Sort file:- Strood, December, 2021.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 21 December, 2021.


Earliest 1832-

Windmill and Canal Tavern

Latest ????




Not much information regarding this pub at present.


From the Sevenoaks Chronicle, 31 August 1852.


On Saturday a special petty session was held before a full bench, consisting of eleven magistrates, for the hearing of applications for new licenses and for other business of the general annual licensing day.

Mr. Lewis, on behalf of Mr. James Prudhoe, proprietor of the "Railway Tavern" beer shop, applied for a license for that house, the property of Sir H. Maux and Co., and situate at the terminus of the North East Railway at Strood.

Mr. King, solicitor, of Maidstone, opposed the application, and submitted that the service of the notice had not been consistent with the statute, inasmuch as the affixing on the church door only took place on one Sunday and not on three several Sundays as prescribed by the Act. The Court over-rules the objection, and the case proceeded with.

Mr. Lewis then stated the grounds on which he made the application, which, although nominally for Mr. Prudhoe, was really on behalf of the public. The house had been at an outlay of £1,000 and although having every accommodation, was capable of further improvement.

Mr. King opposed the application on behalf of the owners of the "Windmall Tavern," belonging to Mrs. and Miss Hulkes, and also the occupier, Mr. Roffway. Mr. Roffway had occupied the "Windmill Tavern" for about twenty years, a house containing all the accommodation that was requisite, and which had been increased by improvement from time to time. The application had been refused on two previous occasions, and there were no new grounds, he submitted, for coming to any other decision.

Mr. Coles said he was anxious to arrive at Mr. Prudhoe's position with regard to the road. The magistrates had had recently three or four cases before them, in which some doubt had been expressed as to whether it was a public road. Certain omnibuses were kept out, which the South Eastern Company said they had a right to keep out.

Mr. Lewis said there was an ancient public foot-path from Strood Street to Frindsbury, but he could not say whether the road was a public one.

Mr. Alderman Essel explained that until of late years the public had no right to the road. The pathway to which the public had a right was formerly on the top of the sea wall, but in order to negative the right of the public way, a bar was placed along the road. The public had no right to pass along that road with carriages, and it was not a public carriage way. He then called Mr. Roffway, who deposed that his house was within a minute or a minute and a half's walk of the station, and was on the same side of the way. When the works of the new bridge were begun, a great number of houses were taken down, by which he was deprived of a large portion of the trade which formerly belonged to this house.

Mr. Lewis having replied, the magistrates granted the license.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Monday 15 May 1865.

A suspicious case.

Charles Thomas Taylor and Richard Sunsbury, from London, were charged with being drunk and incapable, at Strood, on the 8th instant. Beside the case of drunkenness, there was some suspicious circumstances surrounding the matter, which may be gathered from the following evidence:- Sergeant Parrot stated the prisoners were drinking at the "Windmill Tavern," Canal Road, Strood, on Monday morning. He heard they had a good deal of money in their possession, including £10 Bank of England notes, &c. He took them to the station house for protection. On being searched, a smaller amount of money was only was found upon them. The landlady of the "Watermill" had told him that they had been seen with several £10 notes in their possession. Superintendent Radley said as the prisoners were being brought to the station, a purse, containing gold and other money, was picked up on Rochester Bridge by a lad who was passing over at the time. The prisoner Taylor stated that he had lived with his father at 21, Tavistock place, Tavistock Square, near Charing Cross. His father was Foreman to Mr. Lang, a builder. He denied having had any notes in his possession, but said he had lost a great deal of money which he had saved up. He had been acquainted with the other prisoner for about 12 months. Superintendent Radley said as it was probable that the money was the proceeds of some robbery, he should ask the Bench to remand the prisoners, in order to give him time to make proper enquiries through. The prisoners were discharged, but the Magistrates ordered the money to be detained in the custody of the superintendent, until further enquiries have been instituted.



George Henry Cossey of the Watermill Canal Road Frindsbury died 10 January 1921 to Ellen Sophia Cossey Widow.

Her Probate: Ellen Sophia (Sage) Cossey of the Watermill Canal Road Strood died 21 Oct 1934 (she was born in 1867).



ROFFWAY George 1832-52+ (age 45 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1832-34

COSSEY George Henry 1911+


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-