Sort file:- Faversham, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest 1828-


Latest 1861+

Abbey Street



The only reference I have found so far for this pub is in the Pigot's Directory of 1828 and the census of 1861.


From the Kentish Gazette, 16 May 1843.


On Saturday evening a journeyman carpenter, named Beck, who had been employed on the works of the Creek, went to the "Smack" public house, where the excavators are paid, and while waiting for his turn one of them caught him by the shoulders and pulled his head backwards, as if in joke, while an other, it is supposed, at the same moment eased him of his watch. He complained a little of the treatment, and thought he had better get away from such rough company, when he discovered he had lost his watch, which he knew he had when he went into the house. He offered to give a gallon of beer if his property was restored. Some of the company laughed at him, some used abusive language towards him, and some praised him for his liberal offer, but he did not succeed in recovering the watch, which has the maker’s name, "E. Tiddeman, Canterbury, No. 904."

Kentish Gazette, 17 October, 1880.


In our last paper we recorded a list of robberies, attended with the most shameful acts of cruelty, perpetrated by two Irishmen, deserters from the 68th regiment of foot, with two women in company: We now have the satisfaction to inform our readers, that the two women, Winifred Summers and Cath Regan, were apprehended at Charing, and on Tuesday last, were brought to this city, and committed to St. Dunstan's gaol for further examination. Their conduct whilst conveying through the public streets exhibited the most abandoned depravity.

Also that Patrick Summers, one of the deserters, was apprehended at Faversham on Tuesday evening; he came into that town at dusk, purchased a jacket and trowsers, and changed his regimental for this dress in the churchyard; he then went to the "Dredging Smack" public-house, and asked for lodging; whilst sitting in the tap-room a person came in, and finding he answered the description given in the hand-bills, communicated his suspicions to Mr. Neame, the landlord, who secured him and took him before a Magistrate, by whom he was committed to prison; the next day he underwent an examination; two watches which he had dropped in a bag under the bench in the public-house being produced, one of them was sworn to by James Walker, in consequence of which he was fully committed to St. Dunstan’s gaol, where he arrived yesterday morning. The other watch proves to be the property of Daniel White, the newsman, and a hat which Summers wore, proves to be the property of Mr. Thornton. Circumstances attaching so strong against the culprit, there can be little doubt of his guilt.

Cornelius Regan, the other deserter, was on Wednesday morning pursued into a wood near Charing, where he secreted himself; he was dressed in a blue jacket, and wore his regimental high crown hat, with a brass plate in front, it is impossible he can long elude the vigilant search now making, as all means of escape by the passes from this county have long been cut off by a chain of military posts.

Tuesday was committed to St. Dunstan’s gaol, Patrick Summers, charged on the oath of James Walker, of having assaulted him on the King’s highway, on Chartham Dowds, on the 11th inst. and taking from him one half guinea, one half crown piece, and some silver, and also one silver watch, a steel chain and watch key, the property of the said James Walker.

A detainer is lodged against Patrick Summers, Winifred Summers, his wife, and Gathering Regan, being charged on the oaths of Daniel White, of Canterbury, newsman, and John Neame, of Faversham, victualler, with having assaulted the said Daniel White, on Saturday evening last, at or near the three mile stone on Cartham Downs, and with stealing from the person of the said Daniel White seventeen, shillings in silver, and a silver watch, his property.




HILLS William 1828-32+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

HILLS William 1851+ (age 38 in 1851Census)

RICKARD Thomas 1861+ (age 60 in 1861Census)

NEAME My 1880+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-