoral proceedings when the court rose.


Weekly Mail 29 April 1882.

Esther Pay has been acquitted of the murder of the little girl whose body was found in the Medway, near Yalding.

The chief point in the defence was the fact that the evidence was wholly circumstantial, and that the identification of the prisoner by the witnesses called for the purpose was not sufficiently trustworthy.


North Wales Express 5 May 1882.

A year later Esthers husband was granted a decree nisi an £10 damages against Stephen Moore based on statements made in the trial.



WALTER Stephen pre 1763 Next pub licensee had

WALTER Stephen 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

HARDES Thomas 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

FARRELL John 1841+ (age 50 in 1841Census)


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
